
Ruined World

Phantom_Author26 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Start of the Journey

Horado continued walking along the ruined road while occasionally melting a wrecked car or two whenever he felt hungry and oddly enough he had not encountered any living being except for the one in deep slumber behind him.

"This is concerning" Horado muttered as he himself knew the complications of not even seeing a single bug or any overgrown plants since the start of his journey and he had covered nearly a hundred kilometers since then.

"What really happened to this world?" Horado started wondering as even blood stains that littered the ground had dried up so much to the point that it didn't even smell.

There are plenty of battle traces in the entire road he had explored yet none of them has any trace of life.

"This..." Horado as he walked found a dump or so he would like to say but it was actually a graveyard of skeletons or more realistically a big pile reaching the third floor of a building of skeletons belonging to humans or so he assumes based on their forms as well as the equipment.

Horado also saw a small skeleton holding the hand of another skeleton which is significantly bigger than it and based on the clothes he can tell that the skeleton was a girl.

"..." Horado couldn't find the words to speak as he himself loathed the thought of kids dying unjustly, if they did something like kill mercilessly then he will be fine with it but a child with no such sin dying makes him feel horrible inside.

"I hope your next life will be a wonderful one" Horado prayed for the girl's well being in her next life however unbeknownst to him and to many, the world where they reside in currently became closed off of the reincarnation cycle as the number of living beings created are nearly zero, as what was said earlier even insects are nowhere to be found.

"-nii-san..." A faint whisper drifted into Horado's ear which made him look around to see where it came from to the point of even searching within the pile but what he found out only infuriated him more since it seems that instead of the girl being hunted by something she was instead used as bait due to the shackles he found that bound her feet.

His rage made his dormant power out of control and spill on the skeleton which started to absorb it yet sadly it was not enough for life to be brought back yet it allowed her spirit to be able to bind herself to him yet this process was still only temporary thus making her tired and fall into slumber thus Horado gained another traveling companion albeit he didn't know about it.

"Fire of Cremation" Horado blurted out words he himself didn't want to say as it sounded cheesy to him yet he just can't let the corpses of others be shattered and disrespected thus he let the words flow out his mouth.

Horado could feel something coming out from his heart which then traveled through his veins towards his fingertips which then changed into rocks with seemingly flowing magma around some of them but this time instead of the earlier red the magma is white.

Horado touched the girl skeleton on the head which then caught fire, the fire is stable like a gentle little firefly dancing through the night as it spread its magic around others.

Horado continued walking forward while scavenging for any parts that seemed useful or when he spot a store that used to sell food in order to stock up on them especially the vacuum sealed dried meat along with some Vitamins that haven't expired yet or at least he thinks haven't expired yet based on their smell and taste. He also continued to snack on totalled vehicles with no hope of ever being fixed.

As he continued to eat all sorts of metals one after the other his whole hand is now able to turn into a magma like state which reminded him of "Heat Blast" from "Ben 10" which was a show he often watched when he was young yet at the same time not since he doesn't have any rock plating just magma.

"I look more like the lava Shark from Hungry Shark Evolution" Horado jokingly said to himself.

What surprised him greatly is by how long the food lasts if it is compared to his memories then most preserved or manufactured goods are all at the very least have ten more times the shelf life compared to them.

Horado continued walking until...

"What the hell is that?!!" Horado couldn't help but shout once he saw the creature, thankfully it didn't have keen ears or else he might have been forced to fight it.

The monster in question looks a lot like a zombie cat whose fur is as white as snow without any patterns but is as big as a tiger along with pieces of it's flesh hanging on it, there are also maggots that can be seen eating away at it's eyes or pretty much any open wounds there are.

Horado covered his mouth once he saw the creature as he felt the insides of his stomach churn while its contents wantied to come out in order to greet him which really annoyed him yet at the same time made him shiver in fear.

He could have accepted it if the cat at least looked normal or alive however a rotting corpse of a giant cat is too much of a sudden change in theme, he had expected that the animals of the world he is living in now had a mutation or a sudden advancement in evolution or aliens appearing on the world or even accidental cracks in space which borders the reality from an alternate one but a giant zombie cat is too much, even it's stink alone might be able to kill normal people regrettably Horado isn't a normal human and his senses are all enhanced as well as resistances that's why he can smell the found odor as if it was close to him.