
RWBY: Bad Time

A new world, free from my past worries, free from my responsibilities, free from my worries... Unfortunately, this asshole is still here, and somehow, he convinced me into playing along. _ I don't own anything.

Zeckan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter Four

Okay, so... These kids sucked.

I mean, they weren't bad-bad... But they were bad.

They had to actively keep their aura up, having to split their attention between the fight and their only protection.

The first two weeks were quiet, okay observing how Glynda did her paperwork, how she shoved paperwork to me, and how much I had to do.

It was fine.

It was a nice change of pace.

"It's open."

I called out before the four people outside could even knock and a second later the door opened.

"Hello, Professor Gaster!"

My eyes traveled up from my paperwork to one Coco Adel, the team leader of a team originally name Coffee.

"Hello Adel, is something the matter?"

I went back to my paperwork, stamping one piece of paper and putting it to the side.

"Yeah, well, Professor Goodwitch said that if we wanted any additional training, we should come to you, so, uh, would it be alright if you gave us access to the training rooms?"

I blinked... My first students! Ha! Take that Dantte!

Getting up abruptly, I walked around the table and placed a hand on her shoulder.

She jumped at the sudden action but looked up at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You just won me a ton of Lien, you are now my favorite student."

She blinked, snorted, and started laughing.

Letting go of her shoulder, I shoved my hand inside my pocket again and walked out of my nap room.

"Alright, my star students! To the combat room!"

I pointed down the hallway dramatically before slouching and starting my walk.

"Uh, professor, you're going the wrong way."

I just waved off Adel's concerns.

"I know a shortcut, stick close to me or you'll get lost."

Ignoring the confusion, I turned the corner, followed by the team CFVY and they were in the combat room.

"... Fox! You alright?"

I turned around, noticing that said boy clutching his head and scowling. I rose an eyebrow at that.

Oh, right, he was blind, so he was using aura vision. Must have overloaded his senses with the sudden location change.

"I see..."

Muttering, I walked over to him and bend at the waist slightly, staring at his blank eyes.

"Interesting indeed."

I raised my hand slightly lower than his face and let my aura materialize, slowly forming into a small ball.

His head moved, now staring at the ball of aura with raised eyebrows.

"So... You a sensor, kid?"

He frowned and looked back at me.

"You aren't that much older than us, Professor Gaster."

I chuckled and straightened up walking past the four kids and standing a small distance away from them.

"Alright, so, did you have any plans?"

Coco nodded and was about to say something before I cut her off.

"Forget those plans."

She frowned.

"You four are a team, and a team must work like a well-oiled machine, if a single part of that machine breaks, you either replace it or throw the whole thing away."

I started my explanation, as a combat instructor assistant, it was my job to prepare them for the real world.

The big guy, Yatsuhashi frowned at my words, Coco raised an eyebrow and Fox crossed his arms. The bunny girl, however, seemed nervous.

"Now, since you four are my new favorite students, I'm going to make sure that none of you are replaceable."

I grinned.

"lesson one! Dodge."

Coco tilted her head.


I raised my hand and four Gaster Blasters materialized next to me, two on each side, aiming at the four of them respectively.


The Blasters went off, and the team of four scattered.

"What's going on?! I can't feel anything!"

Fox shouted out running as a few blasts went his way.

"Four canine skulls shooting laser beams!"

Yatsuhashi responded as he rolled on the ground, narrowly avoiding a blast.

"Fox, you're too reliant on you're aura sight, use your hearing and smell more often, Yatsuhashi, your too slow, all those muscles won't do you any good if you can't avoid a fatal attack."

I started counting their faults and turned to their two teammates. Velvet was holding up pretty well, using her heritage to perform large leaps and jumps, however...


A Gaster blast impacted her body, sending her course awry, but thankfully, she landed on her feet, brown Aura flickering in and out of existence.

"Velvet, jumping is fine, but do try to avoid it unless you can dodge mid-air."

I could teach her that, but not yet...

Ah, teaching was fun.

The sound of bullets going off reached my ears and I turned to stare at Coco, who was unloading her SMGs at my Gaster Blaster. To no effect.

I chuckled.

"Coco, your choice of weaponry is good for holding off opponents, with that much recoil, you can't hope to hit every shot on a target, use it as suppressing fire, giving your team enough time to get closer to an opponent."

I smirked as the fore stopped and the deadly game of cat and mouse resumed.

"You're mission is simple. Survive until the reinforcements arrive."

I smirked and continued watching them intently, a grin plastered to my face.

"When will they arrive exactly?! And who are they supposed to be?!"

Coco yelled out, running for her life.

"The reinforcement is Glynda and she will arrive when she notices that something is happening."

I heard a screech and looked over at Velvet, who was too busy rolling on the ground, narrowly avoiding blue beams of plasma.


"What is happening here?"

The Gaster Blasters stopped shooting, and I looked over to see an irate blond glaring at the destroyed arena.

My favorite team relaxed, and promptly dropped to the ground, groaning.

It's been, what, about an hour and a half? Damn, this place was lax.


A collective groan was let out and I turned to look at each of them one by one.

"Good job, students, you survived. I would advise you to refrain from strenuous activity tomorrow and come back the day after. I enjoyed today's training session."

Another groan later, I turned to Glynda, ignoring her scowl.

"Professor Goodwitch, meet my favorite team of the year. By the way, the staff owes me 50 lien each."

She glared at me for a few seconds longer and swung her riding crop, the debris are organized themselves into correct holes, making the arena brand new.

That was a neat trick, my telekinesis wasn't that precise.

"You haven't answered me, what happened here?"

I grinned wider than before.

"Oh, they asked me to overlook their training, so instead of letting them figure things out with trial and error, I like a real teacher is supposed to do, eliminated the error as best as I could... Oh, and they learned how to dodge too."

She sighed and started rubbing her temples.