
RWBY: Bad Time

A new world, free from my past worries, free from my responsibilities, free from my worries... Unfortunately, this asshole is still here, and somehow, he convinced me into playing along. _ I don't own anything.

Zeckan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter Nineteen

I looked down at the magic circle, my body tensing to get out of any danger that might come out of it. But that wasn't what happened.

Instead, it disappeared like it was never there, I looked back up at Nick, seeing him looking at me with amusement.

My eyebrows furrowed in thought and I glanced up, seeing the giant rock that was falling right on top of us.

"Are you seriously trying to pull a Madara right now?"

I questioned with a deadpan, that was something that Dantte would definitely pull, but I needed to deal with this thing right now. The collateral would be detrimental.

But since this was a large clearing with nobody- I looked back at the Bullhead that was disappearing in the distance- Since there was nobody around, I didn't see any harm.

One second I was there, the next, I was at Beacon Academy, in the cafeteria.

Letting out a hum as I deactivated my gauntlets and shoved my hands in my pockets, I walked over to the cooks and looked down at my watch to see if it was close to lunchtime.

It was not.

Nearing the long desk I waved at the woman that was handing out the food and she came over.

"Yes, professor?"

I smiled at her momentarily and took out my wallet.

"Could I get a cold drink real quick? I was fighting right now and need to get back to it soon."

She blinked and as if it was completely normal, went to grab me something cold.

Seeing her coming back with a soda, I smiled, took out the required amount of Lien, and placed the currency on the table.

"Thank you very much."

I thanked her, I had to show some manners occasionally after all, and I was in a good mood. Grabbing the bottle I teleported into the courtyard and sat down on a bench. Throwing one leg over the other, I took out a cigar and lit it, taking a drag.

Digging into my pocket, I took out my scroll and dialed Dantte, putting the device near my ear and releasing a narrow stream of smoke.


He answered, but his voice wasn't the only thing I heard.

"Dantte, why do I hear police sirens and gunshots?"

A few more of the said gunshots rang out before I got my answer.

[I-uh, I'm on a mission right now, what do you need?]

I debated about whether to believe him or not but decided that ruining my mood right now wasn't worth it.

"So, yeah, you remember the other Nick, right?"

I waited to get an affirmative and when I did, I continued.

"So, yeah, he's here, and he almost cut through one of my vertebrae."

[He's what?!]

An explosion followed by a yell.

[Fucking! Do these faggots think they can mess with the Red Lotus group?! Throw Ice dust grenades at the fuckers! Fuck the Police!]

I waited patiently as more explosions rang out and finally, the sirens stopped.

[So, yeah, what I got from that was that our only other friend is alive, is here, and is trying to kill you right now... Where even are you?]

I hummed, taking another drag from my cigarette, and let out the smoke as I answered.

"I'm at the campus, the asshole tried to pull a Madara and dropped a meteor on me, so I just dipped."

He let out a thoughtful sound.

[Have you asked him why he wanted to kill you?]

I thought about it and... No, I did not.

"Nah, I was too busy fighting him."

An irritated sigh later, he hung up. Shrugging, I opened the soda, wondering when we switched our personalities around, I drank the contents.

I looked at the scroll to check the time, it's been... Five minutes. Should be long enough. Throwing away my cigarette, I stood up and drank the last of the soda and threw that into the trash too.

Stretching out my arms, blades extended from them again and I disappeared, arriving in the same place I left, standing on rubble.

I whistled and looked around, absently registering that my giant construct had disappeared.

"Hey! You alive?! You have to tell me if you died!"

I looked up to see Nick floating in the sky. Rolling my eyes, I materialized a blaster and sent a beam of concentrated plasma at him, which he dodged.


I huffed, stepping on the blaster and floating up to his level. Nick just readied his scythe but I raised a hand, getting a raised eyebrow in return.

"I just wanted to ask, the fuck are you doing? Dantte and I are here, but instead of just coming back with me to see him again, you try to cut me in half. Just... Explain, please?"

He frowned and then scowled, oh, he looked really mad.

"What do you mean why am I doing this?! You created and chose to be in this world, don't you remember? You wrote all the time! And then you and that other dumbass made the story about RWBY with you two as the main characters and had me read it!"

I blinked. What the hell was he talking about?


I questioned and watched him get more frustrated.

"What do you mean "What?"! You! You dumbass created this fanfiction world, you are god here, everything that has happened to this point was already decided by you! And it was so mid! God just thinking about it pisses me off! But now that I'm here, I'm doing this as a metaphorical middle finger to everyone who liked it in our past life!"

I let him vent, watching as he kicked the air like it offended him and swung his scythe around.

"Bro, you good? I didn't write anything."

He looked at me so quickly that I heard his neck pop.

"What do you mean you didn't? You don't remember?"

Shaking my head, I watched as he thought about it, flying from left to right to mimic pacing until he turned to me and threw his hands out as if to present something that wasn't there.

"But you wrote every day! You talked to the instructions while writing, not even looking at the keyboard! I know it's been twenty-something years-"


"-Fuck you, anyway, you don't just forget something like that... Just... just fuck off for a moment, I need to think about this for a few."

Without another word, a magic circle appeared and a flash later, he was gone.

I blinked, frowned, and teleported back to campus, appearing behind the headmaster's chair.

Placing a hand on the backrest, I walked around the chair and then the desk, waving at Ozpin.

"The mission is done, the problem is gone, don't bother me for a few days."

What did he mean, I didn't remember. If I chose this specific world then I would remember the plot of my own creation, wouldn't I?

I grabbed my scroll and detailed Dantte again.

[Two calls in one day, miss me that much?]

My lips thinned.

"We might have a problem."