
RWBY: Oscar the gamer

Oscar pine was chosen for manything, the last thing he expected was to have what is it called oh or right, a system yeah he didn't expect that he just hopes this is the craziest thing to happen to him MC: Oscar ship: Oscar x Harem so yeah this will my own type of system with it's one rules and everything, also yeah hope people like this

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

After math part 1

Ch 36 Talking to Ozpin

As Oscar woke up he saw he was in room, it was Japanese style room as he looked around, as he was thinking.

Ah Merlin broth me here. Oscar said getting up. Well at least we won the battle

[ Quest completed, do to you finding the spring Maiden raven toy have gotten trh skill tracking, the skill allows you to track anyone and anything, do to you completing the mission and killing Leo you got a stone crushing the stone will give you Leo Semblance, also do to you killing skill blood lust has been upgraded from blood lust detection to blood lust relished would learn to learn more about this skill ]

Oscar nodded to himself, acknowledging the notifications from his system. With a sense of accomplishment, he knew that their victory in the battle against Leo had come with valuable rewards.

As he pondered his next move, a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Come in," Oscar called out, curious to see who it was.

The door slid open, revealing Ozpin standing in the doorway. "Good morning, Oscar," Ozpin greeted him with a warm smile. "I hope you're feeling rested after yesterday's events."

Oscar nodded, offering a small smile in return. "Yes, thank you. It's been quite the day."

"Indeed," Ozpin agreed, stepping further into the room. "I wanted to speak with you about what happened yesterday. Your actions in the battle were commendable, but there are still questions that need to be addressed."

Oscar listened attentively as Ozpin continued, his expression growing serious. "Specifically, I'm concerned about your encounter with Leo. It's clear that he was hiding something, and I fear that there may be more to his allegiance than meets the eye."

"I understand," Oscar replied, his mind racing with thoughts of Leo's unexpected transformation. "We still don't know the full extent of his connection to Salem or what his ultimate goals may be."

"Exactly," Ozpin agreed, his gaze piercing. "Which is why I believe it's imperative that we gather as much information as possible. We need to uncover the truth behind Leo's actions and determine the extent of Salem's influence within our ranks."

Oscar nodded in agreement, his determination renewed. "I'll do whatever it takes to help uncover the truth, Ozpin. We can't afford to let Salem's schemes go unchecked."

"Good," Ozpin said, a sense of resolve in his voice. "We'll need to work together to ensure that Remnant remains safe from harm. But for now, I suggest you take some time to rest and recuperate. You've earned it."

With a grateful nod, Oscar watched as Ozpin exited the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts. As he reflected on the events of the past day, he knew that their battle against Leo was only the beginning of a much larger conflict—one that would test their strength and resolve in ways they couldn't yet imagine.

But with allies like Ozpin by his side, Oscar was confident that they would face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination. As he settled back into his room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism for the future, knowing that they were one step closer to uncovering the truth and protecting the world they held dear.

But there are some problems. Ozpin siad looking at Oscar. May students of heaven saw your fight with our any context, and you killed Leo the higher ups are not liking this some in heaven want you in prison and many more

Oscar's heart sank at Ozpin's words, realizing the gravity of the situation. "I understand," he said solemnly, a weight settling in his chest. "I didn't mean for things to escalate to this point, but Leo left us with no choice. We had to act to protect ourselves and others."

Ozpin nodded, his expression grave. "I know, Oscar. And while your actions were justified in the heat of battle, the repercussions are still significant. We'll need to address this situation carefully to ensure that it doesn't escalate further."

"What do you suggest we do?" Oscar asked, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew that their reputation and standing within Haven Academy were at stake, and he was determined to find a solution.

"We need to be transparent about what happened," Ozpin replied, his tone firm. "We'll need to explain the circumstances of the battle and make it clear that our actions were in self-defense. It won't be easy, but it's the only way to regain the trust of our peers and the higher-ups."

Oscar nodded in agreement, steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead. "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right, Ozpin. I won't let our actions tarnish the reputation of Haven Academy."

"Good," Ozpin said, his gaze unwavering. "I have faith in you, Oscar. Together, we'll weather this storm and emerge stronger than before."

With renewed determination, Oscar prepared himself for the difficult conversations and decisions that lay ahead. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but with Ozpin's guidance and the support of his allies, he was confident that they would find a way to navigate through the turmoil and emerge victorious.

So what now. Oscar said looking at Ozpin. What do we do now.

