
RWBY: Ice Queen

Jaune run away from home to fulfill his dream, with months of preparation he was set to go, but unfortunately he wouldn't be able prepare what's coming next. Meeting the sadistic Ice Queen known as Esdeath as a teenager. This is probably surprising that this isn't a harem, considering what kind of author am I.  But yes, this is a single F/M relationship story with Jaune x Esdeath.

Charlottes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


No, this isn't Weiss or Winter-centered fiction, this is about Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill. She's the true definition of Ice Queen.

Anyway, the story is pretty simple Esdeath in RWBY. While it's a crossover it's not a transmigration because I'm going to merge both stories, however not in the way you think.

Tengu exists, and so does the Partas Clan where Esdeath was born and raised. But there's no Empire or Night Raid for that matter.

So the Akame Ga Kill plot won't happen at all, however, some of the characters of Akame Ga Kill exist and they would interact with the main cast in the future.

Also, Esdeath is younger here, she's about the same age as Weiss.

Just a warning though this is a Jaune x Esdeath.

Also, I'm not that good with English, please do point out that if I make mistakes, criticism is welcome.

After months of planning, Jaune still can't believe he's about to do this. He'd defy his family's wishes for doing this, but for the sake of his dream, he'd do it.

His father, his grandfather, his great-grandfather, and his father before him were great huntsmen, a hero of their own generation.

As a kid, he idolized them, and naturally, he wanted to follow in their footsteps, but his family didn't agree with him.

Because they claimed that he wasn't cut for the job, but how exactly would they know when they didn't even let him try?!

Jaune begged and begged for his father to train him so that he could fulfill his dream, but he was met with the same rejection every single time.

His family believed that he'd eventually stop pestering them about it, but they were wrong as each rejection convinced him that he should follow his dream and prove them wrong.

With everything in his backpack ready, he sneakily went outside their mansion early in the morning.

He even stole his family heirloom Crocea Mors, an old relic.

After he got out of range from his family mansion, only then did he let out a huge sigh of relief.

Thank Oum that he wasn't caught red-handed or else months of planning would crumble like dust.

He slapped both sides of his cheeks. "Alright! Now that I've escaped, it's time for stage 2, travel to Vale."

It should be easy, all he needs to do is follow the road and he'll eventually get there.

He got lost, and he doesn't even know how he was so sure that he was on the right path but after the next hour, the road to Vale was no more.

Jaune was literally in the middle of the forest, as he couldn't see any sign of civilization within a mile radius.

The optimistic part of him says that everything is going to be fine, he will get out of this forest easily.

He looked above the sky and it was almost dark.

Yep, he was fucked.

Jaune slowly regretted his decision of running away, but before he could regret it even more, he heard a noise a dozen meters away from his location.

He first thought that it was a Grimm because there's no way a person would be here, aside from him of course.

But his curiosity won over him and decided to check it out.

To his surprise, it wasn't a Grimm but a girl his age, he knew that he shouldn't be thinking things like this in this situation but Oum.

She was the most beautiful girl that he laid his eyes upon, her long blue hair and sky-blue eyes were captivating in his eyes.

Although, it's a bit strange that she's wearing some kind of tribal clothing along with black hair, some kind of symbol in the middle.

He couldn't take his eyes off her, she was like a piece of a beautiful painting that he could watch all day long.

However, he snapped out of it when a pack of Beowolf surrounded the girl, and before he could react his legs moved on their own and readily protected the beautiful girl like a knight from fairy tales.

At least what he imagined it would be, however in reality, he was breathing shakily, nervous about what was about to happen.

Jaune had no experience in combat, he was sure that he'd be ripped apart by this pack of Beowolf, if that's going to happen then so be it.

He'd at least give this girl some time to run, while he sacrificed himself, he couldn't help but laugh at the irony of this situation. He wanted to be a hero.

And he'd get to be one, in exchange for his death.

