
Royal Dragon

Son of the late Hero and dragon queen, Lukas must learn to survive and revive the dragon bloodline

Aplexcity · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 5 Starlight Academy

(Act 1)

*Arriving Drakila*

"Jacky looking down at the country wondering what his going to do next after losing his village"

Reid: Dammit! How could i let this happen! And when things couldn't get worse, a dragon?!

Jacky: (flinches) uhm maybe we didn't see that right, could just be a monster that happened to look like a dragon

Lily: no! I am completely sure! The magnificent black and blue scales, those bright sapphire blue eyes and the magnitude of mana brimming from it, there no mistake (grinning with star eyes) that was a dragon! Such beauty

Reid: lily your letting your obsession run wild again

Jacky: (blushes)

Ryujin: (talking to Jacky through telepathy) this human…. I will let her serve me, she has an eye for royalty (nods)

Jacky: (sigh) don't get your hopes up…. They will kill us if they find out what we are

??: ar- are we there yet?

"Everyone looked behind at the sound of the voice"

Jacky: (turns around) oh uhm

Nina: my- my name is Nina

Jacky: (monologues to himself) Ah yes Nina Bastian, believe she around 32 years old, definitely don't look her age! her husband and kids got eaten in her face… poor lady..

Ryujin: MILF!

Jacky: …. (Sigh) you pervert (looks at the other girl and continues to monologue) Hailey, she's around my age, she worked as a nurse for our village, she was so kind and nice, lost her only sister, dammit!

Ryujin: and for a human, she HOT!

Jacky: can you stop messing around! (Looks at the last person) Ron, a 7 year old boy, lost everyone in his family. Poor kid

Ryujin: ….

Jacky: oh nothing to say about that?

Ryujin: He just a kid! Don't be weird!

Jacky: argh! Why you~

Lily: we have arrived!

"As the draw closer, they realized how big the country is, and vibrant the whole area is! They approached the landing zone"

*landing at the landing zone*

"As they landed they are greeted by the Royal Guards"

RG1: welcome to Drakila, i need you all to follow me, the King would like to have a word about the incident and any extra information

Reid: yes of course

"They proceeded to follow the Guards"

(Act 2)

*Arrived at the throne room*

"Entering the room, they noticed how big the main hall is with red carpet and a very noticeable calamity dragon skull behind the king's throne, as you look at the king, you notice how old he is and realize his the one that killed your parents"

Ryujin: Luckas….. (says it seriously) let me kill him! I smell the death of my kins on him

Jacky: stop it, we can't afford to start anything here

*everyone kneels except Jacky who was still talking with Ryujin*

Guard 1: kneel you dog! (Tries to kick the back of his leg)

"Jacky instinctively dodged and pinned him to the ground"

Jacky: oops my bad! (Let's go)

Guard 2: you bastard (getting all the guards ready to attack)

King George: (raises his hand)

"All the guard stood down, and the guard previously pinned got up fixing his amour walking pass Jacky"

Guard 1: watch your back punk (whisper)

King George: i like your spunk kid, remind me of when i was your age, but anyways, (looks at the captain) Captain Reid, report to me what you saw and heard

Reid: yes your highness! (Stand at attention) the demons had a coordinated attack and-

King George: no, no, we can talk about that later but what about the sighting of a Dragon?! And a calamity one at that! (Getting invested by leaning forward)

Reid: (clears throat) with all due respect your highness , there was no clear proof that we saw a dragon. For all we know it might have been just a monster with similar features

King George: i see…. That's unfortunate, (look of dissatisfaction) with the current situation, you all will be giving state license and registration to housing, how you go about it is up to you! Dismiss!

*All bowed and thanked the king*

?: wait your highness!

King George: hmm? Lieutenant Gray, what brings you here?

LT Gray: (kneels) your highness! I saw the commotion that transpired earlier and think (points at jacky) he has some skills and just needs to be refined by me, i suggest enrolling all of them into the academy!

Jacky: what?! No I-

LT Gray: silent (gets up with an deadly aura even enough to make Ryujin react) my apologies your Highness for my conduct (kneels back down)

King George: it's okay Gray, i trust your judgment, dismissed!

LT Gray: yes! Thank you your Highness (walks towards them) get settled in and starting next week you all are enrolled into the Starlight Academy 💫 see you soon (giving Jacky a side eye as she walks out the room)

"Hours later, they have been moved to the homeless facility housing. (dorms for homeless people) there can receive shelter and food but are considered third class citizens are generally looked down as worthless folks on the hierarchy of society"

(Act 3)

*later that night*

"Jacky sitting on top the roof"

Jacky: (Sigh)

Lily: well that was a loud sigh!

Jacky: oh lily?! I didn't see you there (a bit surprised) what brings you here?

Lily: Celia told me you were up here, came to check up on ya…. (Sit next to Jacky) how you holding up?

