
Meditation / It's Brawl in the Family

After the operation, Ironwood and Winter had left for their own responsibilities, Whitley was wheeled out asleep, and Willow took him home to rest.


For all that was going on in her life, Weiss was somewhat happy with how her mother didn't further fall into alcoholism, but with it was some very unpleasant news, her mother had stopped drinking because of what happened to her younger sibling.

What followed for the next 2 years was something she considered to be at times pleasant or very unpleasant with how her father was pushing her to be trained at the "Loss" of a proper male heir.

The long hours she sat with tutors to learn how to be a proper heir to the SDC, and the long hours she trained to be a huntress hung around her until she collapsed. Only to wake up in her bedroom with Whitely in a wheelchair sleeping with his head and arms on her bed.

No matter what happened he always would support her and correct the errors in her work she didn't notice all while doing his own research into medicine. His theoretical advancements even warranted the attention of General Ironwood of all people something she was immensely proud of.

He was the glue that help those of the Schnee blood together, he was the one who was always by Mother whenever she ran out of alcohol, he was the one who stopped her from getting more, he was the one who took care of her while Winter was gone and Weiss had no idea what to do.

He may have been the closest with their Mother but he was damn sure to make his sisters spend time with them, even if he had to fake family emergencies to get winter to come home. He was the one to force me to meditate, he even used his songs to calm them down.

 - Flashback: Meditation -

Whitley:「Weiss you need to calm down and relax. 」

Weiss:「Don't tell me what to do Whitley! 」

Whitley rolled over to Weiss and motioned for her to lean down, once she did so she was met with a slap to the face.

Weiss:「Wha-? 」

Whitley:「Shut up and listen to me, Weiss. 」

Waiting for a small bit and seeing she didn't say anything he motioned her to follow him, and whenever she tried to speak up he would always shush her, once they had reached the library, Whitley, with the help of Weiss pushed the furniture out of the way and moved to the center of the room he got off his wheelchair and sat on the floor.

Weiss:「Will you tell me what we are doing now? 」

Whitley:「Sit down. 」

Weiss:「Wha-? 」

Whitley:「Sit. Down. 」

Wiess sat down with her legs out to the side and leaned on her right arm, Whitley manually moved his legs into a criss-cross form and looked Weiss in the eyes.

Whitley:「Sit like me. 」

Weiss:「Why? 」

Whitley:「Sit. Like. Me. 」

Weiss:「Fine! 」

Weiss moved to sit like Whitley did, with Criss-crossed legs and her hands in a weird form in front of her navel area.

Whitley:「Close your eyes. 」

Weiss:「Wh-? 」

Whitley:「Close. Your. Eyes. 」

They sat like that in silence for a bit before Weiss complied.

Whitley:「Good, now take a deep breath and hold it... now slowly exhale, and repeat this until I say to stop. 」

The sound of music came to Weiss's ears as Whitley began to sing.

Whitley:「Take a moment to think of just... Flexibility, love, and trust. 」

Weiss momentarily stopped the breathing exercise, before Whiteley immediately reprimanded her.

Whitley:「Continue the breathing exercise! 」

Seeing as Weiss went back to the breathing exercise Whitley continued to sing.

Whitley:「Take a moment to think of just... Flexibility, love, and trust. 」

And so Whitley continued to sing for the next couple of minutes as Weiss continued the breathing exercises, at the very end after Weiss had calmed down and relaxed she opened her eyes and started at Whitley.

Weiss:「Why? 」

Whitley just stared at her before he pushed himself back up onto his wheelchair, he started to leave as Weiss got up and followed him, he stopped in the halls in front of a painting.

Whitley:「If you push yourself too far, you may fall over the edge. 」

Weiss:「What does that mean? 」

Whitley:「Weiss, if you work yourself to the bone without any break whatsoever how will you recover and come back stronger? 」

Weiss was stumped at this as Whitley just rolled down the hall and further away to his room, the next session she had with Whitley in the library she came without an answer to his question.

Whitley:「If you have a cup of water and slowly drink from it and never go back to refill it eventually you will run out of water and die of dehydration, if you go back to refill that cup you can continue to function without dehydration. 」

- Flashback: END -

Willow had arrived and was wheeling in an unconscious Whitley, Weiss stood at the top of the stairs and watched as Klein walked to Willow and picked Whitley up, Willow summoned a Beowolf to carry the Wheelchair up the stairs.

Putting the wheelchair down the Beowolf was unsummoned, taking the handles Weiss pushed Whitley to his room as he mumbled in his sleep. 

Whitley:「B... 4... Neural... Problem. 」

Willow watched as her children left down the hall, she sighed before turning around and overlooking the main hall. The ain't statues of knights illuminated in the night, their silver armor reflecting the moon's light.

Willow: {How long will things be this peaceful?}


???:「Hey! Yeah, I'm talking to you Ice-Queen.」 

???:「Halt! 」

Dman was it ever easy to sneak and stay hidden on winter's ship! At least I get to see the funny fight of Qrow vs Winter.

- 3rd Person POV -

Climbing down and out of a silver ship is a Youngman, about 15 years old, he has snow-white hair with tinted goggles resting upon it. He wears a black bandana and a white long-sleeve T-shirt, He has a bright yellow with white stripes and a neon-blue collar jacket on while wearing a mini knife on his neck.