Let see. Ozpin said looking at him. you have two options you can leave beacon and go into hiding, you, ruby and team A.S.M.M or

"Or," Ozpin continued, "we can face this head-on. We can stay at Beacon and work to rebuild trust, showing everyone that our actions were justified and that we're committed to protecting the academy and its students."

Oscar considered Ozpin's words carefully, weighing the risks and benefits of each option. "If we leave," he began slowly, "we might be able to avoid further conflict, but it could also be seen as an admission of guilt. On the other hand, if we stay and fight, we could clear our names, but we'll also be putting ourselves at risk."

"It's a difficult decision," Ozpin acknowledged, "and one that only you can make. Whatever you choose, know that I'll support you."

With a determined nod, Oscar made his decision. "We stay," he said firmly. "We face this together, as a team. And no matter what happens, we'll prove that we're worthy of the trust placed in us."

Ozpin smiled, a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "I knew you'd make the right choice, Oscar. Now, let's get to work. We have a lot to do if we're going to rebuild Beacon's reputation."

As they set off to confront the challenges that lay ahead, Oscar couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism. Despite the uncertainty of the road ahead, he knew that with courage, determination, and the support of his friends, they would overcome whatever obstacles came their way.

As Ozpin left, Merlin, Shiro and Artoria manifested next to him, as they just looked at there masters or the person who summoned him in Merlin case

"Quite the predicament we find ourselves in," Merlin remarked, his tone somber as he surveyed the room. "Ozpin seems concerned about the fallout from your battle with Leo."

Shiro nodded in agreement, her expression grave. "It's clear that tensions are running high among the higher-ups at Haven. We'll need to tread carefully if we're to avoid any further complications."

Artoria remained silent, her eyes betraying the concern she felt for her master. As the loyal knight of the round table, her duty was to protect Oscar at all costs, but she knew that their current situation posed a formidable challenge.

Oscar sighed, running a hand through his hair as he mulled over their options. "Leaving Beacon might be our best course of action for now," he said finally, his voice tinged with resignation. "But we can't just disappear without a trace. We need to plan our next move carefully."

Merlin nodded in agreement, his gaze steady as he regarded Oscar. "Agreed. We'll need to gather more information and assess the situation before we make any decisions. In the meantime, we should focus on keeping a low profile and avoiding any further confrontations."

With a sense of determination, the group set about formulating a plan to navigate the challenges that lay ahead. Despite the uncertainty of their circumstances, they remained united in their resolve to protect each other and preserve the fragile peace they had fought so hard to achieve.

Meanwhile Raven was talking to her brother Qrow as they talked.

So you have daughter. Raven said talking about ruby. And she doesn't even know your bad father brother

Qrow let out a weary sigh, his expression troubled as he met Raven's gaze. "Yeah, I have a daughter," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "But she's better off not knowing about my past. I've made too many mistakes, Raven, and I can't risk dragging her into all of that."

Raven regarded her brother with a mixture of empathy and frustration. "You can't keep hiding from her forever, Qrow," she said firmly. "Ruby deserves to know the truth, no matter how painful it may be. She's strong, she can handle it."

Qrow nodded, his resolve firming as he considered Raven's words. "You're right," he conceded, his expression resolute. "I'll tell her... when the time is right. But for now, let's focus on keeping her safe and out of harm's way."

With a silent understanding passing between them, Raven and Qrow turned their attention back to the task at hand, each determined to protect their loved ones and confront the challenges that lay ahead.

The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence, the tension palpable. Yang's glare bore into Ruby, who sat nervously, fidgeting with her hands. Weiss, standing nearby, shifted uneasily, clearly wishing she could be anywhere else.

"Ruby," Yang finally spoke, her voice low and simmering with anger. "What were you thinking? You put yourself and everyone else in danger!"

Ruby's eyes widened, her guilt evident. "I... I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand," she stammered, her voice small. "I just wanted to help."

"Help?" Yang's voice rose, incredulity and frustration mixing. "By almost getting yourself killed? By dragging us all into this mess?"

Weiss stepped forward, trying to mediate. "Yang, maybe we should all just take a breath and—"

"No, Weiss," Yang cut her off, her eyes never leaving Ruby. "She needs to understand the gravity of what she did."

Ruby's eyes filled with tears, but she held her ground. "I know it was risky, but I couldn't just stand by and do nothing. We have to fight, Yang. We have to stand up for what's right."

Yang's expression softened slightly, the anger giving way to worry. "And what if something happened to you? What if you got hurt or... worse? How am I supposed to live with that, Ruby?"