Jacky: honestly i don't know, being happening alot that i am getting immune to it (chuckles)

Lily: Jacky no one can ever get used to losing people they love

Jacky: I-

Lily: (Hugs tight) it's going to be alright! You haven't lost everything! You still have m- you still have us, and we care about you!

Jacky: (tap her shoulder to release him) thanks Lily means alot you said that

Lily: (blushes and sits next to him) of- of course! What are friends for (looks away then look at the stars) whoa! those are pretty!

Jacky: (smiles while looking at lily) yes i agree (looks at the stars with lily) very pretty

"Below them a dark figure in cloak looks at them then walks away into the darkness"

*The next morning*

"Celia knocks on Jacky door"

Celia: wake up Jacky! You can't be sleeping for- (opens door)

"She opens the door to see jacky and lily in the same bed"

Celia: -ever…. ( quickly slams the door and with her back to the door starts crying) Baka! (Runs off)

"Meanwhile back in the room after the slam"

Jacky: mmm (slowly wakes up) why- why do i feel heavy- (looks down and see lily laying on his chest) oh- (freezes for a sec then blushes)

"Lily slowly wakes up and looks at him"

Lily: hmm? (Slowly turns red from blushing) Ahhh!!! (Jumps out of the bed) w- wh- wha- what! Did you do?! Why you in my room?!

Jacky: (still blushing) your- your in my room (looks away with one hand on his face covering his mouth)

Lily: (gets even more red) Ba- Baka!! (Runs out of the room)

Jacky: ugh! My head! What the hell happened?

Ryujin: you finally back to your senses?

Jacky: back to my senses? What happened?

Ryujin: after the little human comforted you, you decided to partake in something called drunk can? Drink hen? Some thing-

Jacky: we drank?! Why don't I remember?!

Ryujin: i don't know, all i saw was you two drinking a whole bottle and immediately becoming stupid, it was really entertaining

Jacky: fuck off (puts on his shirt)

Ryjin: don't blame me that you lost control luckas

Jacky: whatever (head to the restroom to freshen up)

*later that day*

"Jacky is walking through the market"

Jacky: ugh! Still feel like shit!

"Couple of kids were playing, running through the market as the adults was yelling for them to stop running"

Jacky: (sigh)

"One of the kids tripped and scratched his kneel"

Kid: (cries) it hurts!

??: don't cry little one

"Jacky turns around to see one of the three holy knights in the world and a priest beside her"

Random person: (whispers to another) that holy knight Jena! She was the second appointed as a holy knight! She so pretty!

Jena: (kneels beside the kid) you are going to be alright (uses spell: Restore)

"Beam of white light covers the kid's injury and when the light dissipate, the injury was gone"

Kid: than- thank you holy knight!

Jena: (smiles) your welcome young man (pat his head then stands him up) go on now your friend is waiting

"Kid ran toward his friend then turns around and waves goodbye before they ran off"

Priest: it's time to go Holy knight Jena, you are already behind schedule! The other holy knights are waiting

Jena: yeah yeah am coming (pouts)

"They both walked towards the church"

Jacky: holy knights huh? (Continues his stroll through the market)

(Act 4)

"Meanwhile at the church"

*Their are the two holy knight sitting at the round table with 6 priests with the grand priest sitting on the high table in the middle*

Priest 1: where is the last holy Knight?! She is late!

Priest 2: how dare her?! Does she take us for a joke

??: hmph! (Slams the table) Just because we help with the church affairs, we are not obliged to follow your orders!

"The rooms quiets down as the priest whispers to themselves"

Priest 4: that's the 1st holy knight for ya! Holy knight Dukes

Priest 6: yeah! He thinks he all powerful because he was ordained by god, tch!

Priest 3: i mean he did stop 5 calamity monsters advancement all by himself! He is-

Priest 5: NOW ENTERING! Holy knight Jena! And priest John!

"Guards opened the Doors as holy knight Jena and the Priest walks in"

Priest John: sorry we are late grand master (bows) we-

Jena: sir Dukes! Long time no see! (Runs to go hug him)

Dukes: (puts his hand out stopping her hug) why are you late…. Again?

Jena: hewlping sohme kid (dukes hand is on her face) oh! (Grabs his hand) i found some demon activities (had a serious expression)

Dukes: so they have started to move again

Jena: yes, they seem to be planning something big, (sit down) this might be the biggest thing they have done since the time of the hero

"Everyone sits down"

Dukes: hmm, (smirks) look like things about to be interesting, (looks over to the newest holy knight) what do you think? This is going to be your first campaign, hope your ready Holy knight Julian.

"Looking over at him, Julian is wearing a hoodie and with his head bow, slowly raises he head up"

Julian: swear on my dead sister, all demons shall be eradicated! (Looks up as his eyes beams with determination) including... tch (cracks the table with just his fingers)

*A week later*

Jacky: (sigh) i don't want to be here (looks up)

"As he Looks up, he see the starlight academy red and black building, big enough to be its own city. With a giant clock tower in the middle"

Jacky: starlight academy here i come.. i guess (says it unmotivated as he walks in with other students)

*end of chapter 5*