The protagonist is kidnapped by a capricious god and thrown into the world of RWBY, where social and sexual rules are completely reversed. Here, women take the initiative in relationships, while men assume a passive role. In this strange and twisted universe, he is given a mission: he must find a girlfriend and cheat on her, or face the punishment of testicular torsion. Author's Note: I'm not a writer; I just thought this would be fun to create.
Daniel steps back a few paces, takes a deep breath, and runs towards the edge of the tower. Without hesitation, he leaps into the void, gripping Aegis tightly in his hands. In that moment, time seems to slow down. The roar of the wind surrounds him, but the fall is not as chaotic as he expected.
For a brief moment, everything feels strangely serene. Gravity pulls him with force, but Daniel doesn't scream or resist; he simply lets the height and vertigo embrace him. His eyes remain wide open, absorbing every detail around him. The horizon curves before him, the cold air brushes his face, and in his arms, Aegis stays still, as if it too accepts the fate they share.
And now, the end is near ♪♫♪♫
The tower windows reflect his figure as he descends, capturing fleeting glimpses of his movement. With each passing image, something inside him seems to activate, bringing forgotten memories to the surface—moments from his life that emerge naturally, as if waiting to be relived.
And so I face the final curtain ♪♫
Daniel floats in the void, suspended in the middle of nowhere. "Fuck off, you fucking orb!" he yells, letting his frustration burst into words as he insults the sphere that brought him to this world. In hindsight, he realizes that insulting God's bitch might not have been the best idea.
My friend, I'll say it clear ♪♫
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain ♪♪♫♪
He's lying on the forest floor, curled up in a fetal position, his body trembling as tears fall from his face. Daniel forces his mind to push that memory away, causing a lapse in his memory, which leads him to another moment: he's being chased by a Beowulf, ready to tear him apart. "Ah, much better!" Daniel thinks as he watches the scene unfold. It would have been the fastest reincarnation in history if it weren't for Aria, who arrives just in time to save him. In that moment, Daniel realizes he never thanked her properly.
I've lived a life that's full ♪♫♪
He's lying on the floor of the apartment, smoking with Neo. Both are completely stoned, and Daniel starts sharing his deepest secrets and thoughts with her. But Neo doesn't seem to care much; she's more worried about the possibility of the world's ice cream running out. Her breathing is fast, her fingers digging into the floor—Neo's having a bad trip.
I traveled each and every highway ♪♪♫
Daniel arrives in Vale. The buildings, the technology... it all seems like shit to him, as if someone had mixed two completely different styles without caring how they fit together. "Horrible," was his first impression when he saw it. Now, more than half a year has passed since he arrived... and he hasn't changed his mind. He still thinks the same.
And more, much more than this ♪♫♪
I did it my way ♪♫♪
Daniel is in the office, talking to the cat woman who helped him get his papers for Vale—of course, all in exchange for a little favor under the desk. The scene shifts, and now he's in a restaurant, watching as a couple gets kicked out for offending the chef with their order. A smile forms on his lips. He doesn't regret it one bit.
Regrets, I've had a few ♪♪♫♪
Bam! A punch to the face, another to the stomach, and kicks that seem to go on forever. It doesn't matter that he's already on the ground. He relives the beating he took from those punks, falling back into that memory. The laughter of his attackers echoes in his mind, and that really pisses him off.
But then again, too few to mention ♪♫♪
I did what I had to do ♪♫♪♫
The image of him smashing one of the punks' heads with a metal bar is sharp in his mind. The blood splattering, the hollow sound of the impact... He feels no remorse, only the certainty that he did what was necessary to survive. Another memory invades him: breaking an attacker's arm before forcing her to eat the mint cookie. Teleported, or at least it seems so, probably to the top of a frozen mountain.
And saw it through without exemption ♪♫♪
I planned each charted course ♪♫♪
Daniel looks at the pages of his journal, covered in scribbles and scattered theories. There are also the statistics he carefully noted about people, as well as experiments with plants. His methods for caring for them, his obsession with the little details... everything is in place. Every note has a purpose, an order, even if it sometimes seems chaotic.
Each careful step along the byway ♪♫♪
He's running through the aquarium, dragging Ruby behind him. They make their way through the halls, leaving a group of knocked-out guards behind. Aegis has left its mark, and this time, it was in the form of a dead fish. Daniel can't help but smile, remembering how absurd and funny it was to see the fish explode into a thousand pieces.
