
I am unknown Princess ??!!!

"Hey husband what are you talking about" Addah asked

But then King knew that he was in no position to answer, her perhaps she tooo is not aware of anything

"Wife can you kiss me please...." He requested

"No,,! That won't do not unless you fill your stomach is late at night and I know you haven't taken anything darling" she said

"You owe me a kiss, and after this am going to get mine" he said

"And next time if my dear husband ignores me I will go back to my sister" she said

They ate to there full, after sometime, they head to go to bed, since king is always sleeping in guest room and Addah in  bedroom, king knew that there was no way for his kiss

"Wifey, didn't you promise a kiss for me...?" He asked

"Dear husband if you come home early I promise to , , give you a kiss you never know, when things might happen we can also you know..." She winked at him and left

Little wife, those things can't happen here not unless I take you to my kingdom for our traditional right of marriage,,,," he said thoughtfully but Addah was no where to listen to himean all sorts and types of cars matched to knight Jewelry Enterprise

could see that this cars has royal seal on them, meaning there are two different kingdoms  

"Hey, what is happening outside, who are those people" the security at the control center were surprised by what they were seeing, 

Can it be that a royal wants to have a wedding and they are here to purchase something

"I don't think so man after all not a single royal family has every appeared in this company"

"Are you forgetting that one of the Gold's is a royal blood that handsome man, he is a royal years back he was introduced as prince Robinson Qin" he said

I agree with you, that man is down to earth you can't imagine that everyday a royal blood is working with you in the same building" they said

"Whooooooa,,,,! What is happening ?" 

",Hey, that old woman, she is dressed like a queen,"

"Oooh no the other lady tooo, she is a queen, the crown , "

"And that old man, he is a king, sort of Empiror,,,"

"Look over there, cute handsome guys they are both princes all of them" 

"My worry is why are they here, look, they don't seem to me like people who are out here to purchase something" 

"Wooooooow! I almost forgot that one of the Gold's is a prince,,,"

"Yes, that is Sir Robinson" 

"His brothers are all handsome" 

"I will not eat throughout the year,,," 

"Aaah! I can die peacefully they are cute like little dolls" 

Roby and Eileen , Tasha and Jane were all busy implementing, new design they wanted to have something new by the end of the year, when the secretary came in

"Prince Robinson, your family members are here they are looking for you" she said

"I Know it's my brother tell him to come in" he said

"...she tried opening her mouth to say something but could not 

Before she could respond, the door was pushed open by King's father the two couples walked in followed by two bodyguards

"Dear how do you feel the atmosphere in here?" It was the queen

"I feel at home, it's cool"

"Empiror, the feeling is not cool it is full of love, sense of familiarity, sense of kindness, goodness, why is that useless princess wasting my money if beautiful ladies are out here working" the said

Roby, was sure that these two are knew, but they were quite familiar

"Oooh, Empiror and queen of great northern kingdom, welcome to our home" he was humble

"Hey kiddo how did you recognize us ...?" The queen asked

"That is because he is my " the empress of the great Glonover kingdom said

"Empress...? What... What are doing here" he asked didn't bother to welcome her 

"Is that how my lost son should welcome his old woman?" She asked

"Brother long time no see, and by the way where is our sister in law"  the ninth prince asked

"Hey, guys why didn't you tell me that you were coming, " he asked

"Pffff... Son stop day dreaming, we are not here for you, we are here for , the lost princesss of northern Kingdom" the empress answered

"Aaah...!" He didn't expect that

"Brother, we are here for the first princess daughter, princess Shannon" the seventh prince said

"Are you for real? And why are you looking for her here?" He asked 'are this people trying to play prunk on me?'

"Because, she is here and she is my first born daughter" it was the Empiror of northern Kingdom

"She is right here, their and outside on the billboards,,,," the queen said

"You say?" Roby could not understand them right then the second door from working room open and three beautiful ladies came out,

the first one was a lady dressed in police like uniform but this was designed into a formal dress

The second lady was in a black dress, , she was beautiful but compared to the first tall slender woman she was not at per with her

The third lady, was really something else she was beautiful,  she was putting on a dress that was full of crystals, she looks like another copy of princess Shannon

The Empiror could not hold herself, he started crying immediately he saw her face, he loved Shannon, 

He looked for her for so many years, he could not let anyone be the empress except for her the title has been empty

And even the second queen did understand, 

When she saw her, she could not hold it, she rushed forward and just as she was about to reach her, she was stopped by Jane, 

"And who are you? You are a queen but we are the the rulers here, no emotions should be brought" she said standing tall like the mysterious woman that she is.

"Sorry, sorry, aaam...aaam... I just want to hold her can I hug you darling, " she was careful with her emotions

"Please allow us to hug you darling" the Empiror said they were careful not allowing their emotions to carry them away.

"Okay,,, " she gave them away

The two couples rushed forward and hugged Eileen, 

"Darling father is sorry am really sorry, I didn't know darling" he said he was crying they have never seen him like this it was their first time seeing this

"Old king, didn't realize when you were doing it, how can you say that you didn't Know, 

Now see this beautiful lady that has been alone, 

And we have been enjoying our lives, daughter please don't forgive him

" She said

"Eeem, am queen Shazam, of great northern Kingdom,,, am your step mother,your mother Princess Shannon was to be the empress,,, " she said

"Am Empiror Carter, of great northern Kingdom, am your father, when your mommy departed from your family she was pregnant with you, you are my daughter" he said

"I looked everywhere for you people but I could not reach you guys" am sorry I came to you yesterday that's when I was told about you,,

"Yes sweery and grandqueen, I didn't know what happened to my best friend after she left home, am sorry for everything that happened I failed my best friend I failed her, 

I wasn't their for, you" she was crying her eyes were bloody red

Roby could not help process the information, this beautiful Model' is his cousin? Heheeee, world is full of surprises

"You mean that she is Princess Shannon's daughter my aunty she is now my cousin,,

Heheee, she is very beautiful, mmmh,," he was happy 

"That's why I felt like protecting you all the time from scams I really like the feeling of being a brother around you, so it was indeed blood" his eyes were teary

Eileen could not process, she turned around and left, she started recalling how the lans were calling her name

"Look at you bastard of a child, with out your father do you know even your biological father? You don't know, "

"Your mother is unclean, she doesn't deserve to be in this family"

"Look who is coming, a bastard"

"Heheee, I didn't want to be with her or get closer to her, let's I became a bastard"

",Heheee, my mother said if I be friend her I will be wishing for her death case, I better go.."

When her mother was laying on the pool of blood,,,

The lan's mocked her they called her prostitute, who doesn't know the father of her child

Some called her bitch,

"We will throw this bastard out of this family after we dispose your dirty body"

"Yes their is no need for proper burial"

"What are you still waiting for,remove those clothes from her"

It turns out I was a princess whose father didn't know existed