
Ruler of Winter's Edge (Moved to another account)

Moved to my other account, WhisperWarden The title is still the same. You can search for it.

BoredIdler · Livros e literatura
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85 Chs

RoWE - Chapter 26

Chapter 26: Taking Risks and Breaking the Deadlock



It's easy to fall into the trap of overconfidence, and Aeg has made similar mistakes time and again since entering this world.


Whether it was his initial encounter with the White Walkers, where he misjudged their numbers and nearly lost his life, or his recent attempt to interfere with a crucial plotline that led to trouble, these incidents stem from the same flaw. He first assumed that Jaime and Cersei wouldn't dare enter the First Keep for their tryst with others around, and then thought Bran would walk to the First Keep and climb up. Both parties proved him wrong with their actions, and the tragedy could not be averted.


After racking his brain for most of the night, Aeg still couldn't come up with a good way to extricate himself from the future predicament. He forced himself to close his eyes, and in his daze, exhausted in both body and mind, he didn't even realize when he fell asleep.


Sleep is always the best rest. When the first ray of morning light shone into Aeg's room through the small window, he lay in bed for a minute after opening his eyes, and a bold idea suddenly popped into his mind.


Since he couldn't stay out of the plot, why not just stop hiding?




Last night, Aeg was awake for half the night, spending some time considering how to prevent Bran from being assassinated and the other half pondering how to clear his name if the assassination still happened. However neither path yielded any results, for a simple reason, when coming up with ideas, he unconsciously imposed a strict condition on himself: not to get involved.


The assassin who tried to kill Bran with a Valyrian steel dagger, who was behind him, was only hinted at by the original author, and the scriptwriters did not give a definitive answer. Fans and readers before Aeg's time-travel could argue for thousands of posts on forums, with some believing it was Cersei trying to silence Bran, others thinking it was Joffrey harboring a grudge after being slapped by his uncle, and even some far-fetched theories suggesting it was Littlefinger trying to create chaos in King's Landing. Each viewpoint had its supporters with seemingly convincing evidence and reasons, making it impossible for Aeg to make a definitive judgment.


Without knowing who the assassin was or who sent them, how could he quietly prevent the assassination?


Preventing the assassination was fraught with difficulties, and clearing his name afterward was even less likely, for a simple reason: moving the training ground to the old courtyard was no secret, and his identity as the "first to discover" Bran's fall was well-known. Moreover, the accident was indeed directly related to him. Since he was not innocent, how could he clear his name?


With so many difficulties in front of him and his thoughts bound by self-imposed restrictions, it was wishful thinking to hide in the shadows and let things pass without anyone remembering him.


Therefore, he decided to join the fray!


Aeg is usually a rational and calm person, but he is also quite stubborn and superstitious. He doesn't like to cause trouble, but he's not afraid of it when it comes. If he couldn't clear his name or prevent Bran's assassination with his own strength, he would abandon all unnecessary conditions, use the simplest and most brutal method to break the deadlock, and directly inform the Stark family of the assassination attempt on Bran.


Following this line of thought, he first considered leaving an anonymous note for the Starks, but if the assassination still happened, he would still be in trouble. To avoid suspicion and targeting, he needed to play the role of an absolutely innocent informant.


He would directly find a Stark family member and tell them about the possible assassination attempt on Bran.


Whom should he approach? Aeg first thought of Jon Snow, whom he had just met, but considering that he was still a child and his reliability was questionable, he reluctantly gave up on that idea. Then, the only member of the Stark family he knew and had a chance to meet was left.


As for whom to accuse. After thinking it over, Aeg settled on Joffrey. The prince himself was the most suspicious, and in the original work, he was suspected by Tyrion. Not to mention, Aeg considered his identity to be the most sensitive without implicating himself. Joffrey bore the name Baratheon and was, at least in the eyes of the Starks, King Robert's son.


A child and the future ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, if Eddard Stark learned that he wanted Bran dead, he would be furious but would not immediately explode. Even if he did, it would be hard to involve Tyrion, who was about to take Aeg away from the dangerous and harsh lands beyond the Wall. To leave that perilous place, Aeg was ready to do anything.