And more, much more than this ♪♪♫
I did it my way ♪♫♪♫♪
He's hanging by his hands in Roman's hideout, his body exhausted, while Neo hits him again with a bat. Despite the pain, Daniel endures, maintaining control, not letting out a single grunt. Each blow, though it tears him apart inside, somehow strengthens him, even if just a little. Watching his stats rise has become a strange addiction, a dark satisfaction that pushes him to keep enduring, despite everything.
Yes, there were times ♪♫♪
I'm sure you knew ♪♫♪
The arena roars with excitement, the cheers and shouts of the crowd echoing around him. The bodyguard he's fighting has him by the wrist, lifting him forcefully before slamming him into the ground over and over. Each impact leaves him dazed, feeling his arm breaking with every hit, the pain so intense it threatens to make him lose consciousness.
When I bit off ♪♫♪
More than I could chew ♪♫♪♫♪
With all his strength, amplified to the max by rage and powered by Aegis, Daniel throws his fist directly into the bodyguard's head. The punch is brutal, a violent impact that results in an explosion of blood that drenches the sand. The shock of the hit takes him by surprise for a moment, but the scene, though shocking, won't haunt him in his dreams. He just did what was necessary to survive... and for revenge.
But through it all ♪♫♪
When there was doubt ♪♫♪
I ate it up and spit it out ♪♫♪
The memories stop abruptly when Daniel realizes the ground is just a few meters away. The sound of his fall becomes clearer, and in a blink, he's about to hit the ground. The proximity of the impact catches the attention of two of the three people down below: Weiss and Director Ozpin.
The record shows I took the blows ♪♫♪♫♪
Weiss draws her rapier with a swift motion, creating glyphs that appear one after another, shining brightly like circles of light suspended in the air. Daniel, still falling, quickly observes the patterns of those glyphs. In that moment, his gaze briefly crosses Ozpin's. However, the director remains motionless, showing no reaction as he takes a sip from his cup.
And did it myyyyy waaaaayyyyy ♪♫♪♫♪
The hunter who fell from the tower, of course from a lesser height than Daniel's, doesn't notice him. Daniel moves quickly, making sure the guy is right in his fall path. If his life is going to end this way, he's at least going to enjoy it by doing what he loves most: ruining someone else's day until the last damn second of his existence.
In the final moment, Daniel spins around, covering Aegis with his body. He shuts his eyes tightly, preparing for the impact. In that moment, time snaps back to normal. Daniel crashes into Weiss's glyphs, shattering them one by one like fragile glass fragments. Each break sends a fleeting flash of light, illuminating the air before vanishing into nothingness.
A few seconds passed before Daniel opened his eyes. When he did, his surprise was total. He was no longer falling. He was flying. But, of course, not by himself. He was on Falkor's shoulder, the White Luck Dragon. The dragon, covered in soft fur, had a cheerful expression, much like a dog's, and flew at high speed. Daniel, still stunned, couldn't believe what he was seeing. He looked down and saw the academy in the distance, quickly getting farther away. In the blink of an eye, the city of Vale passed beneath them, small and distant. Daniel smiled, unable to contain his excitement, and raised his hands to the air.
"I'm the king of the world!" he shouted, his voice full of euphoria as they flew toward the sunset. Aegis rested in his arms, and Falkor flew effortlessly, carrying Daniel as if it were nothing. At that moment, the system screen appeared in front of him, and a message appeared in bright letters:
[System Disabled]
That was enough to make Daniel feel as though he had reached the peak of everything. Happiness flooded him, to the point that he felt like he could cry. That was all he ever wanted. He looked at Falkor, his grin still wide. "How can this be real?" he asked, astonished by the surrealism of the moment.
Falkor turned his head to look at him, his eyes shining in the sunset light. "Because it isn't," he replied, his voice soft and almost sad. Daniel looked at him confused, not fully understanding. "I don't get it," he said, furrowing his brow.
Falkor shook his head and sighed deeply. "You crashed," he said simply, with a calmness that clashed with the emotions of the moment.
Daniel didn't know how to take those words, but something caught his attention. Aegis was there, a few meters away from him, now much bigger, almost two meters tall, calmly sitting at a table with tea in hand and a top hat. "He's right," said Aegis as he took another sip of tea. "The fall was brutal. The glyphs tried to slow your descent, but they didn't succeed completely."
"I see…" murmured Daniel, lowering his voice and looking ahead. "I hope you're okay…" he said, looking at Aegis' hallucination with a slight concern.
"Don't worry, your body cushioned my fall quite a bit, so I'm sure I'm fine," Aegis responded with an unsettling calmness.
