
Ruler's POV (DxD FanFic)

A Ruler died and his soul transmigrated to the world of DxD. What journey will his second life be? Should he pursue greatness again or be an ordinary person in this second life? AN: I do not own the original High School DxD story. Cover photo is not mine. I just want to write a version of my own MC. I am new to writing and English is not my primary language so bear with me.

ZyC0 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 18: Raynare, Woes Of The Weak

Issei's POV

I was walking to school early in the morning. Yesterday I got attacked by a crazy exorcist and almost died. Kaichou and the others came on time before I got severely wounded or even died. Kaichou healed my wounds and I recovered fast last night.

'Where did Asia go?' I was worried about Asia. The exorcist said that she did not go to the church.

While I was in thought, I saw two figures walking along the road. I was surprise and happy as I saw Asia and it seems she was Okay.

Issei: "Asia!" I called from the distance and walked over.

The two figures look over in my direction. I saw Asia's surprise expression and as for the other guy, I did not care much as I want to see if Asia was fine. But when I was near them, I saw them holding hands with each other or to be precise, the guy is holding Asia's hands. 

I felt uncomfortable for some reason and I looked at the person. I was stunned because he is the guy who I met when I was stabbed by Yuma.

Asia noticed where I was looking and she withdrew her hand while blushing.

Asia: "Issei Kun, are you also going to school?" She asked as she can see Issei was in his uniform the same as Lucas.

I was distracted and withdraw my attention from Lucas Agawa. 

Issei: "Asia, I heard you did not go to the church. What happened? Are you okay?" I asked with some concern.

Asia was surprise for a moment to how Issei knew that she did not go to the church.

Asia: "Oh, I will not be going there anymore Issei Kun." she said and turn her head to the person beside her. "This is my Bi-bi-big brother, Lucas Agawa." She introduce while stuttering shyly.

I was dumbfounded when I heard her. I remembered that Asia's last name is Argento and this Lucas guy is "Agawa". 

Asia: "Bi-big brother Lucas. He is Issei Hyoudou, he is the first friend that helped me when I arrived here." Asia introduced Issei to Lucas.

Lucas extended his right hand and smiled gently.

Lucas: "Hello Hyoudou Kun, Asia told me about you. Thank you for giving her a helping hand. You can just call me Lucas and if you may, can I call you Issei?" Lucas said with a warm tone.

I came out from my stunned state and saw him greeting me warmly. I hurriedly reach out my hand.

Issie: "It is nothing haha. I just helped her a little by showing her the way. You can call me Issei too Lucas Kun" while I was shaking Lucas, my left hand suddenly had some reaction. I felt like it was shaking.

I saw Lucas raised his eyebrows as if he felt something. I withdrew my hand and my left arm calmed down.

I looked at Asia: "Asia is he your long lost brother?" I just want to confirm as I can see he has a brown hair and Asia has a blonde hair. Maybe he just deceived Asia and I know this guy Agawa is a Devil too.

Asia: "Anoh, he--" 

"Ah Asia, you really made me angry you know." before Asia could answer, A person suddenly appeared from the sky. After a second, 3 persons followed from behind her. 

I recognize her after seeing her.

Issei: "Y-Yuuma-chan...?"

Asia: "Raynare Sama?" Asia called.

'Hm, So her name is Raynare?' I thought.

Raynare: "~Oh my, If is it my ex boyfriend."

She said sarcastically. "You survived. And as a Devil?". She added with a surprise expression.

Asia was surprise to know that I am a devil and looked at me.

I felt guilty inside for not telling her. I looked at Raynare warily.

Issei: "What do you want?!" I asked her.

(3rd Person POV)

Raynare: "I don't want a filthy low-class Devil like you talking to me." She said in a disgusting tone.

Raynare: ""That girl. Asia, is our personal belonging. Can I have her back? Asia, you know it's useless to run away?"

Asia: "Ano0, Raynare Sama I--" Before Asia could finish, Lucas extended his hands infront of Asia to stop her.

Raynare just noticed the guy beside Asia as she was too focused on Asia and Issei. She became wary when he looked at the figure.


Before Raynare could speak...

Dohnaseek: "Oh, if is it the guy I almost killed." Dohnaseek sneered. "Don't meddle into people's business kid or you will suffer the consequences." he added.

