
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

New power

As they were in a camp sight, Oscar had actived his gach system with ken press something comes it was a 6 star but it was not weapon or a person but instead an ability

[ Ability Mimicry, from the world of GOH ]

Oscar watched in awe as the notification from his gacha system appeared before him, glowing with an ethereal light.

[Ability Mimicry, from the world of GOH]

"Interesting," he murmured, reading the description. "This ability lets me copy the powers or techniques of others, even if just for a short while. This could be really useful."

Ruby, sitting by the campfire and sharpening Crescent Rose, glanced over at him. "What did you get this time, Oscar?"

"An ability," Oscar replied, his eyes still fixed on the holographic display. "It's called Mimicry. It lets me replicate the abilities of others."

Muelsyse looked intrigued. "That sounds incredibly powerful, especially if you use it strategically. You could adapt to almost any situation."

Shiro nodded, leaning back against a log. "It's a versatile skill. With all the different powers we've encountered, having the ability to mimic them could give us a significant edge."

Artoria looked thoughtful. "Indeed. But you'll need to practice with it, Oscar. Mastery over such a skill requires understanding and precision."

Oscar nodded, appreciating the advice. "I will. But right now, we need to focus on our mission. Leo's betrayal is a serious threat, and we can't afford to be distracted."

Merlin, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "I've been thinking about what we heard earlier. If Leo's men are already suspicious of him, we might be able to use that to our advantage."

"Divide and conquer?" Ruby suggested, her eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and determination.

"Precisely," Merlin agreed. "We sow seeds of doubt among his followers, weakening his support. It might give us the opening we need to confront him directly."

"Sounds like a plan," Oscar said, deactivating the gacha system and standing up. "We'll need to be cautious, but this could work. Everyone, get some rest. Tomorrow, we put this plan into action."

As the group settled in for the night, Oscar couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. With his new ability and the support of his friends, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The battle for Haven was about to begin, and they were determined to emerge victorious. As then Oscar touched shiro hand as then his mind went blank, as whole house of memory went to his head, as he saw all of shiro memory not just that the other version as well

Oscar's hand brushed against Shiro's, and suddenly, his vision blurred. He felt an overwhelming rush of memories, as if he were drowning in another life. No, multiple lives.

Images flashed before his eyes—Shiro's childhood, his training, his battles, and his struggles. But it didn't stop there. He saw alternate versions of Shiro, each with their own unique paths and experiences. There was Shiro as a hero, Shiro as a mage, Shiro in countless battles across different worlds and realities.

Oscar staggered back, overwhelmed by the influx of information. Shiro, noticing the sudden change, quickly grabbed Oscar's shoulder to steady him.

"Oscar? What's happening?" Shiro asked, concern evident in his voice.

Oscar blinked, trying to process the torrent of memories. "I… I saw everything. Your memories, your experiences. Not just you, but other versions of you too. I didn't just mimic your abilities—I connected with your entire being."

Muelsyse hurried over, her face a mix of worry and curiosity. "Are you alright, Oscar?"

"I think so," Oscar replied, shaking his head to clear the remaining haze. "It's just… a lot to take in."

Shiro's eyes widened in realization. "It must be the Mimicry ability. It's more powerful than we thought. It's not just copying skills; it's accessing everything that makes up a person's abilities, including their memories and experiences."

Artoria stepped closer, her expression serious. "This could be both a blessing and a curse, Oscar. You've gained incredible knowledge, but you must be careful. Too much information can be overwhelming."

Oscar nodded, taking a deep breath. "I understand. I'll need to be cautious when using this ability. But for now, we have a mission to focus on."

Merlin looked intrigued. "This new power could be a game-changer, especially if you learn to control it. But like Artoria said, caution is key."

Ruby, who had been quietly watching, finally spoke up. "If anyone can handle it, it's you, Oscar. We believe in you."

Oscar smiled at her words of encouragement. "Thanks, Ruby. I'll do my best. Now, let's get some rest. Tomorrow, we put our plan into action and confront Leo."

The group settled in for the night, each of them contemplating the events of the day and the challenges ahead. Oscar lay down, his mind racing with the new knowledge and memories. He knew that controlling this ability would be crucial, but with his friends by his side, he felt ready to face whatever came next. The battle for Haven was approaching, and they were determined to succeed.

