
Chapter 24

Rose POV:

I couldn't help but feel abandoned by everyone I had ever known. My family, including my uncle Alpha Damon, seemed to have forgotten about me. Even my best friend Magda hadn't visited her since I had been taken in by Alpha Alex.

At first, I had tried to resist my new life as a slave to Alpha Alex. I had been strong and defiant, determined to show him that I was not to be underestimated.

But as time went on, I realized that this approach was not going to work. Alpha Alex was too powerful, and any attempt to challenge him would get me killed immediately…sometimes I wonder how and why am I still alive

So I began to do all sorts of work for him, like a slave because I needed freedom at least to see sunlight,have fresh air. I cooked his meals, cleaned his home, and tended to his every need. I do everything I can to win over his heart, hoping that he would see me as more than just a slave and a rejected mate.