If there really was some mysterious force maintaining the development of the plot, Aeg wanted to see. Now that he was willing to take risks and intervene directly, how would it deal with him?


Bran's fall delayed King Robert's return to King's Landing, as the king was supposed to take Eddard, the new Hand of the King, with him. Now, with the Hand's son lying unconscious and hovering between life and death after a fall, the king, to show his compassion and solidarity, not only did not leave as planned but also stayed up all night with his good friend, watching over the comatose child.


For the sake of plausibility, Aeg patiently waited a day before cautiously approaching his superior, whom he hadn't spoken to in days, Benjen Stark, the First Ranger.




"Is there something you need?" Benjen asked. He was applying for support from his brothers, and with his nephew lying half-dead in bed after an accident, the Stark looked tired and worried.


"Sir, I have something to tell you, but I'm not sure if I should." Aeg said.


"Since you've come in, I assume you've made up your mind. Speak quickly," Benjen replied impatiently.


"This involves a high-ranking person. I dare to ask for your assurance of my safety," Aeg requested.


Benjen looked at Aeg suspiciously and nodded impatiently, "I assure you. Now, speak."


"It's about your nephew, Bran," Aeg began, feeling like a sycophant spreading rumors, for what he was about to say was entirely fabricated. "The day he fell from the wall, I was the first to discover him, as I was nearby competing in archery with Ser Jaime. So, when I overheard someone talking about it this morning, I instinctively paid attention."


"Go on," Benjen nodded, indicating he was listening.


"The ones talking were Prince Joffrey and a knight in armor I didn't recognize. The knight said that even if Bran recovers, he'll never walk again, so he might as well be dead."


The First Ranger frowned. In a way, the statement was true: in this cruel and cold world, the lives of the disabled were undoubtedly hard and painful, as seen in Tyrion's upbringing. But such thoughts were fine to keep to oneself; speaking them aloud was a great insult to the lord of Winterfell. Who would be so bold?


Well, it didn't really matter who it was. One couldn't make a big deal out of someone's private musings. Benjen Stark looked at his most intelligent ranger and understood that there must be more to come.


"Prince Joffrey agreed with the knight. The conversation would have ended there, and I was about to leave, but the prince's next words made me wary," Aeg continued, feigning tension. "The prince said he was going to give Bran Stark 'mercy' to relieve his suffering when he wakes up."


"Mercy" Benjen's frown deepened. "What exactly did he say?"


"He said he would do as the Braavosi do and grant the Stark boy release,'" Aeg vividly described the scene and words that were entirely his own invention. "If that were all, it would be one thing, but the prince then took out a dagger. I didn't see what it looked like. I was behind a haystack and could only listen. He told the knight, 'This is a Valyrian steel dagger I took from my father's armory. The hilt is made of dragonbone, fitting for a Stark.'"


"Go on," Benjen urged.


"I couldn't hear the next part clearly because they walked away, but I'm sure the prince told the knight to find a mercenary and give him the Valyrian steel dagger to do the deed," Aeg said vaguely. "Personally, I feel this might just be a child bragging, but since it's a serious matter, I thought it over and decided to inform you. Even if it's just a joke, assigning an extra guard outside Bran's room wouldn't be too much trouble."


Benjen pondered with a serious expression, his thoughts unknown. After a while, he stared at Aeg and spoke, "Do you know what you're doing?"


"Accusing the future king of the Seven Kingdoms without evidence is treason, punishable by death," Aeg replied.


"It seems you're already familiar with the culture and laws of Westeros, so I won't waste words. Now, go back to your room and remember not to speak of this to anyone, and I mean anyone, understand?"


"Yes, sir," Aeg complied.


A/N: I want to start working on a new story.

I'm down to 2 options. I can't Fucking decide!

Then I thought there was a better way for it. Let your new, generous ("cough") and loyal readers do that for you.

To avoid spoiling anything about the stories, therefore you have to choose almost blindly.

So Low and Behold.


2- Age of Discovery

There you have it. Just comment (+1) on one of them and only one of them.

The one with the most comments on it will be our WINNER. 

Also don't forget to drop your power stones.