Let me try something. Oscar said looks at them.

Oscar focused, feeling the energy from the new ability coursing through him. "Trace on," he murmured, invoking the phrase he had seen Shiro use countless times in his memories.

In an instant, he felt the power surging through him, connecting him to the vast knowledge of weapon creation and reinforcement that Shiro possessed. Oscar raised his hand, envisioning a simple yet powerful weapon.

Blue light crackled around his hand as a katana began to materialize, its form taking shape with intricate details and precise craftsmanship. The weapon glowed briefly before solidifying, becoming as real as any forged blade.

Oscar held the katana aloft, marveling at the craftsmanship and the ease with which he had created it. The group watched in astonishment, their expressions a mix of awe and approval.

"Incredible," Artoria said, her eyes shining with admiration. "You've truly mastered the Mimicry ability, Oscar."

Shiro nodded, a proud smile on his face. "You did it perfectly. This power will definitely be an asset in our fight."

Merlin chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "It seems we have a prodigy in our midst. Well done, Oscar."

Muelsyse clapped her hands, her expression one of genuine excitement. "That was amazing, Oscar! You'll be able to create all kinds of weapons now."

Ruby's eyes were wide with excitement. "That was so cool, Oscar! Can you make another one?"

Oscar nodded, feeling more confident. "Sure, Ruby. Let's see what else I can do."

He focused again, this time imagining a different weapon—a pair of short swords. "Trace on," he whispered, and the blue light enveloped his hands once more. The short swords appeared, their blades gleaming and perfectly balanced.

Ruby's face lit up as she admired the swords. "Wow, those look awesome! You're really getting the hang of this."

Oscar handed the swords to Ruby, who twirled them expertly. "Thanks, Oscar. These will definitely come in handy."

As the group continued to practice and prepare, Oscar felt a newfound sense of purpose and determination. With his friends by his side and his newfound abilities, he was ready to face any challenge that lay ahead. The battle for Haven was looming, but together, they were unstoppable.

The night passed with the group refining their strategies and preparing for the upcoming confrontation with Leo. They knew the path ahead was fraught with danger, but with their combined strengths and Oscar's new power, they felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited them.

As the next Morning arrived after as shiro made food for everyone he said something

You know after yesterday's. Shiro said looking at Saber. Gilgamesh is having a panic attack probably wondering why

Hearing this saber giggled as, Ruby, Oscar, Muelsyse and Merlin were confused.

Who is Gilgames. Oscar said confused. Is one your allies from your world

Shiro chuckled as he handed out plates of breakfast. "Not exactly an ally. Gilgamesh is more of a powerful and arrogant king who tends to see everyone else as beneath him. He's the King of Heroes, possessing an immense collection of treasures and weapons."

Artoria, also known as Saber, smirked slightly. "He's not someone you could call an ally easily. He has a...unique way of seeing the world and those in it."

Ruby tilted her head, still puzzled. "So, he's like a super powerful enemy?"

Merlin nodded, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Indeed. Gilgamesh is a formidable foe. His power and arrogance are unmatched. However, seeing him panic would be quite the sight."

Muelsyse raised an eyebrow. "So, why would he be panicking?"

Shiro took a seat, joining the others. "Because Oscar's ability to mimic weapons and skills so perfectly would unsettle him. He prides himself on having the greatest treasures and weapons. The idea that someone else can replicate them would be a blow to his ego."

Oscar frowned, trying to wrap his head around it. "So, he's basically a king with a giant collection of powerful weapons, and he doesn't like it when someone else can make similar ones?"

"Exactly," Shiro confirmed. "Gilgamesh believes himself to be above everyone else. Seeing someone with the potential to challenge his supremacy in terms of weapon creation would be a shock to his system."

Artoria took a sip of her tea, looking thoughtful. "We may not have to worry about him here, but it's important to understand the kind of individuals that exist in other worlds. It prepares us for any encounters we might face."

Ruby's eyes sparkled with interest. "Other worlds sound so amazing and complicated. I wish I could see them."