His pants were a nice light navy blue with a filled Pistol holster strapped to it, and on his back were two items, One was an unknown rifle and the other on his lower back was a weird-shaped pouch-looking thing that had glowing lights on either side of it.

- Back to Qrow vs Winter -

A young girl also with snow-white hair and wearing a similarly colored dress walked up to the drunken man who yelled at them.

???:「Excuse me, do you have any idea who you're talking to? 」

And there goes Weiss, 

Qrow:「Sssshhhh, not you. 」 

Way to go Qrow, gently push my sister out of your way, I think it's time I made my way down to the fight so I can interrupt after Ironwood.

Qrow:「You... Saw that gaudy ship of yours in town. 」 

Where in the everloving fuck did that crow from?

Qrow:「I guess you're here too. 」 

Winter:「I'm standing right before you. 」

Qrow:「So it would seem. 」

Winter:「Qrow, you realize you just destroyed Atlas military property, correct? 」

Qrow:「Ohhhh I'm sorry. 」

The funny man doing the funny fake sorry dance!

Qrow:「See, I mistook this for some sort of... walking sentient garbage. 」

Winter:「I don't have time for your immature games, Qrow, back off now. 」

Weiss:「Wait, you two know each other? 」

Ruby:「So it would seem. 」 


Ruby's clothes look like it does in this picture, just imagine she wears the same pants as Archer from Fate/Stay Night, and yes midway through she felt a bow would be better so it's a Scyther-Bow

Ruby's clothes look like it does in this picture, just imagine she wears the same pants as Archer from Fate/Stay Night, and yes midway through she felt a bow would be better so it's a Scyther-Bow.


The Black-haired with red tips girl appeared almost out of thin air next to Weiss and scared the shit out of her, however, her outfit told me another thing about her, HINATA!

Qrow:「Geez, you Atlas specialists think you're so special, don't you? 」

Winter:「It's in the title, are you done Qrow? 」

Qrow:「Well, you know what you really are? A bunch of sellouts, just like your boss. 」

Winter:「I'm unsure of what you think you're implying, but I've heard enough of this Qrow. 」

Qrow:「Oh, I heard too! I heard ol' Ironwood finally turned his back on Ozpin. 」

Weiss:「The headmaster? 」

Winter:「Weiss leave, It's time for you to go. 」

Qrow:「Listen to big sister, Weiss. She'll protect you, just like Atlas is gonna protect all of us, huh? 」

Winter:「If you won't hold your younger, then I will gladly remove it for you.」

Qrow:「Alright then, come take it.」

Well, that would be an interesting fight, I watched it so many times I don't wanna do it again. Now, where did Hinata go? Oh, she's right beside Weiss cheering her uncle on... hmm, to interrupt or not to interrupt that is the question.

Oh hey, there's mercury, he's running off to tell little old fall about Qrow and Winter isn't he? Oh right, Qrow broke the fucking floor and then a lamp-post. Even from this distance hearing and seeing them fight on top of the building is cool.

What's not cool is all of the property damage that Winter and Qrow are doing, oof- the come at me gesture with only one finger.

Ironwood:「Schnee! 」

Winter:「General Ironwood, Sir!」

Ironwood:「What in the world do you think you're doing? 」

Winter:「He started the altercation, Sir.」

Qrow:「That's actually not true, she attacked first.」

And my queue is coming up here.

Ironwood:「Is that right? 」

Whitley:「Actually, Jimmy, he provoked her!」

Qrow and winter turned while Ironwood simply changed his sightline, all onto little ol' me.

Winter&Weiss:「Whitley!? 」

Qrow took out his flask to have another sip.

Qrow:「Who's the kid? 」 

Whitley:「You're future brother-in-law, really when's the wedding between you and Winter?」

Qrow did a Spit-take as Ruby(Hinata) focused on me, her eyes lost her signature 100-yard stare as she focused on me and a bright smile came across her face, evidently, Weiss was weirded out. She started with a slow jog toward me.

Ruby:「Whitley! 」 

Whitley:「Ruby! 」

The smile on my face further confused both my Sisters, Qrow and Ironwood, however, Ruby started to speed up and a dangerous smile spread across her lips.

Ruby:「Whhhhitley! 」

Whitley:「Uh, R-Ruby? 」

And faster she became until she was like a bullet and tried to drop kick my stomach, only for the world to change colors as ruby now appeared to be going normal in her speed. Hitting a stim I was even faster drawing Ruby into a snail's pace for but a few seconds, in non-speed time.

I calmly walked beside and picked her up bridal style, before time resumed and a large gust of wind blew to my left as Ruby fully stopped in my arms. She threw hers around my neck before snuggling up to my chest.

Everyone was left silent at the exchange, Winter and Weiss were befuddled from the lovey-dovey stuff Ruby and I started to do while Qrow was stuck as his bird brain started to reset. I walked up to stand beside the adults.

Whitley:「Hey Jimmy! Good to see you again, we can talk later but for now, I think I need to get this rose to her dorm so she can get fully well-rested! 」

Ironwood:「Once you're done, head for Ozpin's office, I think we need to have a little chat. 」

And in comes the man of many lives himself with his trusty assistant.

Ozpin:「Now, now everyone. There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the colosseum that I can assure you has better seats. And popcorn. 」 

Glynda:「Break it up, everyone! We will take care of this mess. 」 

Ironwood:「Let's go. 」