
Runeterra's Cosmos

Temporary Synopsis: A man in love with the cosmos is reincarnated in deep space with powers he still cant comprehend. Chapters are still subjected to change, this is a League of Legends fanfic. Might have carachters from different universes in the future

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10 Chs

Chapter 2 - A beautiful sound

Condensing the whole nebula to form just one star is not something that I considered even for a bit. Not only do I know I do not have nearly enough power or control to affect a whole "structure" that is light years in size.

So how do I make a star? In the nucleus of a star hydrogen atoms are subjected to so much heat, and consequently energy, that they fuse together. Meaning, the energy is so much that it overcomes the electromagnetic forces that force atoms to stay apart, thus fusing them.

The amazing thing is: mass is energy. With the brilliant mind of Einstein came many things, among them an equation that could and probably will destroy the world: E=mc^2.

When two atoms fuse together, the resulting product does not have the same mass as the first atoms. This missing mass is transformed into energy that is released to the environment. That's why the temperature of a star does not diminish.

In this way all I need to do is basically kickstart a chain reaction. Similarly, to when you connect two car batteries when one of them isn't starting, if I can supply enough energy to hydrogen for them to release the necessary energy… Profit.

Since I can "destroy" the best way for me to produce massive amounts of energy is simple. Remember Hiroshima? I'm about to make that look like fireworks.

Fission, through the splitting of an atom nucleus you can generate energy. But that's too simple, I will convert the entire mass of the hydrogen to energy.

Since I do not know how much heat is needed to fuse the atoms I will go with the safest option, I'll do what I think is necessary, 100kg should be enough.

It was not easy I must say. Controlling my power enough to just affect a small quantity of hydrogen was harder than expected. But I did it, and the result was quite pretty.

An explosion so big that it knocked me out. For reference the nuclear bomb that exploded in Hiroshima, "Little Boy", had 64 kg of enriched uranium, of those 64kg only 1kg suffered nuclear fission, and of those only 0.7 grams of energy were released. (A/N – I could be wrong, don't remember if it was 0.7g or 0.7kg).

Through E=mc^2, we can see that the energy released by 100kg of mass is approximately 9*10^16 Joules of energy. It's a number so big I can't give you its name.

Time is relative, that is why I will now stop using measures of time till I have defined a time unit that is usable. In this way, I don't know how much time I was knocked out but when I woke up the nebula was gone, and in its place was a massive, beautiful blueish-white star. There was no doubt that was my creation, my first ever star.

The first time I see my child and a Solar System was already formed! Newborn planets orbited around it, their sizes varying quite a lot. The ones closer to the star were obviously flaming hot, the farthest away were not, but they weren't covered in ice either, they were still just big rocky balls after all.

I appreciated the beauty of my creation for a long while, watching it spin around itself, and the other planets around it was simply breathtaking. Unfortunately, there were matters to be taken take of.

Since I woke up, I had this feeling. Something changed, it wasn't me, the universe itself changed. There was a strange energy everywhere, it wasn't violent by any means, in fact it was quite easy to manipulate.

That wasn't what worried me though, this strange feeling that travelled beyond the space-time continuum, calling out to the universe itself.

Apart from that was the obvious observation that there were a lot more stars in the universe, that coupled with other points made me believe I was no longer the only "living" being in this place. Other were born, or perhaps created. The universe now had other being beside me influencing it.

Finally, after a while I found concrete proof that someone, or something was creating, just like me. Although in a very crude way. I had passed this place before and I am sure that there were no conditions for a star to form here, yet here it was. A relatively small red star, alone in this darkness.

Along with that one, I found many others. They were all small stars, but they had all been made artificially across the cosmos. The distance between them led me to believe whoever made them cannot make wormholes or use any kind of "teleportation".

But this was exciting! This meant either life had evolved to a point where they can make stars (very unlikely), or that this being was created by the universe somehow, maybe closer to how I was "born".


Purple, that is a colour that you usually do not see alone in the cosmos. But I caught a glimpse of it. Something purple was in that direction. Using a wormhole, I saw some kind of rift.

A fissure in the space-time continuum that showed a purple space on the other side. A small fissure, I could barely see it. I am big mind you; I could definitely hold Earth in the palm of my hand like a pool ball. Reducing my size, I peeked into it. Purple land was what I saw, but that wasn't strange.

What was strange was… Life! Plants were on the other side! I was excited yet I still did not go in, this different space was giving me the same feeling that was calling to the universe. This place on the other side… It was another dimension, curled in the others more apparent to the naked eye.

Now, to go in or not to go in that is the question.

Or that was the question.

"meep meep?" A whisper.

"♩ ♫" A beautiful sound...