Daniel couldn't help but look at the horizon. The vastness of what surrounded them seemed more and more unrecognizable. "Am I dead?" he suddenly asked, with a somewhat serious tone, as if somehow expecting the answer to be affirmative.
Aegis let out a soft laugh. "Haha! No, you're not dead. If you were, you'd probably be having a conversation with the orb right now."
Silence followed for a moment as Daniel processed the answer, but a smile began to form on his face.
"I see…" he murmured, feeling himself relax. "Well, if nothing can be done about it…" And in a burst of energy, he raised his hands in the air and shouted, "Fly, Falkor! Fly to where my problems can't reach me! HAHAHA!"
Falkor accelerated the flight, the wind slamming against them as they moved away. Daniel couldn't help but let out a laugh full of freedom. "That's going to be a long trip," Falkor commented with an amused voice. "And if it makes you feel better, I'm sure we crushed the hunter."
Hearing that, Daniel smiled even more and couldn't help but laugh loudly. "Hahaha! Yes, it does! WOOO!"
[Back in reality…]
Daniel was inside a medical Bullhead, speeding toward the city of Vale. Beside him, the machines keeping him alive emitted constant beeps, increasingly erratic as his vital signs weakened. A doctor worked frantically to stabilize him, adjusting equipment as the tension on his face made it clear that time was running out.
Weiss watched helplessly from a few meters away. In her hands, Aegis twisted, trying to escape, while she struggled to contain it. Daniel's bag lay forgotten on the floor for now. Weiss barely managed to stay calm, her attention divided between the device and Daniel's unconscious body, as he was rushed to Vale Hospital in a desperate attempt to save his life.
The doctor stepped back, moving away from Daniel for a moment. His breath was heavy, and concern was clearly reflected in his eyes. "He's stable… for now," he said, addressing Weiss, who accompanied the patient. His voice was full of tension as he quickly removed his gloves. "I need to talk to the pilot. If we don't speed up, he won't survive." Without waiting for a response, the doctor headed toward the cockpit, leaving Weiss alone with Daniel and the machines still fighting to keep him alive.
Weiss heard the doctor's words, and a chill ran down her spine as she watched him walk away. Her mind returned to the moments just a few minutes ago: Daniel's body hitting the glyphs, bouncing violently before colliding with the hunter who looked like a vagabond. She felt guilty, though she knew it wasn't her fault. She hadn't noticed his fall until it was too late. She created the glyphs she could, but they weren't enough. The hunter had also been injured, though to a lesser extent, or so she heard. She didn't pay attention, really didn't care about the hunter.
"A suicide attempt," Ozpin had said while they loaded Daniel into the Bullhead. Those words surprised her. According to Ozpin, Daniel hadn't fallen; he had jumped. Weiss shook her head. "That doesn't make sense," she thought, remembering her talk with him before the incident. "He had plans to go to Atlas. If he were going to commit suicide, why would he have future plans?"
Nothing adds up. Weiss was confused. It was too much to process, although Daniel, in many ways, never made sense.
Ozpin had insisted that Weiss stay to clarify some things, but she had firmly refused. After some tense words and threats, even mentioning cutting off Beacon's dust supply if they didn't let her accompany him, she finally got permission to board the medical Bullhead. "That sure doesn't help my Beacon assistance request…" Weiss murmured, with a resigned tone, though she really didn't care much at that moment. The situation was overwhelming her.
As she reflects, she notices that Aegis is still moving restlessly in her hands, as if he couldn't stay still. "Enough!" Weiss growls, losing her patience. "You're hurt, stop moving." Her gaze fixes on the cracks running across Aegis's body, each one deeper than the last. The small Aegis seems to be struggling to free himself, and Weiss can't help but feel frustrated.
Suddenly, a painful sting in her hand makes her drop him. "Ah! Please!" she exclaims, clutching her hand to her chest, irritated by the sudden pain. She looks at Aegis, who now falls to the floor, rolling a bit before settling in place. "I'm sorry…" she says, trying to apologize quickly, her voice full of regret. "I didn't mean to drop you." But she doesn't have time to dwell on it. Aegis, without losing a second, slips away quickly, heading straight for Daniel's bag.
Weiss can't let that happen. She reacts immediately, moving quickly after him. "Wait! What are you doing now?" she shouts, a mix of discomfort and urgency in her voice. But Aegis has already entered Daniel's bag. Weiss opens the bag decisively, determined to stop him before he causes more trouble. However, what she sees inside stops her.