Ruby reached out, taking her sister's hand. "I'm sorry, Yang. I didn't mean to scare you. I just... I just want to make a difference."

Yang sighed, pulling Ruby into a hug. "Just promise me you'll be more careful. We can't lose you, Ruby."

Weiss watched the sisters, a small smile playing on her lips. Despite the tension, it was clear the bond between them was strong. As the embrace ended, she cleared her throat, drawing their attention.

"We still have a lot to figure out," Weiss said, her tone more relaxed. "But we'll do it together. As a team."

Ruby and Yang nodded in agreement, the tension in the room finally beginning to ease.

The tension in the room began to dissipate as Ruby and Yang shared a moment of understanding. Weiss took a step closer, her expression resolute.

"We need to come up with a plan," Weiss said, her voice steady. "Leo's death and the attack on Haven have put us in a precarious position. We can't afford any more mistakes."

Ruby nodded, wiping away the last of her tears. "You're right, Weiss. We need to figure out our next move."

Yang looked at her sister, her concern still evident. "But what do we do now? Oscar and the others are dealing with the fallout, but we need to stay focused."

Weiss crossed her arms, thinking. "We need to gather more information. There are too many unknowns right now. And we need to stay united. If we start to fracture, everything we've worked for will fall apart."

"Agreed," Ruby said, determination returning to her voice. "We'll stick together and find a way through this."

Just then, the door creaked open, and Blake slipped into the room, her expression serious. "I overheard some of the Haven staff talking. There's a lot of distrust towards us right now. We need to be careful."

Yang's jaw tightened. "Great, just what we need. More people thinking we're the enemy."

"We'll just have to prove them wrong," Ruby said firmly. "Show them that we're here to help, not to cause trouble."

Blake nodded, her eyes meeting Ruby's. "We should also keep an eye on Oscar and the others. If things get worse, they might need our support."

Weiss glanced at Blake, a hint of relief in her eyes. "Good point, Blake. We need to stay vigilant and ready to act at a moment's notice."

Ruby stepped forward, her gaze sweeping over her friends. "Alright, team. We've faced tough situations before, and we've always come through. This time won't be any different. We'll find a way to fix this, together."

Also. Ruby said looking at her team. I think I will leave beacon with Team A.S.M.M and Oscar, you guys were not involved in this onlg the 6 of us and aunty Raven.

What. Yang yalled looking at Ruby. What are you thinking sis I get Oscar you boyfriend but leaving beacon sure ozpin told you about the option but still

Ruby took a deep breath, meeting Yang's gaze with a mixture of determination and sorrow. "Yang, I know this is hard to understand, but we can't stay here. The situation with Leo has made things too complicated. If we stay, we'll only bring more trouble to Beacon and Haven. Oscar, Team A.S.M.M, and Aunt Raven need me right now."

Yang clenched her fists, her frustration evident. "But Ruby, we're a team! We've always faced everything together. How can you just leave us?"

Blake stepped forward, placing a hand on Yang's shoulder. "Yang, Ruby has a point. The best way she can help is by going with Oscar and the others. We can still support her from here and work to clear their names."

Weiss nodded, her expression serious. "Blake's right. We need to think strategically. If Ruby stays, it could make things worse for all of us. But if she leaves, we can work on fixing things from a different angle."

Yang looked between her teammates, her anger slowly giving way to understanding. "I just... I don't want to lose you, Ruby."

Ruby smiled sadly, stepping closer to Yang and hugging her tightly. "You won't lose me, Yang. This isn't goodbye forever. We just need to be apart for a while to make things right. We'll find a way back to each other, I promise."

Yang hugged her back, her voice choked with emotion. "You better keep that promise, sis."

"I will," Ruby said softly, pulling back to look at Weiss and Blake. "I'll keep in touch, and we'll coordinate our efforts. We can still work together, even if we're not in the same place."

Blake gave a small, encouraging smile. "We'll keep fighting, Ruby. No matter where we are."

Weiss nodded in agreement. "And we'll be ready for whatever comes next. You focus on staying safe and helping Oscar. We'll handle things here."

Ruby's eyes shimmered with gratitude. "Thank you, guys. I knew you'd understand."

As the team shared a moment of silent unity, the weight of the decision settled over them. They knew the road ahead would be difficult, but their bond remained unbroken. Ruby's departure was necessary, but it didn't diminish the strength of their friendship or their resolve to fight for a better future.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones