
RWBY: Ice Queen

Jaune run away from home to fulfill his dream, with months of preparation he was set to go, but unfortunately he wouldn't be able prepare what's coming next. Meeting the sadistic Ice Queen known as Esdeath as a teenager. This is probably surprising that this isn't a harem, considering what kind of author am I.  But yes, this is a single F/M relationship story with Jaune x Esdeath.

Charlottes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Jaune's face squirmed as he felt the sunlight hit his face, slowly he opened his eyes, and for a moment or two, he looked confused because he's in an unfamiliar location.

Then after that, he made a look of realization. "Oh, right…I ran away from home and got lost in my way…then-"

His sentence was forcefully cut off, as he felt something in his right arm, he shifted his gaze toward the source and saw that Esdeath was snuggling in his arm.

He had a conflicted look on his face. He honestly didn't know what to feel about this girl, sure she's beautiful but she's far from harmless.

Not to mention, that Ideology of hers made him wary of her, anyone with a right mind could see that this girl is dangerous. Unless they're idiots who believe that girls can't do evil.

But he wasn't that, because he knew girls are capable of evil, his sister for example forced him to dress up. Oum, he wanted to forget that moment so badly, but he couldn't because it's stuck in his memories until he died.

With a sigh, he tried to take his right arm away from Esdeath's grasp, then without a warning her eyes opened wide.

He suddenly felt chill all over his body, as saw that unadulterated feral look in her eyes, then slowly that feral look softened and she recognized who he was.

"G-good morning?"

"Morning.." Esdeath slowly stood up from the sleeping bag that he owned.

While he's a bit scared of the girl, he wasn't rude enough to let her sleep on the cold ground. He wasn't that kind of person, his sisters, especially his mother, made sure that he'll grow up a gentleman.

Thankfully though, the sleeping bag was big enough to fit two people. If he knew this would happen he would have bought the mini tent instead.

Esdeath let out an adorable yawn and then stretched her arms above, after doing the deed, she launched herself to his arm once more.

She acts like a needy cat like this, only if that cat wasn't a tiger, then he wouldn't feel conflicted like this.

"Esdeath…can you let go..? I need to wash my face." He said warily.

Esdeath stares at him for a considerable amount of time, before opening her mouth. "No."

His face twitched at her response. "And why is that?"

"Because you're warm," Esdeath replied without hesitation.

Is that her reason? Woman, he had better things to do! "Sorry, but I need to-"

When he tried to get away, however, he failed as he felt her strong grip. "Stay."

Oum! This girl is damn strong! She had a steel-like grip!


"Shush, stay in that position for a few minutes," Esdeath demanded.

And he did what he was told, damn he's such a pushover, he tried to justify that he can't get away from this woman's grip, which is technically true. But it doesn't change the fact that he followed her demand without much of a fight.

After a few minutes, thankfully true to her words, she let him go.

He couldn't stop himself from sighing after that, then he stood up from his sleeping bag and went to get his backpack, opened it and took a container of fresh water, and started washing his face.

Now, he was fully awake then he looked beside him and saw Esdeath doing some sort of training regimen.

To say that he wasn't captivated by the sight would be a lie, he didn't realize that he was watching her from start to end, he only realized when Esdeath finished her training regimen.

He blinked as he snapped out of it. "What the..?" He muttered softly, then he decided to ask. "What sort of regimen was that?"

Esdeath wipes the sweat from her forehead and shifts her attention toward him and replies. "A warm-up."

"A warm-up..? What do you mean-" He stopped his sentence midway as he just witnessed the most ridiculous training method that he witnessed with his own eyes.

It was simply inhumane, his mouth dropped at the scene in front of him.

He saw her lift a boulder ten times her size, he guessed that the boulder must've been at least a dozen tonnes of weight at the minimum!

And she started lifting it like it was a barbell, holy shit. Is this even humanly possible?

Even though he witnessed it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it.

A monster, she's definitely a monster!

"Alright, that's it for today!" Esdeath was covered with her sweat from head to toe.

Jaune was frozen in shock on the spot, he didn't move a muscle since she started lifting the boulder.


He suddenly snapped out of it when his name was called. "Y-yeah?"

He suddenly cursed himself for stuttering, however, he couldn't help it after witnessing that scene.

"I need to take a bath, wanna do it together with me?" Esdeath said expectantly.

"O-oh, yeah sure."

"Great! Let's go then." Esdeath's mood brightened and started dragging him somewhere.

Wait…he only realized what he just agreed to after he was dragged by Esdeath.

"Wait! Wait!" He exclaimed.

However, she didn't listen to him and continued to drag him somewhere.

They arrived at a river close to the cave, he didn't know that there was a river there, but then again he was unfamiliar with this place, however, currently, it wasn't his main concern!

In front of him was Esdeath who was naked like the day she was born, no matter how monstrous she may be, she was the most beautiful woman that he laid upon and it wasn't an exaggeration on his part, he truly believed that she was.

That's why he was having a hard time not blushing at the sight before him, he saw those perfect womanly curves of hers and burned them straight into his memories.

He was so damn sure, that he'd never forget this for the rest of his life.

"Jaune! Come here or I'll drag you myself!" Esdeath shouted.

"W-wait! I'm coming!" He didn't want her to drag him, because it would be more embarrassing.

He took off his shirt, but not his pants. There's no way he'd do that because if he did, she'd notice his boner!

Although it's a late question, he shouted in his mind. 'Why is she naked?!'

And after taking a bath with her, well 'technically' since he bathes with her in the same lake, most of the time he avoids her like a plague, thankfully she didn't force him to be close to her, or else he'd probably faint.

Okay, that's a lie he wasn't that pathetic. He won't faint like those in mistralian cartoons.

Because he wouldn't probably be able to stop his hormones from doing things to her, maybe.

But he can't just trust himself, so distancing may be the best for them.

After both finished taking a bath, he didn't waste time and asked her why she was naked while taking a bath in the river.

Then she looked at him like he was some sort of alien. "Isn't it obvious to take a bath while naked?"

He knows that damn it! That's common sense!

"I know that! But that isn't what I meant! I was there, you know, looking at your naked body, aren't you afraid that I'd look?" He looked embarrassed while he said that.

Esdeath blinked at him and answered. "Why would I be afraid of it?"

"You should be! What if some other guys saw you naked?" He argued.

"Then, I'll catch them and rip their eyes from their faces." She answered it a bit too seriously.

Making him a bit pale after hearing that, then she continued. "But of course, you're an exception, that's why it's perfectly fine for you to watch my naked body."

He didn't know what to say to that, he honestly couldn't comprehend this girl.

"So, what do you think of my body? Is it good?" She questioned him with a smile.

Suddenly a blush appeared on his face. "W-what kind of question is that?! Why would you think I'd answer that?!"

"Because I asked?"

"Yeah, no, that's not enough reason for me to answer that!" He ranted.

"Come on, tell me I won't be mad at your answer promise!" She pestered him with a smile.

"No, is no!" He shook his head.

"Answer my question and I'll let you feel my breasts. I know you've been looking at them since yesterday, you like them, don't try to deny it." Esdeath said with a knowing look.

Jaune suddenly paused, he did not expect her to say that without feeling embarrassed, but it would be a lie if he wasn't tempted, but he stood his ground.

He may regret this but he can't let her win!


Curses that was a weak reply! Not to mention how he sounded uncertain!

'Damn you hormones! Damn you!'

Both continued to bicker back and forth, honestly, he was still uncertain about what he felt about her, she's dangerous that's for sure, but this moment made him realize that there were a lot of things that he doesn't know about Esdeath.

Teasing, laughing she's like a normal girl like this, aside from her twisted ideology.

He wasn't sure if he'd regret this decision in the future but he'd like to know more about her before deciding what kind of person she is.

You won't regret that's for sure, Esdeath is a nice woman that's for sure, but that's only limited if you're on the same side as her and if you're an enemy meh, just pray to god that you won't encounter her because you're a 100% dead.