Raynare heard Dohnaseek and looked towards Lucas again. She felt... nothing. 'Did I felt it wrongly that time' She thought.

Raynare: "Boy I give you a chance to leave this place. Don't get involve in this." She still needs to be careful as she is not sure of the person.

Dohnaseek, Kalawarna and Mittelt were surprised by what Raynare said as they are familiar with Raynare's personality.

Issei: "Asia! Get back! Lucas kun you run away with Asia. I will hold them back!" Issei moved forward to protect Asia. "Sacred Gear!" then he summoned his sacred gear. 

Asia: "Issei Kun!!" Asia was surprise that Issei summoned a red gauntlet.

Lucas was also surprise by what Issei said and the sacred gear he summomed.

Raynare showed a shocked expression for a moment and then starts to laugh.

Raynare: "I was told that your Sacred Gear was a dangerous one before from the higher-ups, but it looks like they were totally wrong!"

Raynare: "Your Sacred Gear is one of the common ones. It's called the [Twice Critical]. It doubles the power of the possessor for a temporally time, but having you double your power is not a threat to me. Truly, a fitting object for a low-class Devil like you." She explained and summoned her light spear.

Issei: 'The ability that doubles the possessor's power? Is that the power of my Sacred Gear?' 'But that's good enough for now.'

Issei: ""Sacred Gear! Activate! You can double my power, right!? Then activate!" He said while trying to communicate to his sacred gear.

Then the jewel on the gauntlet starts to glow.

[Boost!!], A sound is made. Next moment, Issei felt power flowing into him

Issei felt elated and was going to face Raynare but...



(Lucas POV)

I planned to go to school today as I need to meet Rias. I also want to introduce Asia to them so I made Asia come along. While we are walking, Asia was too shy to walk beside me. I rolled my eyes from this and I reached out her hand to hold her and made her walk beside me. Her face became red as a tomato but I ignored it and continue walking.

While we were walking along the road, we heard someone shouted Asia's name. I was curious and look into the direction.

Surprisingly, It is Hyoudou Issei that Asia talked about.

He seemed to ignore me when he approached us but he reacted when he saw our hands holding each other. Asia reacted and withdrew her hands.

Honestly, I don't want Asia to associate with him as he is a pervert. Even though I may also be one, I would certainly don't want my sister to be near with perverts.

She introduced me and Issei to each other. I politely reach for a handshake.

While we are shaking hands, I felt a familiar connection just like with Ophis but much weaker. I was surprised by this but did not react much. 

Issei and Asia continue there talk but was disrupted by a voice. I looked at the direction and found a familiar figures. The person in front was the exhibitionist who stabbed Issei that time in the fountain. The other two were the ones who attacked me before I became a Devil and as for the last one, I did not know her. Issei and Raynare argued back and forth and I just watched from the side line.

I stopped Asia from saying anything and just let those two argue like former lovers.

I was surprised on what Issei said and my opinion of him change a bit but I did not move.

I also want to see what Issei's power is as he seems not to be simple but....


Issei was impaled by the light spear Raynare threw.

"ISSEI kun" Asia shouted with worry.

I was also dumbfounded. 'Oh Sh*t, this is the second time I did not save him from being stabbed!' I thought of my incompetence. I thought he would go beat the enemy with the "power of friendship" but I thought too much.

Asia hurriedly went to checked on Issei. I followed behind.

Lucas: "Don't worry. He is a devil like me so he can't die that easily." I said in comfort as I can see Asia's worried face.

I moved to Issei: "Take a deep breath Issei." I said as I pull out the spear.

"Guaahhh!!" Issei shouted in pain.

"Issie!!" Asia cried out.

Lucas: "Okay you can heal him now Asia." I said and look at the 4 figures. I threw the spear on the floor but it returned back to Raynare.

Asia hurriedly healed Issei.

(3rd Person POV)

Dohnaseek: "Tsk tsk, Lady Raynare gave you the chance to run but you did not treasured it." Dohnaseek said while shaking his head.

Dohnaseek: "I will take care of him Raynare Sama." He said while summoning his light spear and flew towards Lucas.

"Wai-!" Before Raynare could stop Dohnaseek, he already flew towards Lucas. But before he could even move closer, Lucas disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Dohnaseek.

