
Rudra...yes that rudra-[ tensura X dxd ]

Ok so let's do this! how should i explain this well... i died and BAAM i reincarnated,NO it's not that simple i get my soul sucked and next i know the soul i have is half soul of my original soul and now i am in another world with my complete soul and someone else is using my body of my previous world of full soul... it's confusing right,SO READ THE CHAPTERS this is my 1st fanfic,so help me in the comments box & English is not my first language... SO i apologize in advance for all errors and cringe

UmU_UmU_UmU_UmU · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

That's how I Am Going To Explain This


How am i going to explain this? well first, let's start from start. My name is Rudra an orphan, from age 3 to 5 i was adopted three times, in all three times my adopted parents died, every time in a car accident. Every time i survived but never got to experience parental love. Everyone called me unlucky but i thought i was lucky cuz i survived. And you know what i was lucky, i survived many accidents car, bus, even a train one in every one i survived. I was lucky or not don't know, others were unlucky who traveled with me, but meh! i sure was lucky.

After 3 time no one adopted me i

was the 'cursed' child of orphanage. Well

i thought it was cool! , till bullying starts.

I get bullied THREE time, bullying was

horrible. but, you may ask why three time

though?, well cuz afler third time i fight back theni started bullying others, so no one bullied me.

I was strong like that, i was build different

well i never bullied others after some time

cuz big mother told me bullying is bad

and i was a good boy. so,i promised to never bully again *fingers crossed*.

I always feel like, i was alone, like i am missing something. I try to find what i was missing but i never find out. you may ask wha- *cough*Let's get to the story again.1st year of my highschool just started, it was my first day in school, i recently turned 15. i started my day i woke up late at 6 am cuz i quit my early morning part time job. started my routine cooked some food for breakfast and for my lunch box, wear my school uniform, locked my apartment. well you may ask apartment? when i was 10 we go to a trip in a bus, yes bus...

So after that i got a apartment, well forget that let's go back to story. after a 30 min walk i arrived at school, entered my class,

go to my aloted seat that i checked outside. I sat down open my bag took out my novel that i was reading last night, its vol 14 of that time i got reincarnated as a slime, i started reading. I just completed Rain's pov and our homeroom teacher arrived i closed my novel and put it in bag. Our class started with introduction, when my turn came i got up from my seat and said "aaggghhh" and started cluching my heart in pain, it's like 1000 needles are stabbed through my heart.

'PLEASE STOP THE PAIN'i screamed in my head

{Request granting...Pain resistance acquired }




ah.. helo? are you ther-'

{Request granting...Great Sage aquaring...}


{reaquaring... }


{making solution...

Unique Skill Assistant aquired}


{Request granting...Usurper aquaring...}



solution found

Aquaring skill Plunderer...

granted Unique Skill Plunderer acquired}

'Wait what is happning'

'helo? voice of the world hel-'

{due to not having complete soul other request denied. now reincarnation will proceed}


{other half of soul request merging...



{soul is being sucked by other half into its world, stopping the process}



{due to strong attraction between two halfs of soul. voice of the world forcefully aquaring other half of soul...}

{acquired merging two halfs of soul...}


{now beginning the process of reincarn-}



{reincarnation is *error*}

{solution found requesting coordinate and past of soul ... request granted }


'wha- what is this'

'where am i?'

(*notice* you are in an destroyed laboratory in underworld)

'W-wait what? laboratory? you! are you great sage?'

(*understood* i am not Unique Skill Great Sage. i am Unique Skill Assistant)

'assistant? wait! what?

*inhale* *exhale*×10

explain what happned'

(*understood* starting with past of individual. You are Rudra from novel that time i got reincarnated as a slime. After you named the individual guy crimson. manas Michael break your soul in half and throw the 1st half of in dimensional crack from where reincarnated soul comes in the world of tensura. The half of soul that he throw in dimensional crack then born on earth named as individual Rudra. After taking control of Rudra's body in the world of tensura manas Michael throw other half of soul again in dimensional crack. Now this other half of soul reincarnated in the world of DxD as the first born son of individuals named sirzechs lucifer and grayfia lucifuge. When your soul divided in half your first half got most if not all the consciousness and reborn as Rudra on earth. While second half of your soul reborn with the Unique Skill Chosen One as a devil. Your second half's reincarnation was born without consciousness and demonic power. So you were declared dead by sirzechs to other. While he and individual named akuja Beelzebub know you were alive. Still born without demonic energy, if this were to go out. 'He' your father will become a laughing stock in underworld, so he left you at an orphanage creating a fake identify for you that you are survivor of a CAR ACCIDENT in which your parents died and you survived but got into coma thus being transferred to a hospital under registration in an orphanage.}

{After staying there for one month you were kidnapped by Rizevim lucifer. He experimented on you for sixteen years for your 'unique' scared gear while being a pure blooded devil. Recently due to his experiment on your Unique Skill, it awakened and has desire for completing the soul again, thus pulling your half soul out of your first body. When you were having your soul sucked out of you voice of the world though you were dieing thus granting you skills, but after finding out about merging of both half of souls but not reincarnating in tensura world it send coordinate and basics of your past to me.

here when your second soul ripped out and merged with first half of soul on earth you are confirmed dead in dxd world so individual named rizevim lucifer thought you died, and when Unique Skill Chosen One go with second half of your soul he thought he lost the 'Unique' sacred gear. So he left your body in the laboratory. while going he destroyed the laboratory because he 'wasted' 16 years on you. And now you awakened in the body with your whole soul. thus concludes the explanation}


car accident really? "


"i wasn't aski- *sigh* nevermind you don't have emotion."