There is Aegis, fiddling with a canteen that had been in the bag. Weiss furrows her brow, annoyed, and reaches out to snatch it away, but stops when she sees Aegis unscrew the canteen and drink the liquid inside. Weiss finds it strange that Aegis can do something so human, but she remains completely paralyzed as she watches the wounds on Aegis's shell begin to close rapidly, as if they had never existed.
"How...?" Weiss murmurs, completely stunned, unable to comprehend what she's seeing. At that moment, she remembers Daniel's words in the Bullhead: "Look, inside this canteen is magical berry juice that can heal any wound." Daniel's words echo in her mind. She had dismissed them then as just another one of his nonsense, something else Daniel had said without thinking. But now, seeing Aegis heal, she realizes there might be some truth to it.
When Aegis finishes drinking, he raises the canteen toward Weiss, as if expecting something. She blinks, completely confused, until she finally understands what's going on.
"You want me to give it to him?" she asks uncertainly, looking at Aegis with a mixture of surprise and distrust.
Aegis remains still, staring at her intently. Weiss swallows, remembering the doctor's words: "Daniel won't last much longer." A weight falls on her shoulders, but she doesn't have time to think about that. She sighs and grabs the canteen decisively. There's no room for doubt. She holds it firmly, ready to do whatever it takes to save that idiot.
She quickly approaches Daniel, her brow furrowed, jaw clenched. She watches him connected to the respirator, his face pale and sweaty. "This better work," she murmurs, her voice low and tense. "And if it works, you'll owe me a lot, understand?" she growls as if he could hear her. Without further delay, she removes the respirator.
Instantly, the alarms on the machines go off, filling the Bullhead with deafening noise. The lights on the monitors blink red, signaling that Daniel's vital signs are plummeting. "Shit!" Weiss murmurs, not wasting any time. She brings the canteen to Daniel's lips and tilts his head back carefully. "Come on, swallow!" she shouts, forcing her best attempt for him to drink the liquid.
The cabin door suddenly bursts open. "STOP! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" the doctor shouts from the doorway, rushing toward her, alarmed by the alerts and the sight of Weiss disconnecting the respirator. But Weiss doesn't stop. In one quick motion, she draws her rapier, pointing it at the doctor.
"Stay still!" she growls, her eyes full of fury. "Don't move!"
The doctor immediately halts, raising his hands in surrender. His face reflects alarm both from the weapon and from Weiss's intensity. "You're going to kill him!" he exclaims, trying to reason with her.
Suddenly, a sound cuts through the chaos: "Glup." Daniel swallows. It's barely a reflex, but the liquid goes down his throat. Weiss watches, tense, waiting for a positive response. That second feels like an eternity, but in that moment, the machine alarms stop blaring. The lights begin to stabilize, showing an improvement in his vital signs.
"How...?" murmurs the doctor, stunned, quickly approaching Daniel without worrying about Weiss. He's completely absorbed in what's happening. What he sees leaves him speechless: the bruises and cuts on Daniel's face begin to disappear before his eyes. Weiss, seeing this, can't contain her excitement. She lets out a triumphant shout.
"Yes! It works!" she exclaims, euphoric. With steady hands, she continues pouring the liquid into Daniel's mouth.
Again, the sound: "Glup." Daniel swallows once more, and this time, the effects are even more impressive. Daniel's broken leg starts to heal at a dizzying speed. The bones realign, and the muscles regenerate.
The doctor, still in shock, finally reacts. "Let me help," he says, approaching cautiously. "I can do it better. I won't stop you, but let me hold him properly."
Weiss watches him for a moment, evaluating his proposal, before giving a sharp nod. "Do it quickly," she responds, not taking her eyes off Daniel.
The doctor gently moves Daniel, tilting his head into the correct position to ensure the liquid keeps flowing. Weiss continues administering the liquid, her face still focused. Together, they work to keep him stable as Daniel's wounds continue to heal, rapidly.
"Glup... Glup... Glup..."
One, two, three times, Daniel swallows, his reflexes still weak, until suddenly, his eyes snap open. His hand shoots out, reaching for the bottle Weiss is holding, grabbing it quickly and bringing it to his mouth without hesitation. "Glup, glup, glup." The sound of the liquid traveling down his throat repeats again and again as he finishes the contents in a rush, as if his life depended on it... and, in a way, it does.
When he's done, he lets the bottle fall to the floor and sits up sharply on the gurney. His body, almost fully healed, shows no visible wounds, and the machines now display normal vital signs. Daniel looks at Weiss, his face still pale, but with an expression of clear relief.
