
Royal Descendants: The Chosen One

Apophis is Lucius greatest enemy, not just Lucius' enemy, Aphophis is also Lucius' father enemy and now, he's about to become the entire Lucius' family's enemy. Lucius has made it his mission to get rid of Apophis and protect his family, but what he doesn't know is that such mission isn't his duty. Let's find out who it is as you journey with me

DaoistEa038S · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 10: Big Baby Wimp

'Wimp' one of the inmates said out of the blue with a smirk on his face and with that, everyone in the prison yard burst out laughing. Cronos was surprised at the sudden outburst, the guards came in to know the reason for the sudden outburst.

'What's going on here?' one of the guards who rushed in asked and one of the inmates narrated what happened to the guards present and with that, the guards also burst out laughing. Cronos was still surprised and was even more surprised when the guards also started laughing at the mention of the word, 'wimp'.

One of the guards saw the confused look on Cronos's face and told him everything that happened when he fell unconscious, he told him everything with a wicked grin on his face and it widened when he saw the embarrassed look on Cronos's face after he was done telling him.

Cronos didn't know what to say, he was so embarrassed that he turned his back on the others.

'Aww, is our big baby wimp embarrassed?' Dargan said and with that another outburst erupted. Words couldn't describe how embarrassed Cronos was.

The King, Cassandra, and Anthony walked into the room and saw that everyone was laughing. Lucius inquired to know what caused the laughter and the guards told him what happened and with that, they all burst out laughing including the young ones.

'Big baby wimp' Lucius said, and one of the guards told him that was exactly what Dargan called him, 'big baby wimp'.

They were all laughing when Lucius and the guards stopped laughing all of a sudden.

'Your suffering has just begun', Lucius said to him 

'No matter how many times you escape, I'll make it my mission to capture you and torture you' Lucius added, and with that, he and the guards all had evil grins on their faces, cold shivers were running down Crono's spine like he was bathing in a pool of ice

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