"Miss! Please run away from here as far as you can! I'll hold them off!" He shouted in a nervous yet determined tone.

The girl in question couldn't help but tilt her head and reply. "And why would I do that?"

If it wasn't for the fact that they were in a dangerous situation, he'd reply something sarcastic but, knowing how dare their situation was, he was forced to become serious. "Because if you don't you'll be killed by the Grimm! Please leave, so that at least my sacrifice won't be in vain."

"Sacrifice…? Oh..oh..! So you're saying you wanted to save me from these…beasts?" The girl replied with a hint of amusement in her voice.


After hearing his reply the girl started giggling and eventually, they became laughter.

Jaune suddenly realized something is wrong with this girl, he thought. 'Is she perhaps insane? If so, then my sacrifice would be for naught!'

Then without a warning, a single Beowolf jumped at him, he was caught off guard and couldn't defend himself in time.

At the moment he thought. 'Is this it? My last moment in life, dying without achieving anything significant?'

All of a sudden, in a blink of an eye the girl he was trying to protect appeared in front of the Beowolf stabbing its neck with a dagger hidden from her hips killing it instantly.

She did it expertly as she did it plenty of times.

Then the rest of the pack was alarmed by the unexpected development, they didn't expect the prey could fight back and successfully kill one of them.

Without hesitation the rest of them jumped at the girl as she was a threat, their beastly instinct told them to kill this person first before killing the other.

However, instead of showing fear in this dangerous situation, the girl did the opposite, she grinned ferally.

She dodges their attack fluidly, and when she found an opening, she didn't hesitate to land a killing blow, she did it without mercy.

In just a few seconds, the pack of Beowolf from before was nowhere to be seen. They were exterminated just like that.

After that, Jaune's butt fell into the dirty ground as he lost all of his adrenaline.

T-that was so close..!

He was 100% sure that he'd die at that very moment, but he didn't, because of the girl he was trying to save.

In the end he was the one who was saved, making his 'sacrifice' useless. After calming down, embarrassment came after.

No wonder she was amused by his 'sacrifice' it's because she never needed to begin with, she was capable of handling the harm that came her way.

"Oum! That was so embarrassing! I tried to save a huntress when she didn't need any saving at all!" Jaune said while burying his face in his hands.

"That was certainly amusing." He heard the girl say beside him.

"Yeah, yeah laugh all you want! It was foolish of me to try to be a hero! And to think I'd embarrassed myself with a beautiful girl…" Jaune muttered the last part.

The girl crouches in front of him while smiling. "You know it's the first time someone tried to protect me."

"Oh yeah? Too bad though you don't need it." He said with a weary smile.

"That's true, but like I said I never had anyone protecting me, even if it's not necessary." The girl then touches her chest and continues. "What you did make my heart flutter, I never felt something like this before."


Jaune had to blink a couple of times before thinking. 'I didn't mishear her right?'

"Strange…is this love perhaps?" The girl kept her hand on her chest while growing blush. "If it's the case…"

The girl stared into his eyes, however to him it felt like she was staring directly at his soul and it made shivers down his spine.

"What's your name?" She asked, more like demanded.

Despite her tone, there's no reason for him not to say his name anyway. "Jaune Arc, what's yours?"

"Esdeath." After introducing herself, suddenly she grabbed the collar of his hoodie and said. "You're mine from now on."

Did he hear that right?

"Excuse me, did I hear it right?"

"Which part?"

"The part where you said that I'm yours?"

"Yes, you heard it right, you are mine and mine alone," Esdeath stated like it was a matter of fact.

He didn't really mishear it and screamed internally. 'What the hell is happening?!'

Yikes, there's no escaping from the sadistic ice queen now jauney!

But hey, at least he got to grab that booty whenever he wanted!

Also I don't plan this story to be longer than 50+ chapters meaning 1.5k x 50 is 75k words.

Pretty short but at least I'm confident of finishing this.