Dohnaseek was startled and before he could react, his chest was already impaled by Lucas hand.

Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarna: "DOHNASEEK!!"

Issei was surprise looking at the scene while Asia looked away.

Lucas: "I still remembered how you stab me from the chest." Lucas sneered. "Good thing you showed up in front of me hehe." Lucas added while grinning.

Dohnaseek just stared at Lucas dumbfounded and turned into light particles.

Lucas was surprised as it is his first time seeing how fallen angels die.

Lucas POV

'Are they born from light?' I thought as I looked at the light particles.

I looked at the remaining 3 figures.

They became wary and took there light spears out but the difference in level is too high.

I appeared in front of Raynare and grasped her neck. She tried to stab me with her light spear but I stopped her and broke her arm.

Raynare: " AAAAAH!" Raynare shouted with pain.

Kalawarna, Mittelt: "Raynare Sama!!!" They tried to approach us to save Raynare.

Lucas: "Don't move!! Or I will break her neck!!" I said in a serious tone.

The two stopped on their tracks as they worriedly look at Raynare.

I looked back at Raynare.

Lucas: "I want to ask you something. Maybe I can let you go." I said.

Raynare was gritting her teeth while some tears are flowing from her eyes because of pain.

Raynare: "Please let me go. I will answer all your questions. I can also do anything you want." She begged and plead for mercy.

I look at her without disdain or looking down on her. It is normal for the weak to be afraid of the strong.

Lucas: "Why do you want Asia to go with you?" I asked curiously.

Raynare was hesitant when she heard my question.

I noticed her hesitation. "Don't try to lie. I can see if you are lying." I warned her.

Raynare became scared: "I just want to take her sacred gear and obtain its power." She said hurriedly. "With this power, I can have recognition and I can payback all those who were looking down on me!"She added with some hatred in her words.

I looked at her and it seems she did not lie to me. I thought it was a plan by someone above but it was just her personal plan to gain power.

Honestly, we did not have such a life and death grudge. I already killed the guy who almost killed me. So I am more lenient to her and I can see my past from her.

She was like me in my past life who wants to obtain power but her approach is different from me as this world has different environment with supernatural beings. Asia just have a bad luck obtaining the sacred gear and was targeted.

As I was in thought, I felt some people approaching from a distance. I look at the direction and saw 4 figures, Rias, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki.

I looked back at Raynare who was so scared and have snot on her face. 'Ah, what a pitiful girl.'

I released her from my grip: "You can go now but you have to remember that Asia is already my little sister." I said in a serious tone.

I approached her again and reached her broken arm.

"Eeeek" Raynare was so scared that she stepped back.

Lucas: "Try not to harm innocent people from now on, Okay?" I said as I healed her arms.

She hurriedly nodded vigorously.

I rolled my eyes upon seeing her. She looks like she did not hear me because of her nervousness. But nevermind, as long as she does not hurt those who are important to me.

Lucas: "Alright you can go." I fininshed healing her and let go.

Raynare was surprise that her arm was healed. She looked at me for the last time and flew away together with her comrades.

I was looking at her leaving figure and Rias came to my side.

Rias: "Why did you let her go?." She asked with a frown.

Lucas: "Well I don't want to add more hatred from the fallen angels against me." I made an excuse.

Rias frowned further on my answer: "I think she is only a subordinate or a low ranking fallen angel. It does not affect the relationship."

I raised my eyebrows on what Rias said but I did not say anything as what she said is the truth.

'Ahh what a cruel world we live in.'

A subordinate, a disposable piece, a foot soldier, etc. These are people that can only dedicate themselves to the strong.

People who are used by the strong. People who are just backgrounds to the strong. People who will be forgotten by the masses after the passage of time.

I too became a subordinate to others and was used many time. I was just lucky that I have the talent and perseverance, and paved my way to the top.

I too became a Hero who used my subordinates and my name resounded to the masses "The Great Hero Lucas Grayheart and his One thousand elite soldiers."

Those one thousand soldiers, there names will never be known by the masses. They only served as the backgrounds to those who made to the top.

'Ahh, the woes of the weak.'


AN: I am just curious, how do other authors (except for those who have a name for themselves) have a million of views even if they just have 6 or less than 10 chapters?