
Ruled By Time And Space

Ethan Wyrus had accomplished what everyone thought was impossible. He had conquered the world and ascended to the upper dimension. His strength was only rivaled by the father of the universe. But who knew that his fall would be caused by those he saw as his eyes and ears, who knew that they would go behind his back to banish him to Earth. Follow his pursuit for revenge and his hunt for allies that can follow him to the land of death and beyond.

supremesovereign86 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

1. A New Beginning

'I remember the words my mother spoke to me when I was a little child as clear as if it was yesterday,

"Ethan, never let small things slow your momentum, never let them drag you down and destroy what makes you you. You are special."

Still, the me back then didn't slot the fact I didn't awake my power at the age of other children, the tender age of 9, as a minuscule problem, for me, it was my life, my entire future that stood at stake when I with a tense mind waited for the signs of my awakening. But, they never came.

'Years came and went as if everything was normal. Earth continued to spin in its orbit around our star. The humans continued to walk down the streets to their works every morning. The monarchs continued their ruling and making trades with the other monarchs. Yet, nobody seemed to put an eye towards the fact that a little boy, the little me now aged 13, still hadn't awakened a power. Nobody cared, nobody really cared, and if it was anything that dragged me down and slowed my momentum it was how small I was, how I wasn't important enough to be cared about. My mother was the only one that I could trust, a wholehearted trust that did not falter, not even when facing the everyday struggles of being a cripple in a world governed by powers. She was the only one who cared, the only one who saw me as a human, the only one who at least tried to make my life worth living.

'The second thing I remember as if it was yesterday was my mother telling me on our way to our next place of living that cold beautiful morning when I was 13,

"My child, no matter how you see it, you are special, not only in the eyes of your own mother, but in the eyes of god, you are special, treasure that feeling and hone it when I can't be with you, mother loves you, she will always do."

That was the second to last words she ever spoke to me. She never got to see the things I did to those who had blatantly killed her that morning, that beautiful cold morning with that beautiful sunrise which soon was dyed red from the blood of my very own mother. It was at that moment my trust faltered for the first time, not the trust I had for my mother, but the faint trust I had in myself, it snapped apart like a tree getting struck by lightning. And deep inside me something trembled, pulling my mind, begging me to release it from the chains holding it down. And the moment I locked gaze with my dying mother, my beautiful mother, laying on the ground with thugs standing above her with arms clad in blazing red fire, those illusionary chains that bound the monster deep inside me shattered. A flow of energy streamed through my mind as faint blue lines stretched out before my consciousness, connecting to what seemed like... everything. Taking control over my mind, the energy began twisting and pulling the blue strings. I could only watch as if I was a spectator of my own body, not having a single piece of control. I could only watch as the controlled me started what could only be called a one sided massacre. They stood no chance. The last thing I remembered before my memories going blank was my ear put against my mothers mouth as she whispered,

"Stay... strong... my child... stay... strong..."

Blood entering my ear from the violent coughs but soon, soon she took her last breath, her entire body relaxing, coming to a calm.'

Faint sounds of screaming people and clashing swords drifted down and through the thick wooden door marking an entrance in the cell. Two bloodshot eyes slowly appeared in the pitch black cell, radiating a clouded deep blue color. The sounds of fighting closed in before suddenly coming to a grinding halt outside the cell. Only a silent drip could be heard before a key-chain rattled and the sounds of turning gears entered the small room. The lock clicked and the thick wooden door slowly made its way inwards revealing a petite girl holding a pair of daggers in one hand and clasping the neck of a guard in the other. With a thud, the body fell to ground as the girl entered the room stretching her arm into what looked like nothingness, the light from the torches not being strong enough to enter the black cell. A faint chuckle made its way to the girls ears before an arm shot out from the deep dark, grasping the girl by her underarm. The girls arm flexed and from within the shadows a tall figure rose from the ground, taking a simple step out from the small cell and into the bloodstained corridor outside.

"About damn time you came for me Diana, I was about to go insane!"

The figures chuckle turned into a boisterous laughter as it turned towards the silent girl, revealing a sleek, clean and very manly face. Sharp cheeks canted the hollow chins and saggy eyes. Long black hair flowed freely over his thin shoulders and down his back. Diana met the gaze of the man before her as he moved in for a hug. Quickly pushing him away and retreating a few steps, Diana opened her mouth for the first time since she came down here,

"You're already insane my dear master, now lets get you out of here and make do for those rags and your very unpleasant body odor."

She threw a disgusted look at the mans clothes turning her back to him, walking back the same way she originally came from. Behind her the man pouted his mouth, silently thinking, 'where's the respect for the elders?' but soon enough he picked up his pace, following his supposed disciple.

With a dark and sad expression he took a step into the real outside for the first time in a year, throwing the lingering thoughts about his lost mother into the back of his mind, putting up a grin as he looked up into the sky, silently whispering,

"Now ya sovereign bastards, live your pitiful lives to the fullest because soon I'll throw your entire domain into a hell on earth..."

An evil laugh breaking the silence.

Ruled By Time And Space is in its beginning state. Please put some feedback in the comments if something's up and I'll try to work with it. Hopefully you'll find my way of writing to be ok!

Happy reading!

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