

A little girl in St. Louis was just about to have an adventure of her life. Young Katelyn Silverwing lived with her mom, dad, and older brother, Kendall. They lived in a big house right next to a large field where Katelyn and Kendall would race and play. "Kate!!!! Hurry up, We have school today!" "Coming!!!" Shouted Katelyn as she hurried down the stairs. "Eat up. Mom and dad are at work" Kendall called over to Katelyn, "Ok!" Katelyn responded. They both ate at the kitchen table devouring the pancakes on their plates. "Alright, ima go to school now!" Katelyn said rushing to the door. She opened the door and felt the light breeze blow on her face and hair. She then walked out of the doorway and shut the door behind her then rushed off down the street. She walked up to the school looking at a girl with pig tails and a short skirt. "Hey Emily." Katelyn said as she walked closer to her. "Hey Kate!" Said Emily, "How are you?" Emily asked Katelyn. "I'm good!" Katelyn answered, "I beat my brother in a race down the block yesterday!" Emily giggled, "Sounds like your fast!" Emily said. "Yeah..." Katelyn said blushing a little. They both then walked into the school and up the stairs to their class.