
Royal Descendants: The Chosen One

Apophis is Lucius greatest enemy, not just Lucius' enemy, Aphophis is also Lucius' father enemy and now, he's about to become the entire Lucius' family's enemy. Lucius has made it his mission to get rid of Apophis and protect his family, but what he doesn't know is that such mission isn't his duty. Let's find out who it is as you journey with me

DaoistEa038S · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 9:Wimp

 The news of Cronos fainting and crying circulated round the palace in a matter of minutes, it even got to the prisoners, how it happened, Cronos had no idea.

_back at the prison yard_

 Cronos fainted in the midst of his punishment. Lucius didn't want to continue because he wanted Cronos to go through pains so he stopped once he got to know that Cronos had lost consciousness. Cronos acted up while unconscious which irritated one of the guards and had the others laughing including Lucius and when Cronos woke up, he woke up with the sight of the guards and Lucius laughing at him.

He wasn't given time to come to his senses when the guards roughly made him get on his feet to continue his punishment.

He was confused as to what had happened, few seconds again, everyone was laughing at him and the next they were back to being the meanies they originally were but what had Cronos more confused was the fact that everyone in the prison yard were laughing.

_back at the prison_ 

As Cronos stepped into the prison room, the prisoners started laughing at him which got him confused, the guards who were with him had an evil grin on their faces, they knew what caused it but decided to leave Cronos in the dark.

They threw him into the cell with his new inmates. One of the inmates tried to intimidate Cronos but Cronos defended himself which got the rest of the inmates laughing leaving Cronos in shock. Cronos was surprised to see them laughing cause he didn't know what he said or did to make the inmates laugh.

'Wimp' one of the inmates said out of the blue with a smirk on his face.

I apologise for the late update, I've been so busy and also have issues with my eye. Please bear with me

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