
Ruler's POV (DxD FanFic)

A Ruler died and his soul transmigrated to the world of DxD. What journey will his second life be? Should he pursue greatness again or be an ordinary person in this second life? AN: I do not own the original High School DxD story. Cover photo is not mine. I just want to write a version of my own MC. I am new to writing and English is not my primary language so bear with me.

ZyC0 · Anime e quadrinhos
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23 Chs

Prologue: A Ruler's Bio

(Medieval Setting)

I am Lucas Grayheart, I was born on a village with a population of no more than 300 people. I have been living with my parents happily in this small village. We farm and hunt for a living, a life that is peaceful and satisfying. Until one day this peace was destroyed, a war broke between two kingdoms fighting for supremacy and colony.

Villages were burned and pillaged from the fighting of two sides and our village is one of the victims. My parents were tortured and died from the hands of the soldiers and I was captured by one of the kingdom soldiers. I was sold as a slave and trained to be a gladiator.

10 years of fighting in the arena, my body has been marked with scars, a sign of what I experience in this hellish place. I fought to reach the top to regain my freedom.

I was freed and offered to become a citizen of the kingdom but also be an elite soldier for the King. Before becoming an elite soldier, I was admitted to an academy for learning and education gaining military knowledge. I became one of the top talented student to graduate and officially became a captain of a small troop.

In this 50 years of fighting and killing, I was able to become a General and gained alot of support and connections. I planned on snatching the throne as I realize that having authority is really addicting. The more I gain, the more I become ambitious.

I was able to become a King but the price I payed is the deaths of my subordinates and lovers. As I gained power, my ambitions also rises. Greed really makes people change heart.

I conquered lands, declared wars on different kingdoms and created an Empire. An age of peace was ushered creating a new

Era of Development.

202 years have passed since the day I was born, I was lying on my bed staring at the ceiling in a daze, recounting the vicissitudes of my life. A filial son, a slave, a warrior, a soldier, a General, and a Ruler. Having gone this far and attaining this glory and power, I was wondering with all of this achievements, had I reached my ultimate goal?. Sitting on top of the throne, I feel lonely and empty.

After my lovers died, I closed my heart and focused on my rise to gain power. I must give up certain things and adapt cruel methods. To achieve this, decissiveness and ruthlessness is a must.

Now after realizing my life experiences, a certain memory and feeling that I almost forgotten, a memory when I was a child and the feeling of happiness living together with my parents.

I can feel that my life span is at its limit.

Knowing that my time has come, I made a wish to God. "If I would be given a second chance in life, my ultimate goal would be attaining "Eternal Happiness"". I slowly closed my eyes.

A Great Ruler died on that day.


DxD World

A soul was traveling through the "Dimensional Gap" wanting to reach a destination and while passing through the void, An ancient being who have been sleeping suddenly opened his eyes and looking at the lightball that's going further away in the distance. His curiousity has been piqued. Then a red light emerged from his head and followed the direction of the white lightball.