
Old lovers....!

"how can aunty do such a thing why did she hide from us is there something that we really don't know, and why can't we truck her down..." Rodney was thinking

"Tell Jerry that I will be traveling to the UK let him take care of our company matters any difficulties let him send the email" she was his favorite,

'she taught me how to do business, she was always there to defend me, when I was being bullied, she promised to be with me each and every steps of my life 

How can she just disappear and leave me Aunty, have become powerful, I can protect in any way

Therefore there is no need for you to hide from us' he thought

'she was never a coward to hide behind the pod of banana, she was a wolf in human flesh, I know how ruthless my aunty is 

When she felt with those wicked granduncles that wanted to take away our knight corporation

Therefore if it's not memory loss then nothing can make her forget about us

He took his private jet to the UK the truth must be unfolded no matter what everything must be cleared, how will aunty react after seeing me, will she hug me or assume me?' he kept wondering on his way to the airport

*At the Fernandez*

"Old master you have a visitor," the maid said

"Tell who ever is waiting to meet me that am not available am not around okay" he didn't want to see anyone actually ever since he gained his sense  he has never walked out of the Fernandez

"Okay, sir" how I wish you know who is waiting for you outside' she signed and left

"Sorry Mrs knight but master doesn't want to see anyone as per the information you can deliver it" she said politely

"Oooh,, now he can have his tongue to talk back after my granddaughter helping him, ?

Aaah! This old man is shameless how can he not give me  a face? I drove all the way here just to listen to this nonsense ? Who does he think he is, his grandson is causing me trouble and yet he is here enjoying himself, I wonder how this old fog raised his grandson and son's

All of you come here, there is no going upstairs or taking any food to that old fool I want to see how long he can take it" she said , she didn't care even if she was in another person's house, clearly you can feel that this people are not strangers, then who are they to each other, why is old madam knight giving orders in another man's house?

A few minutes later, she was drinking tea in his house whereas he was suffering upstairs he was wondering why are they taking the whole day to deliver him tea today but clearly he could not understand 

Just when he made up his mind to go downstairs

"Old madam, who are you to come to our house and drink like you own this place" Colin's mother asked

"I didn't know that, this shameless old man is keeping uncultured daughter in law like you, mmh! What a waste of family resources and name" old madam knight said 

"You who are you to come to our home and shout at me? Am the first daughter in-law of this family, and who saved this home wrecker tea in our house?" Colin's mother , 'is she going crazy?' you can ask yourself this is unbelievable, how can she just talk to someone like she knows her

"Young woman do you know who you are talking too? And how did my master became a home wrecker ? I suggest you think before you talk" the bodyguard said , how can he lie law when someone is busy spilling dirt's on his boss name

But to Colin's mother it was the same thing a woman like her feeling high and mighty in there home is a home wrecker, 

'does she think she can fool me, I can see things through'

And old woman have seen people like you we don't have money" she said, so pathetic I can see what others can't see

"Does this mean that this old man is being controlled by his daughter in law, what type of family is this, if you were my daughter in law, I could have sent you back to your family I can't accommodate a stupid and ugly useless daughter in law, I pity this shameless man's son who married

This uncultured woman, Bruno, take her away from me , useless idiot" she was angry

When old man Fernandez saw that his talkertive daughter in law was going to be humiliated he rushed downstairs immediately

"Hey, stop who dares to disturb peac in my house?" His voice roard aloud

"Aaah!" Mrs Knight sneered" Old man , I thought that today you were not going to walk out of your room" she said

"Old woman what brought you in my house today and start causing troubles for me?" He asked

"Good question but is this how the Fernandez behave? Look at your daughter in law did to me, 

She doesn't know me, yet call me a home wrecker, she doesn't know me yet she shouted back at me tell me is this how

The Fernandez children or blood behave? They behave without thinking?" She said

"Old madam please forgive my first daughter in law, she always  reckless with her words, please don't take it to heart" he said

"Mmh! Old man let me warn you, no matter how you are good with words you can't fool me,," she said then continued

"I just forgot about something, after my granddaughter treating you without demanding anything from you is this how the Fernandez want to pay her?"

"She came here for you after so many years yet you people can't still let her off? How do you want her to treat you her,,,?" She was angry with this

"What did you say and what granddaughter as far as I remember your granddaughter is no doctor"

"Hahaa, old man my granddaughter is the greatest doctor then how did you pay her back?" 

"Old Mrs knight, can you talk things that I can understand" 

"Okay old man, my granddaughter is the Divine doctor Betty who treated your disease,,," she said

"So the lady that have been looking for all this time is your granddaughter? Then why is it that have never heard of her before" he asked

"Old man must you know everything, and now I want you to call that grandson of yours and tell him to stop making the life of my granddaughter difficult as it is" she said

"If I can recall my grandson went to bring home the mother to his twins not to your granddaughter"

"Old man I can now see that you were truly sick, that woman he went after is the granddaughter of mine, y

If your grandson take her kids away from her eeehehee he won't like" she said

"That granddaughter of mine she is the only beautiful thing my Wendy left for me and therefore if you and your family giving her a hard time, I won't take it lying low for you people

Going there to snatch my great grandsons from her, is that too much and look who is going to be her mother in law, someone not educated in real life and still living in fantasy, let me tell you we can never be related in any way"

"Hahaaa, Hahaaaa, Linda, Linda so we are going to be related in real life see, my grandson and your granddaughter have kids now,and we are already related

Let me tell you something, back then we loved each other but due to our families rules we could not be together, and we had to separate, you promised me that if you give birth to a child 'a girl's she will get married to my son,,, 

And that didn't happen since your daughter had fallen in love with  foreign man, and got married secretly, but see my son also married that stubborn daughter in law, then here Colin is and your daughter too has a daughter 

Why can't we let things flow and let time to tell" old Mr Fernandez said, actually this two were childhood sweethearts but old Linda was betrothed to marry a knight 

When they were told about this the two suffered in pain, 

But after some times things changed back to normal and promised each other for there sons to marry

But that did not happen, since both parties fell in love with other person's

When he said this, Mrs knight, started to recall the love that never died but after years 

She learned how to love her husband and take good care of him

Mr knight loved her with everything, eventually she accepted the truth, 'not everything you want you can get

"Mmmh, dream on, you didn't fight for me back then so no more granddaughter