"I told you it was a magic drink," Daniel says in a hoarse, weak voice, trying to force a smile that's twisted with the effort. But his attempt at a laugh stops instantly when Weiss suddenly lunges at him without warning. Daniel closes his eyes, bracing himself for the worst. "Please, not the face! I live off it…"
But the seconds pass and he feels no pain. Instead, something warm wraps around him, a comforting pressure.
He slowly opens his eyes, and there she is, Weiss, hugging him tightly. Her face is buried against his shoulder, her breathing deep and contained, as if she's trying to calm herself after everything that's happened.
"You almost died…" Weiss murmurs, low enough for only him to hear, her voice trembling with a mix of worry and relief.
Daniel blinks, surprised by the intensity of her reaction. Then he tries to ease the tension with a smile, though his face still reflects exhaustion. "Come on, it couldn't have been that bad... right?"
He lifts his gaze to the doctor, looking for some support to downplay everything that just happened. But the doctor quickly shakes his head, his expression grave and serious. "A few more minutes and you would've been dead. No doubt about it."
Daniel feels a chill run through his body. He swallows, and finally returns the hug to Weiss, his hands trembling slightly.
"Thank you," Daniel says quietly, closing his eyes as he lets himself relax, feeling the tension slowly ease.
Weiss doesn't answer immediately. There's a brief silence, but finally, she speaks, her voice firm but laden with emotion. "Don't thank me. It wasn't my idea."
She slowly pulls away from him and walks toward the bag she had left aside. Carefully, she takes out Aegis and places him on the bed next to Daniel.
There's an awkward moment when both of them avoid looking directly at each other, each processing what just happened. Aegis, sitting on Daniel's gurney, watches the scene with his impassive, but always watchful eyes.
"You're an asshole," Aegis says bluntly, his tone filled with frustration and contained fury.
Daniel doesn't respond immediately. He looks at him in silence, letting Aegis's words settle in the air while he himself takes a moment to regain his strength.
"You almost killed yourself! And, by the way, almost killed me too! Do you know what that means?" Aegis continues, clearly angry. His tiny body shakes as he speaks, his tone rising with each word. "Not to mention, you almost wasted all the work I put into you! Do you have any idea how long it would take me to find and train another puppet like you?"
Daniel, with a tired sigh, lies back on the gurney, closing his eyes for a moment. He lets Aegis continue venting, not trying to interrupt. Though Aegis's tone is harsh and his words biting, Daniel can't help but feel relieved. At least he's alive to hear the scolding.
Meanwhile, the doctor and Weiss watch the scene in complete confusion. To them, Aegis only emits a series of squeaks and high-pitched sounds, but both can clearly perceive that he's furious.
The doctor, unable to hide his curiosity, approaches Daniel with an inquisitive expression. "If I may ask… what was in that bottle?" His gaze shifts toward the empty object resting nearby, visibly intrigued by what seemed like a miraculous panacea.
Daniel turns his head toward him, his face adopting a serious expression that leaves no room for doubt. His voice sounds cold and direct: "Military secret," he replies quickly, without hesitation. "I can't reveal it. If this information leaks, you could cause a big problem."
Weiss raises an eyebrow, surprised by Daniel's firmness, but remains silent, watching closely, not wanting to interrupt.
"As far as you know," Daniel continues, pointing at the doctor with a measured gesture, emphasizing his words, "I was brought to Vale Hospital, and I managed a miraculous recovery. If any of this leaks, I'll make sure you're jailed for treason. Understood?" The threat is clear and direct.
The doctor looks at him, confused, but starts to assess the situation with more caution. They had come from the prestigious Beacon Academy, he was accompanied by the Schnee heir, and he had just witnessed a truly miraculous treatment. Those details were more than enough to make him reconsider any attempt to continue investigating. Finally, he nods nervously and starts writing something on his scroll, clearly uncomfortable with the situation, realizing that any further questions could only complicate things.
The Bullhead takes a few minutes to reach Vale Hospital. With the help of the doctor, Daniel is rushed into a more discreet private room, away from prying eyes. Daniel remains there for a few minutes, in silence, as the doctor finishes arranging the details of his "official story." According to the report, Daniel was never as critical as he seemed; his miraculous recovery would be attributed to his natural resilience and timely medical attention. With a few days of rest, everything would be solved without raising any suspicion.
An hour later, Daniel and Weiss leave through the back of the hospital, avoiding any curious glances.
