
(17)cat fight! yandere mode yang awakens!

I froze at what happened, I may have been kissed in my past life but even though I've been through it before, I'm still four years old, "what do you mean by that Blake?" I ask with a furious blush as she looks at me with a blank stare, "…you're my future mate…" she said with a head tilt as I look over at Ghira and kali.

Kali had a hand over her mouth while blushing, while I see ghira clenching his fist with a death glare right at me that said 'I'm going to make you wish for death lowly mortal!!!', but he wasn't the reason I was freezing up the most.

The Aston was the dark aura coming off yang, I see here eyes didn't have their bright lilac purple luster , on the contrary they were so dim they looked dead, and she was giving off a smile that wasn't friendly at all.

"Excuse me little kitty…but can you explain what you meant with that kiss?" Yang asked Blake in an unfamiliar, yet oddly familiar tone, it actually reminded me of…her.

Blake looked at her blankly as she tilts her head in confusion as she answers, "…shutouts is my mate…gave first kiss…" she says and that somehow sets yang off as her eyes turn red and her hair started combusting into flames.

"YOU THIEVING BITCH!! I WAS SUPPOSED TO GIVE HIM HIS FIRST KISS!!!" Yang shrieked as raven senses something was off, but decided not to interfere, so I walked over to kali and ghira, "uh…so should we like stop this?" I ask them as Kali chuckles before leaning forward, "no it think it's best for them to settle this between them, although I'm saddened that my little girl has competition." She whispers as we see yang throw a punch at Blake who dodges and counters with a punch to the gut.

Yang staggers for a bit before chuckling, "well I can't be too mad, I do live near him and even train with Shirou!" Yang says in a triumphant tone as Blake freezes as I can see her tail go stiff before looking at me.

"…I won't lose…" was all she said as Kali grabbed her by her shoulders and carries her on her back, "well that was entertaining! Well I think you'll see each other again shirou." Was all Kali said as she walked away leaving yang, ruby and everyone else behind as we all look at yang.

I walk over to her as she stood there frozen and I tap her on the shoulder, "uh yang? What the hell was that?" I ask her as everyone else listened in.

"Swear jar!" Ruby pipes up as I look at her, "whenever you curse you put money in the swear jar!" Ruby explains as I shake my head at how cute she can act at times. Yang chuckled for a few seconds before full on laughing as she clutches her sides.

"I didn't think you'd find me competition this early!! And here I was thinking my only competition was my own sister!" She said while laughing until she was crying, " I wanted to be the one to give you your first kiss!! And yet it got stolen right in front of me!!" She said as she started crying and all I could think to do was hug her until she finally calmed down and I had her lightly snoring form in my arms.

"Well…this was a very eventful day." I say to mom and dad who looked at yang with concern as raven takes yang into her arms as she looks at us, "I think we should head home now." She suggests as we all agree and we head back to the bullhead airstrip and head on home as the sun starts to set and we take the path to my home as we all walked inside and I had tons of things on my mind, like why yang lost it, and why did that remind me of my childhood friend from when we were younger.

"Shirou…why don't you head to bed? You can take a bath tomorrow." Dad suggests as he gave me a look full of concern, "you can talk to yang tomorrow but for now, I think a full nights rest is what you need now." He says as I take his advice and change into a tiger onesie.

And as I covered myself with the blankets I slowly close my eyes and I feel my consciousness slip away from my body and I find myself back in the familiar room of the dungeon safe zone.

"Ah you're here early Mr.Emiya." I hear a familiar voice say as I look over and see Ozpin in the nearby library reading the book of monsters.

"I didn't think you'd be here before me, so how long have you been here?" I ask him as he takes a sip of some coffee, "I've been here for 3 days,so about an hour in real time." Ozpin says as he closes the book he was reading and looks at me.

"So tell me young Shirou, have you wondered where magic came from?"


Well folks I'm gonna cut it off here for now, I'm planning on having Ozpin reveal parts of his life to Shirou and his parents and explaining about his ex and the mysterious cult that has sprung out of the ether.

But I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I'm going to enjoy some Cocoa and watch home alone, peace😁✌️

have a good night all.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts