
Rubrum Lunae

“Fate has something planned for you…” The Borderland, a desert region located between two countries, two cultures and two rivals; This Region is full of mysteries and rich in“mana” (Natural Energy) a target for powerful individuals. Five Years ago, a tragedy hit the borderland with a massive earthquake and destroyed both cities completely…among the victims,a boy whose existence was completely erased… After witnessing a miracle, Alejandro Sanchez, a regular student at the Sun City International High School, a prestigious school where students from all over the world come to learn with high technology in the Western World, decided to investigate what happened on that fateful night… A new adventure begins as Alejandro meets the mysterious transfer student who resembles that boy who disappeared…he returns to the place he once called home with a simple mission: Assassinate the one who killed his father. Join the two boys as they uncover the secrets of Borderland… Presenting a new and improved project taken by inspiration of my past projects “The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher” and “Crimson Moon” with a new story and new characters... THANK YOU AND ENJOY… What to expect: A Long Story with Real World Settings in Modern Times, with realistic historical event references and unique cultures and traditions loathed around the world… A slow start and plot development that will escalate with every chapter… Character driven plot and Character development… Slice of Life with School settings and Romance… Mystery and Horror in some cases… with Mythological creatures and many legends that many of the readers haven’t heard before as they are from across the world Debate between Good and Evil… Unique Powers and Abilities with Action pack scenarios similar to manga/anime style attacks Note: This is a new and improved story of a project that I’ve been working on for several years. This is a long story with great characters, and incredible settings. Please enjoy the story, feedback is always welcome as long as it’s not offensive or just wanting to attack the author…I am a novice who writes for the readers to have fun…

Crimson_MZ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Vol. 1- Chapter 0: Night of the Crimson Moon

January 31st

"Haa...ha...ha…" A young boy slowly opens his eyes, he has his face lying on the ground, the room is empty and he only sees darkness.

"Where am I?" The boy asks himself as he tries to stand up, he slowly lifts his body but he feels something strange. He can't move his arms or legs, he looks at them and notices that he has chains.

The boy, with a frightened tone begins to say; "Why am I chain up, what's happening?"


The boy feels strange, he feels extremely weak that causes him to fall once again. That night is so cold that he can see his breath, he breathes heavily as he notices a warm liquid coming out of his head.

"What's this warm feeling?" The boy looks at the ground and sees a red color liquid, suddenly he raises his body one more time and notices a puddle of blood, the boy then sees that he is bleeding from his head and his stomach.

He remembers that he was cut by someone wearing a skeleton mask. The boy begins to shake and tears come out from his eyes.


The boy cries as he once again falls completely to the ground feeling very weak. Tears dont stop falling as he cries with fear.

"Mama, Papa, Valerie, Daniel...where are you…"

The boy´s vision begins to get blurry as he breathes even heavier.

"Why is this happening to me, why did it have to be today? Why was I so weak that I couldn't protect my little sister?"

The boy slowly begins to close his eyes as he thinks:

"Mama, Papa, Valerie and Daniel, I am very sorry but this is the end for me…"

There is silence in the room, the boy stops breathing as his blood loss was too great. The boy feels as if he is floating; "It's so warm and peaceful…"

Suddenly, everything turns red.The boy opens his eyes and sees a giant black figure. The figure is blurry and it appears to be changing its shape.


The boy is left speechless as the shadowy figure expands, covering turning everything black, the boy who is really scared turns around and sees a giant skeleton face.


The boy opens his eyes full of determination, he begins to crawl towards the door as he begins to think:

"I won't let you hurt my sister, even if I die, I will die protecting her…"



The boy hears loud noises, followed by gunshots and explosions. He stops as he wonders what was going on. The explosions get closer to him, the boy with fear of what was going on outside continues to crawl slowly as he knows that he doesn't have much time left.


Suddenly, the door collapses in half, a red light shines in the room. A dust cloud begins to fill the room completely. The boy breathes heavily as he looks up and sees a figure approaching him. The dust cloud clears or reveals the silhouette of a man. The man is wearing a Mariachi attire with a mariachi sombrero covering his face.

The boy is frightened as he sees two red eyes looking down at him.


The boy coughs up blood, and struggles.

"HAHAHA, WAIT ARE YOU DYING MUCHACHO?" The man chuckles with a joyful tone, the boy looks at him with a blurry vision as the man continues to speak:





On January 31st, in the region of the Borderland, there are two cities next to each other separated by a river. The city located in the United States called Sun City, and the City located in Mexico named Rio Grande City…they are known as the Twin Cities…

People live their lives peacefully, some working, the children attending school and others passing their time watching t.v…

On that day…and rumors spread quickly throughout the region…

A mysterious case was open, the Vazquez Family, composed of five members, suddenly disappeared leaving no traces. The neighbors of their house reported various explosions…terror spread throughout the neighborhood…

When the police arrived, they were frightened to see the scenario. The whole Vazquez residence was completely destroyed, along with a couple of houses. The building was gone, with no signs of life, the investigation began with no positive results….

On that same night…

It was a peaceful night in the Border region, both Sun City and Rio Grande city citizens spent their evening like any other. Because it is a Friday night, countless young people decide to party. Some to the night clubs, some to the bars. Many children spend their Friday night with their friends playing video games or watching movies. However, nobody was prepared for the events that were to happen...

"WOOW, LOOK GRANDPA, THE COLOR OF THE MOON…" A young boy with spiky brown hair and bottle shaped glasses points at the sky as he is looking through the window.

"Now, now Alejandro, please don't get too close to the window, remember that we are on the 10th floor." An old man wearing glasses approaches Alejandro, he pats his head and with a smile he looks at the moon.

"So, the moon is crimson… Do you want to know a story, Alejandro?"

Alejandro Sanchez, a 12 year old boy who lives with his grandparents, he is very hyperactive and has a lot of imagination. He likes to spend his time researching the unknown mysteries of the world and hears his grandpa's stories.

Alejandro nods in agreement with a face full of excitement. His grandpa sits:

"There is a legend about the Crimson moon." Alejandro's grandpa begins to tell the story:

"A long time ago, the sky had a red crimson tone that resembled the color of blood. The wind blew hard creating tornadoes and whirlpools. The clouds spinned in the sky, taking the shape of a hurricane."

Alejandro gets nervous as his grandpa continues to tell the story:

"The world was at the verge of being destroyed...everyone had lost hope as the catastrophe approached…a giant monster was prepared to destroy everything in its path…"

Alejandro grabs a pillow and covers his face; "And then what happened grandpa?

"When there was no hope, a figure appeared in the middle of the chaos, there was a figure that seemed to be a young man. The young man carried a sword and walked slowly towards the cliff, a huge roar sounded causing large shockwaves around the water surface. Lightning began to strike the island destroying the buildings surrounding it. In the front of the young man there was a huge silhouette of a giant monster with a pair of wings, horns and claws. "

"Wow that's awesome, what happened next"

"The young man fought against the monster and managed to seal it away, he was known as "The Silver Hero" a legendary hero who vanquished evil from this world..." The grandfather says as he points at the moon and continues to speak:

"Now listen, the legend says that the "Beast" will return someday, however, I believe that the "Silver hero" will also return to stop that beast..."

Alejandro grabs an empty paper towel tube and begins to swing it:

"That was an awesome story grandpa, I want to meet that hero someday..."

"Haha, I´m sure you will be Alejandro, one day you will..."

"Indeed, in the meantime, Alejandro, time to eat dinner and then go to bed, tomorrow you have a fun day with your friends right?" Alejandro´s grandma gives him a plate of cookies, Alejandro nods in agreement and walks to his room; "Good night grandma,Good night grandpa, I love you..."

His grandparents wave back at him, Alejandro walks to his room thinking: "Wow, the Silver hero, I can't wait to tell Uriel about this, tomorrow when I see him..."

"Is something wrong dear?" Alejandro´s grandpa asks his wife. "Something is wrong, the mana in the air feels so dense, dear I think something horrible is approaching?"

Alejandro's grandpa looks at the moon; "Is that so, I felt it too, we need to be prepared, the moon is crimson, meaning a catastrophe is coming..."


"Hurry mama, papa, I want to go home..." A young girl with red hair, brown eyes and bottled glasses walks in the sector known as "Downtown. She is with her parents as they head to their home. They are walking beneath large buildings as the cold wind blows through them.

"Victoria, please wait, you`re going to get lost." Victoria´s mother says to her as they walk along the sidewalk. She is holding hands with her husband, Victoria stops and turns around looking at them and smiles;"Okay, I´ll wait..."

In another part of the city…

"Raul, please turn off your lights, it's almost bedtime..."

A mother shouts from the stairs to her son. "Okay mama..." A boy with green hair and glasses types as fast as he can on his computer thinking; "I must finish uploading this file about the attack on the "Vatican" before I go to sleep..."

In a large mansion...

A girl with silver hair named Marjorie and a girl with black hair known as Angela are having a sleepover...

"Okay Marjorie, who do you like the most, Uriel or Aleister?" Angela asks with a shy voice. Marjorie blushes and with a great smile she looks at Angela and replies:

"I think it's obvious that Uriel..." "Aww no fair I like him too..." Angela frowns, Marjorie puffs her cheeks:

"Well I saw him first...."

"I guess I will ask him tomorrow, who does he like better..."

Angela replies as she also puffs her cheeks. Marjorie gets mad as well:

"Alright, let's ask him tomorrow..."

On a small hill…

In a large mansion with black gates, a young boy looks at his window. He has black hair and reddish eyes. The young boy looks at the red moon, thinking; "Father, how long will you keep me waiting..."

Suddenly, the boy is enveloped in a purple color aura, the windows begin to shake as the boy looks impatiently at the clock.

"So it's almost time...for the fun to begin..."

Vazquez Residency...

"What in the world happened here..." An older woman wearing a nun's attire is in a state of shock as she stands in front of a house that has been completely destroyed, the house belongs to the "Vazquez" family, however they are nowhere to be seen.

She walks inside and sees a picture. The picture features a man with bluish hair, a woman with red hair, a boy with blue hair, a girl with purple hair and a boy with reddish hair. "Maria...where did you go..."


The woman looks at the moon; "This mana…it can't be…" The woman drops the photo and runs as fast as she can:

"A catastrophe is coming…"


As the clock slowly turned from 9:59pm to 10:00:00, a massive green light illuminated the Borderland. The light was coming from a pillar that extended to the sky around 20 kms away from the cities. This event paralyzed the two cities completely as everyone who was outside saw it, the ones who were asleep woke up because of the intensity. The pillar of light covered the moon, the light lasted for one minute.

At first there was silence, nobody knew what just happened, suddenly the wind stopped blowing, the flags stood still. The light slowly disappeared, and without warning, a powerful sound of an explosion followed by a small rumbling hit the borderland region…

"Grandpa, is something wrong? I heard a loud noise...and now it's shaking…"

Alejandro comes out of his room, he sees his grandparents looking at the window, his grandpa looks at him and panics; "Alejandro you must hurry to our side...something huge is coming…"


People began to panic, in a blink of an eye, massive wind began to hit the cities with great force, followed by an earthquake, the earth began to split in half, the buildings and houses began to collapse.

Countless explosions caused black outs, people began to run in panic. The earthquake marked a 9 degree in the Ritcher scale and the winds formed tornadoes…

The floor below Alejandro´s feet begins to break, suddenly, he falls as the building collapses.



His grandpa tries to grab him but fails, Alejandro begins to fall from the 10th floor.

"Am I going to die?" Alejndro thinks as he falls with tears in his eyes, Alejandro screams:


Without warning a woman with wings approaches him at high speed, she manages to grab Alejandro before he hits the floor.

"Are you okay?" The woman asks Alejandro, he opens his eyes and only sees the silhouette of her.

Alejandro, who is barely conscious, smiles at her; "Thank you..." The woman leaves Alejandro on the floor with his grandparents and she shines bright, disappearing in an instant.

"AAALLLEEJJJAANNDDDROOO" Alejandro's grandma runs and hugs him; "Thank God…it was a miracle…"

"It was an angel…an angel saved my grandson…" Alejandro's grandpa hugs him as well with tears in his eyes. They hurry towards the door to escape from the collapsing building.

Alejandro closes his eyes as he thinks; "She was really beautiful..."


"What's going on, mommy?" Victoria asks as the earth trembles. Victoria is standing a few meters away from her parents, her mother looks at her with a worried expression and screams:

"Victoria stay where you are, don't move..."

Suddenly a piece of building begins to fall towards Victoria, her parents notice that and run as fast as they can, pushing her aside.

Victoria looks at them as both of them smile; "Goodbye Victoria, please take care..."



The piece of building falls underneath her parents, Victoria tries to run but she is blown away, a police named Officer Rodriguez grabs her.

"Let go of me, Mama and Papa are still there..."

Victoria cries of pain, the officer holds her as he cries: "It's too late girl, it's too late, I´m sorry...I´m sorry..."

"NNNNOOOOO!!!" Victoria cries as more pieces of buildings fall from the sky, the Officer grabs her and runs as fast as she can:

"I need to save this girl…I need to save her…"

Other Places…

"What's happening, why is it shaking?" Marjorie and Angela are frozen, suddenly, her butler, Charles enters and grabs both of them.

"Mistress, we need to get out of here now..."

"Charles....what's going on?" The girls look with panic.

"I don´t know, but I must keep you girls safe...." The butler, Charles runs with both girls down the stairs towards the basement as the house crumble:

"I will save you…"


"RRRAAAUULLL RUUUNN!" A woman screams as the boy with green hair finishes typing; "There…all done…now then…time to contact Aleister…"

At his mansion, Alesiter looks at the light, the ground is shaking, however, he doesn't move an inch, in fact, he is just laughing as he screams:


Behind him, there is a giant demonly shadow with horns and wings appearing as he releases an enormous amount of mana.

On that night, after only 5 minutes, tragedy hit the Twin Cities. Countless people died, countless buildings and houses were destroyed.

That night became known as "The Borderland Catastrophe" At the epicenter of where the catastrophe originated, a giant crater surrounds the area. There is no one there, the only thing there is a Rosary...


February 1st

"Where am I?" Alejandro opens his eyes and sees the sun shining down to his face, he slowly looks around and sees that he is in a hospital bed. He looks around and he is surrounded by his Grandparents and people close to him, everyone celebrates that he is awake.

Alejandro is covered in bandages. Raul, who is one of Alejandro's friends, smiles and comments:

"Man, you sure took a beating.."

"Oh good you're awake... you had us worried son..." Alejandro's grandfather says with tears in his eyes, Alejandro smiles:

"I'm okay grandpa, I was saved by an angel..."

"An angel? Are you sure?" Alejandro's Grandpa acts as if nothing happened, his grandma also acts confused.

"Yeah I'm sure, it was a beautiful angel with golden wings…"

"Fufufu…young boys with their imagination right?" One of the neighbors makes everyone laugh. Alejandro laughs as well, Alejandro's grandpa grabs his stuff:

"The doctor told us that you're okay and that you can go home today…"

"Really…that's awesome…" Alejandro gets out of the bed. One of the neighbors looks at the window:

"I can't believe a powerful earthquake did all of this…"

"I know…it was so sudden…" Another neighbor replies. Alejandro looks at Raul:

"Hey…are the others alright?"

"I don't know…Marjorie and Angela are fine…Aleister said he was fine too…I don't know anything about Victoria…"

"Oh alright…at least Marjorie is okay…" Alejandro feels relieved; "And what about Uriel?"

Everyone looks at him with a confused expression.

"Who's Uriel, Alejandro, did you hit your head really hard that you now have an imaginary friend?" Raul jokes around not knowing who Uriel is.

"Raul, I am talking about Uriel Vazquez…you know our friend…the one that sits next to me in our class..."

Alejandro nervously chuckles, Raul and everyone in the room look at Alejandro with a worried expression.

"Vazquez?" Raul scratches his head; "Do you mean the Vazquez family that lives in that huge house?"

"Yeah that one…Uriel lives there with his little sister and little brother…"

"The Vazquez residence…yeah we know about them…but Alejandro…" His grandma looks preoccupied. His grandpa walks towards him:

"About that...Alejandro, there is something I need to tell, it's something about what happened last night..."

"Alejandro opens his eyes wider…"


Later in the afternoon…

That afternoon, the hospital released Alejandro because of the high volume of victims in the city…Refusing to forget about him, Alejandro snuck out of the shelter and decided to go to his friend's house…

"Ha....ha....ha...."Alejandro runs towards Uriel's house to confirm what happened; "This can't be, how come no one remembers him...he was our friend, I know I am not crazy..."

Alejandro stops running as he looks around; "What happened? Why can't I remember his face? When I try to remember him…everything looks blurry?"

Alejandro is sure that he had someone named Uriel as a friend, however he can't remember his face or his family.

Uriel Vazquez was a boy with blue hair and green eyes, he was Alejandro's friend, they were almost like brothers. Alejandro used to play with him and his little sister, Valerie. Uriel had another brother named Daniel, his father, Roberto and his mother, Maria.

As he arrives at the house, he sees that it was completely destroyed, there was nothing there, the strange thing is that there is somebody in front of the house standing there.

"Marjorie…" Alejandro runs towards, Marjorie is looking at the house with her eyes shallow.

"MARJORIE…MARJORIE!!!" Alejandro grabs her shoulder calling her name. Marjorie reacts and sees Alejandro.

"Alejandro, when did you get here?" Marjorie asks with a smile.

Alejandro sighs:

"I've been here all along, why are you standing in front of Uriel's house, and what happened to it?"

Alejandro knows that Marjorie is in love with Uriel, and that she'll probably remember him.

Marjorie looks at Alejandro with a clueless expression and asks:

"Who's... Uriel?"

Alejandro looks at her frightened, he begins to tremble, and lets go of her shoulder.

"This can't be...not even she remembers Uriel? What's going on?"

"Hey Alejandro, are you alright?"

Marjorie touches his arm. Alejandro grabs her shoulder's tight.

"Marjorie, please remember him, Uriel was a great friend of ours, he went to our school, he was in the same class as us. You always said that he was your future husband....Please remember..."

"Alejandro, you're scaring me...I don't know someone named Uriel…" Alejandro lets go of her shoulders and apologizes.

"I'm sorry…but I need to go back.." Marjorie begins to leave as she asks herself who Uriel might be.

"No one remembers him, did he even exist...I know that I am not imagining things, I know that Uriel lived here with his family..."

Alejandro looks at the rubble trying to find some clues but there is nothing, as he digs more, he finds something strange; "What is that?"

A shining object that lies below on what appears to be a security box underneath the rubble; "This is weird…I never seen this before…"

The object is enveloped on a piece of clothing, Alejandro grabs the piece of clothing and begins to unwrap the object; "What 's that?"

Alejandro goes closer, the object takes a shape of a golden key that fits in his palm, Alejandro grabs it asking himself:

"Is this a key?"

Suddenly, Alejandro begins to feel strange, he falls down into his knees and begins to tremble. He begins to see strange patterns, patterns of strings that move around him, the strings are made of particles:

"What's happening? My body is paralyzed…I can't move…"

Alejandro lets go of the key and throws up:

"What was that? It felt so unreal... I must hide this key...before...."

"Hey you, what are you doing here..." A person with a black suit heads towards Alejandro's direction, Alejandro hides the key in his jacket and plays dumb:

"Nothing, I'm just looking here..."

Alejandro laughs nervously, the man looks at him and asks; "You didn't find anything suspicious right?"

"No, no, I was just passing by..."

"I don't trust you, let me check...." The phone rings, the man gets distracted, Alejandro uses the opportunity to run towards the other house.

"Hey kid, wait...." The agent screams but Alejandro manages to get away as he knows how to move in the backyard and quickly escapes:

"I must find clues…and this key…what is this key?"


Hills near Sun City...

In an abandoned house near the hills, a place where Uriel and Alejandro called their " secret base" Alejandro looks desperately for proof that Uriel exists, however, there is nothing there, not even a picture..

"Damnit, I know I have something here...come on, think... I know...."

Alejandro looks at a secret shelf on the corner of the shack, there he finds pictures of him and Uriel, as Alejandro looks at them, he begins to shake as he notices that Uriel was blurry in every picture:

"They are all like that, what is happening here, why am I the only one that can remember it, why...."

Alejandro cries as he feels he lost a brother....he feels despair and sorrow...he kicks a soccer ball to the wall.


The soccer ball bounces back and hits him in the face, Alejandro falls grabbing his head out of pain and looks up.He notices something hanging, a badge with a "fire" symbol:

"Hey, that's a Super Space Patrol Ranger Badge that Uriel used to play with.

Alejandro quickly grabs it, and looks at the back that says:

"The Fire Space Ranger, Uriel Vazquez...."

Tears come out of his eyes as he looks at the badge with joy:

"I did it, I found proof that you existed, Uriel..."

Alejandro looks at the badge and makes a promise; "I don't know what happened last night, I know that I saw an angel...However, I know that you exist, Uriel, I promise that I will find you, some day...."

At the top of a hill, two figures mounting horses, look down at the cities.

"So, muchacho, it appears the process has begun…Uriel Vazquez is slowly disappearing from everyone's mind…hahaha…not even your friends remember you, are you okay with that?"

The man with red eyes asks a boy who is next to him. The boy begins to move away slowly with his horse showing a pair of red eyes; "That's fine, I don't need them anyway, my only objective is to get stronger, stronger so I can kill the man who killed my father...."

"Hahaha, excellent, now then, that's what I expect from my successor, well then time to go, we have a lot to do before you can return here,Uriel..."

The boy with red eyes looks at the clouds; "I swear I will become stronger..."

On February 1st, Alejandro made the decision to find his friend, and a boy with red eyes vowed to return one day...

That was the beginning of their fateful adventure…