

Tai: "That's not what I'm worried about, Oz. Logan's already got blood on his hands from before and after he left Menagerie. He already suffers nightmares from it." Tai explained. "What I'm most worried about is the people who did this and how far Logan will take it."

Glynda: "What do you mean, Tai?" Glynda asked. "How can a child that young have blood on his hands already?"

Ozpin: "... I'm guessing it has to do with Menagerie. I'm quite curious about it."

Tai: "Do you want the long or short version? Because ether way, we're gonna need a drink." Tai said as a few officers came to deal with the unconscious police chief and Applewatch for them.

As they were taken away, Ozpin grabbed his coffee mug and gestured Tai and Glynda to follow him. As he lead, the three of them found themselves in a private conference room. After Glynda and Tai entered and took a seat, Ozpin closed the door and shut the window blinds the looked into the room. On a nearby table, separate from the conference one, had a coffee maker prepped and already making coffee. A bit later, Ozpin served coffee to Glynda and Tai after filling up his own.

Ozpin: "It's not hot chocolate or what, but it will do. So tell us, Tai. Where, when, what, why and how? And do start from the beginning." Ozpin asked getting right to the point.

Tai: "Have you heard about Menagerie? About how they've changed so drastically?"

Glynda: "Yes, they gone from fearing to expand, to expanding fearing nothing." Glynda answered for them both. "They even denied the council any face for helping and denounced the 'White Fang Terrorist' group."

Ozpin: "New ship designs. Extensive expansion. New crop planting techniques. A complete reform if you will. In only a few years, Menagerie has become completely different." Ozpin said as he sipped his coffee with Tai and Glynda mirroring him. "My guess here is, that it was all the work one one person."

Glynda: "Sir, you can't be serious."

Tai: "He's right Glynda. It was all due to one person, rather one kid."

Ozpin: "Is Mr Scarlett the cause? From what I could tell, he's far more then what he seems."

Glynda: "I highly doubt it. He maybe highly skilled, but a single child can't force a change."

Tai: "What I'm about to say is only a guess. Qrow told me and Summer about the Grimm Lord, and we believe that Logan fought it and the Grimm horde alone. Qrow looked into the so called group of Hunters that apparently fought. He found the battlefield, the countless Grimm tracks, but only one set of humanoid footprints. Then he found the 'graves' that the hunters were berried in, Qrow made the tough decision to dig them up and found nothing. We-" Tai was about to go on but was interrupted.

Glynda: "Tai, do you know how ridiculous you sound right now? He would have been 10 at the least!" Glynda exclaimed and slapped the table. "Qrow's report said it was at least 300 Grimm not counting the Grimm Lord! How could one child even come close to even one Grimm at that age without being afraid to move!"

Tai: "I understand you doubt, Glynda. I really do, but being around Logan for the past three years... let's just say he's more then what he seems." Tai answered Glynda.

Ozpin: "What's Mr Scarlett like? What makes you say that about him and why?" Ozpin asked, slowly easing Tai to talk about Logan. "What are his origins?"

Tai: "Well, for one he's highly mature for his age. From what I gathered, Logan was raised with 'you don't work, you don't eat' mentality and he is highly skilled in.. Well, pretty much anything he puts his mind to." Tai started off. "Two, he's extremely smart for his age. I and several teachers at Signal gave him tests that would give college graduates trouble. Three, he plans ahead quite a bit. A year or two in advance, maybe more."

Ozpin: "Would you say he's... manipulative?" Ozpin interrupted Tai briefly. Glynda had become silent and started to record their talk As soon as Ozpin asked those three questions.

Tai: "Manipulative? Depends. If you just talk to him, he seems to be a pretty normal kid. Calm, collected, kind, understanding, wants to help however he can. You would never think he was a fighter, but a normal everyday kid you can find. In a fight? He'll fight you until he has an idea of your style, then dismantle you in seconds. At Signal he had an average win-lose record, officially that is. Unofficially, he never lost, even in a 5-on-1 fight with students and teachers. Reason? Faunus haters in the staff."

Ozpin: "I see... Would you say he's two-faced? Like he has another side he doesn't show others?"

Tai: "Oz, I know your basically interrogating me for answers about Logan. I trusted you when I was at Beacon and I trust you now. So ask what you want, just know that I will tell Logan about this." Tai said and got a nod from Ozpin in return. "And to answer your question, yes and no. The only time I've seen him 'change' is when Qrow angered him by accident. It was a clear day during the summer and I was grilling while he was on the porch. It was one of the few days that he wasn't training himself or Ruby and Yang. He was sitting on the steps carving a small quail bird statue with his knife and the bit of flames he can control with his semblance. Qrow had just come out with his flask in hand when he tripped over his own foot. Logan, at the time, was using his flames to darken the wood in his hand when Qrow's flask spilled over the flame. All I heard was 'Fooh' and then Qrow screaming. I turned around to see Qrow running with torn and singed clothes from Logan who was worse off with one of Summer's sandals in his hand. That was about a year and a half ago, I think? I don't know what happened, but Qrow flinches whenever Logan has a sandal in his hand or threatens to get one."

Glynda: "Note to self, asked about the sandal." Glynda muttered, but was heard by the two males in the room. They chose to ignore it. Ozpin then continued on asking questions as they sat. And Tai answered the best he could.