"Are you going to explain to me what all this was about?" Weiss asks, following Daniel closely with a frown, clearly expecting an answer.
"What exactly do you mean, my dear friend Weiss?" Daniel replied with a casual smile, as if nothing had happened.
Weiss glared at him, clearly frustrated. "A lot of things!" she exclaimed, unable to hide her irritation. "Why the hell did you jump from the tower? And what was that drink that literally brought you back to life?" She paused, crossing her arms, her face reflecting a mix of disbelief, annoyance, and some fatigue. "And one more thing… what do you exactly mean by 'friend'?"
Daniel stopped dead in his tracks, turning toward her with a wide, dazzling smile. Without saying a word, he placed his hand on Weiss's shoulder and pulled her towards him in a friendly, but somewhat abrupt, gesture that caught her off guard. "You saved my life, so now we're best friends!" he said, with an enthusiasm that seemed disproportionate to the gravity of the situation.
Weiss tried to pull away quickly, opening her mouth to refute his words, but Daniel didn't give her space. Without letting her speak, he placed a finger on her lips, interrupting her firmly. "You have no choice, Weiss!" he said with an exaggerated smile. "It's just you and me!" Daniel said, tightening his grip on her shoulder as if that would reinforce his words. Weiss stiffened, clearly uncomfortable. "Relax, we won't be alone!!"
"Sometimes it'll be Neo... and most of the time, Aegis..." Daniel turned to look her straight in the eyes, his tone changing. "But never Ruby!" he said, his voice rising, not hiding his annoyance.
"Who's Ruby?" Weiss asked, somewhat confused by the intensity of his reaction.
Daniel silenced her instantly with a quick hand gesture. "If you want to know... it's because she bothers me!" he said, with a clearly irritated and frustrated expression.
Weiss, somewhat confused and worried by the sudden change in his attitude, furrowed her brow. "Okay... you need to relax, you're too intense…"
Daniel released her immediately and stood in front of her. "Oh~ am I too intense? Welcome to the most intense years of your life, Weiss!" he shouted with energy, causing Weiss to step back.
"First things first, no more Ozpin!" Daniel exclaimed, chasing her as she slowly backed away. "I won't let him discover my secrets!" Daniel began to enter a frenzied state, almost beside himself.
Weiss tripped and fell backward, but Daniel didn't stop. "That's why I jumped, Weiss!" he said, leaning toward her, breathing heavily. "Ozpin wouldn't have let me leave Beacon so easily! After everything I did!" Saliva dripped from Daniel's mouth as his face came closer to Weiss's, his gaze almost frantic. "Now you know the real reason I jumped, Weiss!" [he lies]
His tone became even darker and more serious. "And if you tell anyone what I said, I'll deny it. Because now I'm a ghost, Weiss!" He moved closer, his presence imposing. "And now you're going to do what I tell you."
Weiss tried to pull away, but she was dragged by the foot toward him.
"And I..." Daniel continued, in a breathless voice, "I'm going out to find more power, more money, that's all, Weiss! That's my goal!" Now he was on top of her, and his tone grew darker. "I'm not motivated to be a better person. Or to make a better world. That's a lie. I want power! I want more!"
Weiss tried to resist, struggling a little, but Daniel didn't give her space. "This is the arc of my life, Weiss!" he shouted with intensity. "I don't care if it takes nine seasons! I'm going to get into more and more dangerous situations! Because I've become addicted to having more power! More stats! More skills! More items!"
"And you'll be by my side, Weiss!" he shouted, tightening his grip. "That's all it'll take, Weiss! Season after season, until I have enough power! 97 more chapters! 97 more chapters! Until I get tired!"
AHAHAHAHAHA, Daniel laughed maniacally.
Weiss, watching it all with growing horror, began to regret saving him.
[Mission complete: Assassin's Path]
Passive Ability: Leap of Faith lvl 1
Ability Obtained: Eyes of Icarus lvl 1
Item Obtained: Hidden Blade
- Blocked Ability: Killing Streak
- Blocked Ability: Lethal Assassination
- Blocked Ability: Absolute Silence
[Complete Hidden Blade requirements to unlock abilities]
Author's note: Honestly, this chapter wasn't supposed to go like this at all, it was very, very different. There were scenes with Glynda, Ozpin, and then it would lead to a +18 scene with Glynda, but for some reason, I couldn't write anything this week. Maybe writer's block? I don't know. So I wrote this instead. If I can't write what I originally planned, at least I'll write something that amuses me.
Hugs and kisses.