'So that's what happened in my whole life i thought i was missing something, now i know it. IT WAS MY FU*KING SOUL.'

"*sigh*... ok! why do i fell i want to meet velgrynd like i want to free her from michael's control"

{*understood* when your second half of soul was still with in your body in tensura with velgrynd but was unable to do anything to free her. It devloped deep desire to free her and now that the soul is merged whith your first half, you have desire to free her.}

"didn't you tell me my first soul has my all consciousness? "

{*negative* i said your first soul have 'almost all' if not all of your consciousness from your whole soul. second soul still regain some of your consciousness due to deep love towards individual named velgrynd.}

"why can't i get great sage and usurper and all those skill"

{*understood* Unique Skill Great Sage and Usurper are already acquired by individuals named rimuru tempest and hinata sakaguchi respectfully and voice of the world stoped skill granting because your soul started merging and just after that you reincarnated}

"tell me about my skills in terms i understand"

{*affirmative* showing your skill in status pannel}

{yes or no}


*status pannel*

Name - Rudra

Race - Arc demon

Blessing - none

Ultimate Skills - none

Unique Skill - Assistant


Chosen One

Intrinsic Skills - speed regeneration

devil's aura

power of destruction


all speak

magic manipulation



Extra Skill - demonic power

holy power

light weapon manifestation

magic sense

fighting spirit (touki)

life force manipulation (senjutsu)

sword god

devil summoning

Nullification - [pain attack nullification]

Resistance - [elimental attack resistance]

[magic attack resistance]

[demonic attack resistance]

[holy attack resistance]

[physical attack resistance]

[abnormal status condition resistance]

[spiritual attack resistance]

• Assistant -

Thought Acceleration - Raises thought-processing speed by a thousand times.

Analytic Analyze - The ability to analyze and appraise a target.

Parallel Processing - The ability to detach thoughts and analysis of phenomena. Detached thoughts are also under the effects of Thought Acceleration.

Chant Annulment - When using magic, the chant is no longer necessary.

All of Creation - The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomenon in this world. Depending on the things the user understands and the information the user knows about, additional information can be inferred.

Analysis - The target is studied and analyzed. Craftable items can then be produced. In the case of successful skill or magic analysis, the same technique can be acquired.

Auto Battle Mode- By giving permission to Assistant , host can let it control his body temporarily.

• Plunderer -

Steal and Copy - allow the user to plunder through mind of opponent and steal or copy skills, arts, memories, etc. the stronger the opponent harder to seal or copy.

• Chosen One -

Hero's Haki - Opponents who are weaker than the user are rendered motionless under the imposing aura.

Hero's Blessing -The user experiences a great boost to their luck. Even a normal attack will become a critical strike(Meaning Lethal, not akin to a Video Game's Critical Attack statistics.). This effect is also applied to party members. In addition, onlookers will remember all actions committed by the user in a positive light.

Hero's Charisma - Onlookers who witness the actions of the user will be inspired. Any sense of fear will be replaced by courage to the point where they will be filled with confidence to fight alongside the user. Another effect is that anyone who the user defeats will likely become a follower, barring death of course. This effect also applies to monsters with the notable exception of undead.

Hero's Action - The user will become a role model for their companions, and will eventually earn the praise of everyone around themselves.

{*Notice* when your body was under experimentation you gain all resistance shows in status pannel. And your pain turned into nullification when pain resistance merged through two souls. other basic skills are analyzed through second soul memories like teleport, magic manipulation. Power of destruction and transformation are acquired through demonic energy from your biological parents in this world.

You have been one of the greatest swordsmen in world of tensura, and memories to use sword are fused with your skill Chosen One, thus you are abel to comprehend sword knowledge and reach your past level with minimal training, granting skill sword god.}

"ok... IT'S NOT OK!

I AM OP AS HELL!! , wait! how do i have demonic power? and how can i use holy and light attack? didn't you say i was born without demonic energy? "

{*understood* In this world, devils converts mana or megicules into demonic energy. Same is with angels they convert there mana into holy energy.

The demonic energy is based on imagination and and you don't have consciousness thus you don't convert your mana into demonic energy. As for your holy attribute, that's because of your skill Chosen One.}

"ok... can you stop the desire of me wanting to see velgrynd. It's getting... you know... it's not a good feeling"

{*understood* the desire is fused with your soul, so removing it is not possible. It can be suppressed but it will be there.

do you want to suppress the desire - yes or no}

"yes sigh...is there any way for me to go back to tensura world."

{*affirmative* coordinate of tensura world are acquired by me from voice of the world. But my analytical abilities are not good enough to navigate through void.

but it is possible for me when i become an Ultimate Skill. You will also need a space related skill to create a crack for our passage}

"How am i going to get a space related skill... WAIT!!! DO DIMENSION LOST WORK?"

{*affirmative* it will work, it's possible to acquire 'dimension lost' through use of skill Plunderer}

"ok so where in the story am i"

{you are now sixteen and half years old, issei is 17 year old, rias gremory is 19 year old, you are at start of the series. Issei is turned into devil or will be turned in a few days}

"so, how do we get out of underworld?"

{*understood* due to your skill teleport you can teleport anywhere you have been or you have coordinate off.}

"...ahh... so the skill is useless right now"

{*negative* due to you watching the series, you have watched many places. so you can go there, for example kuoh, gremory household, etc}

"sigh... i know you don't have emotion... but you should know i am asking can i get out of here?...

well whatever let's find some clothes."

After exploring the laboratory for half an hour i was ready to go out.

"Ok where should we go...lets teleport to kuoh academy"


Give me Power Stones. UmU!


UmU_UmU_UmU_UmUcreators' thoughts