
Rouge Of The Magical World

A underworld lord reincarnated into a fantasy world with Round Table in his mind. He’s dead once, and he would do anything to become immortal this time. Was his golden finger, the Round Table strong enough to let him achieve his goal? Or would he have to use ‘the the’ useless stuff in his head? Tower had never been more fired up!!!

RedNight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Surrounded by Chickens

"Life pursuing death isn't meaningful!"


Tower looked at the nine chickens chained around the seats of the table bitterly.

"To think I have such a treasure!" He sighed sadly.

It had been a couple of days since his death and reincarnation. For some reason he found his dead-reincarnated body in an unfamiliar place filled with chickens.

After a thorough search, Tower found a Round Table in his sea of consciousness. The Round Table had 10 seats. One main which seemingly belonged to him, and nine other which were unoccupied.

From the moment he saw the Round Table, Tower knew it was a treasure.

But he did not know the method to use it. With no other life-forms other than chickens in his vicinity, there were none he could consult for a better understanding.

That was until, he got hungry. Tower decided to stuff himself with some chicken roast, so he charged after the chickens wildly, hoping to catch them.

The chickens were unafraid as they had no predators in their vicinity and took no heed towards Tower's actions. Thus, Tower easily caught his prey.

Only then did the chickens react. They started running away from the danger known as Tower. But it was too late, Tower took two chickens into his hand and got ready to twist their necks off.

But before he could do that, chains appeared out of his consciousness, seemingly from the Round Table and stole the two chickens from Tower's hands.

Tower was both surprised and angry. How dare the Table take his prey? As he was about to curse, two streams of energy entered Tower's body, and for some strange reason, Tower felt that his strength had become equivalent to a 'man+two chickens'.

He could not describe his emotions at this moment, but he felt like he was a bonafide chicken-man.

Suddenly, his body started to converge rapidly and unfamiliar changes occurred to Tower. It took a minute for the transformation to stop. But when it did stop Tower was no longer human. He was a chicken.

"This..." the chicken Tower lifted his wing and imitated stroking his chin only to find he did not have one at the moment. The chicken Tower closed his eyes and tried concentrating on transforming back into a human. And his body transformed back to a human.

Once he was back to being a human, Tower took a careful glance at the Round Table in his consciousness. Unsurprisingly, he found two chickens sealed with chains on two of the normal chairs.

"The Round Table catches prey and seals them. In return it provides me with the strength of the sealed prey as well as the ability to transform into the prey." Tower made an analysis based on what he knew.

Once he knew something about the Table, Tower took action immediately. This was one of Tower's decisive natures.

He was a retired famous Webnovel Author in his previous life, and his retirement when he was at the peak of his career was one of his decisive actions. As for the actual reasons behind his retirement, only he knew about it.

After abandoning writing, he went through a lot of shit to join a local gang. Within an year, he used everything he knew and earned the trust of their Boss by assassinating their rival gang's Boss. Half an year later, he poisoned his Boss and took over his position.

He then made his gang invest heavily in profit earning business such as drug smuggling. This way, he raised money quickly while under the constant threat of the cops.

Within half an year, he had enough money to expand his gang once more. He had huge plans for his gang, but even he, a cautious-to-the-boot fellow could not survive when faced with absolute strength. 5 of the competitor gangs collaborated together and ambushed his gang. And he fell under the hands of a group of assassins.

To think he gave up on writing to experience the real thrill, yet died before he reached his goal, Tower felt pity towards hid past self. From now on he was going to be even more cautious!


Tower had finally sealed 9 chickens in the Round Table after two days of hard work. For some reason, these chickens, though were still chickens, were extremely intelligent. Once they knew Tower was their enemy, they did everything to escape from him.

Tower had to transform himself into a female chicken and lay the beauty trap before he could successfully catch nine of them.

He then used his speed that equalled 1 man+9 chickens to catch some more. He used some dried twigs to light up a small fire and roasted his meal.

Half an hour later, Tower was finally able to have a taste of these juicy chickens. The soft, tender meat melted on his tongue and Tower lost himself in its taste. Before long, he finished 9 chickens without stopping.

"My appetite rose?" Tower found another effect the Round Table had on him.

"Now,..." Tower got up and surveyed his surroundings warily. His previous death made his past overconfidence fade away, but he would never acknowledge it.

"With a strength of 1 man and nine chickens, I should be able to survey my immediate surroundings at the least, right? After all, these chickens were able to survive here until now." Though Tower was confident, he still used the Round Table's power and transformed into a chicken before he set out into what seemed like a dark forest.


When madness is air, being sane is impractical.

RedNightcreators' thoughts