
Rouge Of The Magical World

A underworld lord reincarnated into a fantasy world with Round Table in his mind. He’s dead once, and he would do anything to become immortal this time. Was his golden finger, the Round Table strong enough to let him achieve his goal? Or would he have to use ‘the the’ useless stuff in his head? Tower had never been more fired up!!!

RedNight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

The Hunter

Tower followed the chickens and ran in the opposite direction. To his surprise and delight, he found numerous new species running in the same direction. The new prey he hunted made up a large portion of those fleeing apart from chickens.

The chickens ran for half a day before stopping to rest. They seemed to be exhausted. And Tower sharply noticed that different chicken species were not in conflict with each other. In fact, different chicken species seemed to get along well with each-other.

This both surprised and delighted Tower. He planned on switching his chickens with the new species which he now called as Henocks.

But having learned from his previous mistake, he planned to be discrete this time.


It was night time in the Forest, and even the chickens were sleepy. Even though they were scared of the commotion from before, half an hour later, they all fell asleep.

Suddenly a single chicken opened it's eyes. It lifted its neck and surveyed its surroundings. Finding all other chickens asleep, it slowly arose and discreetly made its way towards a sleeping Henock.

The chicken was obviously Tower. He willed his Round Table to clear another chicken before approaching the Henock. Tower felt instantly energized as the Round Table performed its function. The previous 'run' had almost consumed his energy and this new dose of energy was still bearable.

Tower now energised, slowly, discreetly, stealthily made his way towards the nearest Henock. The Henock seemed to sense something and tried to open its eyes, but before that, strong chains locked it and pulled it into the Round Table.

Tower sighed. If he had been a second later, the Henock would have caused a huge commotion.

Tower then found a tall tree and flew on top of it to rest. The fluttering of his wings woke up quite a number of chickens, but they soon drifted back into their dreams as they did not find Tower's actions strange.


Seven days passed, but the chickens never stopped running away in the opposite direction making Tower realise how dangerous his previous actions were. He sighed and thanked the goddess of luck.

And after seven days Tower had finally replaced all of his chickens with Henocks and had transomed into a Henock after the final Henock was captured.

Tower also discovered a new power the Round Table gave him in these seven days. It was a simple power. The Round Table enabled Tower to read through the memories of the captured.

Straight, Simple and very useful power.

Tower was baffled when he first read through the memories of the Henocks! One Henock seemed to have seen a bird which could shatter a huge rock with just its beak. Another saw a bird spewing black fire out of its mouth. In both cases, the Henocks were long distance away and only saw the scenes vaguely.

But the information that excited Tower the most was that one Henock seemed to have seen a human. In its memories it saw a human laying out a trap to catch a wild boar.

Moreover, with the memories of seven Henocks, Tower knew the territory around him like the back of his palm. He no longer needed to follow behind the group to make sure that he was traveling on a safe path.

On this day, he separated from the flock and chose a different direction. This direction was in fact the direction in which the Henock had noticed the human.

Two days later, Tower reached his destination. He first surveyed and saw signs of various traps laid out in his surroundings.

When Tower had been a Webnovel Author, while writing a novel on primitive life, Tower had researched the topic of primitive hunt. In fact, he even flew to various locations of the world seeking primitive tribes and their hunting methods. He even consulted modern hunters as a reference.

So Tower could notice the traps set for catching wild-animals with a single glance.


Two days later Tower's wait seemed to be rewarded. He saw the first human since his reincarnation discreetly making his way towards the traps.

The hunter seemed to be experienced as he surveyed the perimeter for a whole hour before he came out of his hiding and walked towards his traps. Even then, his eyes were drifting around warily and his right hand gripped a dagger that seemed to have seen blood.

He took 5 minutes to reach the traps he had set and saw a rabbit struggling inside.

Though the rabbit was his first prey since 2 months and would bring him enough benefits to sustain for a whole week, the hunter did not show excitement on his face.

He instead became even more wary. This was because the traps he had set up were defaulted because of his damaged equipment and trapping a rabbit would require immense luck. In fact the hunter was right to be wary, this was because it was Tower who had made the rabbit be caught in the trap. The hunter was really experienced.

The hunter took the rabbit out, slowly twisting its neck and thus ending its misery. He then surveyed his surroundings once more. Before taking a step back in the direction he came.

All the while, he did not show his back towards the forest.

Tower who was perched on a tall tree in his Henock form praised the hunter inwardly. He then soared into the sky with the intention to follow the hunter.

"Whoosh!" Suddenly an arrow made its way towards Tower at a fast speed. Tower was surprised but with his speed which exceeded a normal Henock he easily dodged the arrow.

Tracing the arrow back to its origin, Tower saw a small crossbow attached to the hunter's hands. The hunter had been wearing full sleeve clothes and the small crossbow was hidden inside.

The hunter squinted his eyes when he saw Tower dodge his arrow, but he took aim again with a stoic face and released an extra arrow.

Like before Tower easily dodged it.

Seeing that he was unable to hit the Henock, the hunter gave up and lowered his hand. He then took a step back, indicating that he was leaving.

Tower curled his lips up in disdain. He had long since noticed the net that was hung secretly on top of a tree. Though the arrows from the hunter seemed random, they were in fact pushing Tower towards the net.

If Tower gave up on the hunter and flew away, the hunter would not be able to do anything, but if Tower attacked the hunter from his current direction, he would end up in the net the hunter had set up.

Once again Tower sighed as he remembered what the old man of a primitive tribe had mentioned.

'A hunt depends on leading the prey to your trap. But luck is the most important part of the hunt.'

The hunter in front of Tower also knew this principle. He was hoping that his luck would make Tower attack him instead of flying away.

Tower chuckled inwardly as a plan formed in his mind.


The hunter stared at the Henock in the air as he retreated slowly. Inwardly he was licking his lips. 'A Hensling! My luck is pretty good! With this I can get Cynthia some meat for her to eat. I had been quite a heartless fellow towards her for quite sometime now.'

The hunter saw the Henock chirping loudly as if agitated by his arrows. He saw the Henock fly down towards him as if to poke him with its beak. Seeing this the hunter was extremely excited inside as he retreated at a faster pace.

Before long, the Henock was five meters away from him, but the hunter was alredy at the position he wanted to be. Suddenly, the dagger in his left hand curved up and cut a camouflaged rope that was attached to two trees.

As he cut the rope, a huge hidden net flew down from the top of the tree. The rope had been held on top of the tree until now with the support from this rope and now that the rope had been cut away, the net started falling down freely.

The hunter's face revealed a victory smile as he saw the net fall. He was an experienced hunter and knew the exact timing to let the net fall down. In fact, he had shot the first two arrows not only to get the Henock towards the direction he wanted, but also to calculate the Henock's speed.

But suddenly his face contorted in disbelief. He saw the Henock's speed increase drastically. Twice, thrice, four times, fives times and finnaly nine times it's previous speed. The Henock perfectly evaded the net and was two centimetres away from the hunter.

The astonished hunter saw a miracle at that moment. The Henock that had evaded his net stopped before him for a moment and suddenly transformed into a huge foot that rammed into his face like a raging bull.

"Ahhhhhh!" The hunter let out a piercing groan as he fell down clutching his face. The kick to the hunter's face contained a huge momentum from Tower's gliding.

The hunter's mind became a mess as he rolled around unable to hold back the pain he felt. But before he could scream one more time, he was caught up in chains and dragged inside the Round Table.