After Logan left the police station, he made his way back to his current home. His head racing with all the possibilities of his personal mission. Theories were made, questions were asked and answered, possible routes to take were thought. As Logan went to open the front door, he met Qrow coming out with his weapon on his hip. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Qrow stepped back to let Logan in.

Qrow: "I'll wait for ya." Was all that he said which earned a nod from Logan.

Ruby, Yang, and Summer were in the living room and had heard Qrow talk. When they saw that it was Logan, Ruby and Yang wanted to asked him questions but Summer held them back as they watched Logan head up the stairs to his room. The three of them looked to Qrow to ask why he was waiting for Logan.

Qrow: "He wanted in." Was all he said and got complaints from the girls while Summer understood after seeing Logan's eyes.

Less then five minutes later, Logan came back down in his [Phantom suit] with a short grey cloak in one hand while his other was tightening a strap on his chest. On his right leg was his revolver, his chest had his machine pistol and his [Avernus MK1], and on his lower back had his [Predator Bow] collapsed with a full quiver off his right shoulder. The skull face mask, dark glasses, and beanie gave Logan a looked of an specialist soldier and the feeling he gave off enhanced it.

The two adults and kids were impressed. One with being how well it was make. Two, how well it fit Logan. As Ruby and Yang were rushing around Logan and were asking numerous questions, the two adults shared a looked that communicated an unspoken discussion. Logan lightly pushed Ruby and Yang aside with the promise to answer any and all questions later as he approached Qrow.

Logan: "Let's go and keep up. We've got a lot of ground to cover." Was all that Logan said as he walked out the door before breaking into a dead sprint that would have had Ruby struggling to keep up even with her semblance.

Qrow followed right behind him a few steps back. Night was fast approaching as the two of them made it into town. Logan didn't stop but jumped up onto a building and ran across the rooftops with Qrow now on his side. They didn't talk much as they ran, but soon slowed down when they got to the docks. Logan the started to walk towards the nearby warehouses as he briefed Qrow on what is going on.

Logan: "Under normal circumstances, I would do this alone. But I'm going to need help. From the way you acted, you were already assigned to find the kidnapped person and kids. Am I right?" Logan spoke and asked as he looked at each warehouse number as they walked.

Qrow: "Ya I was. I also got informed that you would be on it as well since you know who the kidnapped are." Qrow responded. "So, this is the second mission I've done with you... you good?"

Logan: "I'm fine, just a little angry. And yes I know three that were taken." Was all that Logan said before he stopped and pointed to a warehouse.

Qrow looked to where Logan pointed and saw two dock workers sitting on upturned buckets playing cards on a cardboard box under a light. It didn't take him long to see what Logan saw. The two workers had poorly concealed guns under their coats.

Logan: "Close."

Qrow: "I got far."

Then the two of them moved like lightening. Logan rushed up behind the one closest to them and put him in a choke-hold. Qrow came after and grabbed the other guy by the face and slammed him head first into the pavement. Qrow knocked out his in one hit while Logan got answers out of the one he had. Turned out that they were just payed to guard the outside without being told anything. Logan just sighed and quickly knocked the guy out. Making a quick plan, Logan and Qrow decided to split up with Qrow heading in through the front door and Logan heading up as this warehouse was the type to have a skylight. Logan went ahead and started to scale the building as Qrow stalked towards the entrance.

Once Logan was on top of the warehouse, he made a beeline for the skylight after checking and clearing the roof. It took Logan a second to break the latch holding the skylight closed and after he opened it, Logan activated his gloves and boot to help him stick to the ceiling of the warehouse. With [Presence Detection (Passive)] active, it didn't take long for Logan to spot several guards. Dropping down onto a catwalk, Logan got behind a guard and snapped his neck. Grabbing the guard before he could fall, Logan laid him down then took his [Predator Bow] out. In the span of a few seconds, Logan dispatched several guards with head shots with barely a sound. Qrow had already been inside and had watched Logan remove several guards. Though he didn't like it, Qrow knew that this was the darker side of being a Huntsman. He just worried that Logan would fall too deep for him to recover.

The two of them meet back up after searching most of the building and finding nothing. The only place the two hadn't yet searched was the office that sat off to the side up on stilts. The two slowly creep-ed towards the door and then braced themselves on ether side of it. Logan stopped Qrow from breaking the door down then signed that there were nine people inside. Qrow nodded and drew his sword and Logan drew his revolver. On the count of three, Qrow kicked the door down and Logan ran in first. By the time Qrow entered, Logan had shot five times and downed all but one of the kidnappers. Qrow rushed the last on and pinned him to the ground while Logan checked up on the kids and adult that were bound and gagged.

Qrow: "How are they?" Qrow asked as he knocked out the last kidnapper.

Logan: "Good, but they'll need a hospital and fast. I can take a kid and the kidnapper if you can handle the other one and the father." Logan stated as he cut the ropes that held them to the chairs they were on.

Qrow nodded and came over to grab his two while Logan picked one kid up. As Logan went to grabbed the remaining kidnapper, his instincts kicked into overdrive. Logan formed a massive shield in front of them and the door as bullets started to rip through the office. Wood chips and splinters went flying like deadly projectiles, glass and bits of metal followed suit. Not long after the stilts were targeted and cut out from under the office. The five of them fell down onto the cold hard concrete.