Oscar smiled at her enthusiasm. "Maybe someday, Ruby. For now, we need to focus on the task at hand—finding the Spring Maiden and dealing with Leo."

Muelsyse nodded in agreement. "Right. We have our mission, and we need to stay focused. But it's fascinating to learn about these other worlds and the powerful beings that inhabit them."

The group continued to eat and discuss their plans for the day, their bond strengthening as they shared stories and experiences. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but with their combined strengths and newfound knowledge, they were ready to face whatever came their way.

So he is basically this mean as a person. Ruby shows her phone where it was man saying is this some poor person joke I am to rich to understand. Because this 100 match what you guys are saying

Shiro glanced at Ruby's phone and laughed. "Yeah, that pretty much sums up Gilgamesh. He's incredibly arrogant and has a massive superiority complex."

Artoria nodded in agreement. "He does view most people as beneath him, though he does have moments where he respects strength and bravery."

Ruby shook her head, still amused. "Wow, he sounds like a handful."

"He definitely is," Merlin added, sipping his tea. "But his arrogance is matched by his power, so he can back up his claims most of the time."

Oscar chuckled, then grew serious. "Well, hopefully, we won't have to deal with someone like him here. We have enough on our plate already."

Shiro nodded. "Agreed. Let's focus on our mission. Finding the Spring Maiden and dealing with Leo are our priorities."

Artoria stood up, ready to get moving. "Let's gather our things and head out. We've got a lot of ground to cover."

He doesn't even respect his master. Shiro said looking at them. Will unless your name is Ritsuka Fujimaru, Hakuno or Tine Chelc I would make a joke about her name I feel he will somehow find out and nuke me

The group laughed at Shiro's comment, their spirits lifted by the humor despite the seriousness of their mission.

"Gilgamesh really sounds like a character," Ruby said, still chuckling. "But we should stay focused. We have to deal with Leo and whatever else comes our way."

"Agreed," Merlin added, his expression becoming serious. "Let's keep our eyes open and stay alert. We can't afford to miss any clues."

As they continued their journey, the landscape began to change. The towns they passed through were small and quiet, with fewer Huntsmen and Huntresses around. It seemed like a likely place for someone wanting to stay hidden.

Oscar walked beside Muelsyse, feeling a growing connection with her. "So, what do you think our chances are of getting to Leo without too much trouble?" he asked.

Muelsyse looked thoughtful. "It's hard to say. But if we stay vigilant and work together, we have a good chance. We just have to be prepared for anything."

As they approached the next town, they noticed a group of people gathered around a bulletin board. The group exchanged glances and headed over, hoping to gather some useful information.

"Excuse me," Artoria said politely to one of the townsfolk. "We're looking for a Huntsman named Leo. Have you heard anything about his whereabouts?"

The man shook his head. "Can't say I have, miss. But you might want to check with the innkeeper. They usually know more about the comings and goings around here."

"Thank you," Artoria said with a nod. She turned to the group. "Let's check the inn. It's our best lead so far."

They made their way to the inn, a modest but well-kept establishment. The innkeeper, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, greeted them warmly.

"Welcome, travelers. How can I help you today?"

"We're looking for a Huntsman named Leo," Shiro began. "Have you seen anyone matching that description recently?"

The innkeeper thought for a moment. "Well, we did have a man staying here a few days ago who might fit that description. He kept to himself mostly, but he left abruptly. Said he had important business to attend to."

"Did he mention where he was headed?" Oscar asked, hope lighting his eyes.

"Yes, he mentioned heading north," the innkeeper replied. "He said there was something he needed to find there."

"Thank you," Muelsyse said with a smile. "That's very helpful."

As they left the inn, Ruby turned to the group. "Looks like we're headed north."

"Let's move quickly," Shiro said, determination in his voice. "We might be closer to finding Leo than we thought."

With renewed purpose, the group set off towards the north, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Meanwhile, Raven watched the group from a distance, contemplating her next move. She knew she couldn't trust Ozpin or his inner circle, but something about this group intrigued her. She decided to follow them, curious to see where their journey would lead and what role they would play in the unfolding events.

To be continued

Yeah Oscar just got over powered so yeah anyway give me power stones this is not what is a demand