
Rouge Of The Magical World

A underworld lord reincarnated into a fantasy world with Round Table in his mind. He’s dead once, and he would do anything to become immortal this time. Was his golden finger, the Round Table strong enough to let him achieve his goal? Or would he have to use ‘the the’ useless stuff in his head? Tower had never been more fired up!!!

RedNight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


With the plan in motion, the three squads set out from the main camp. The first squad left first, followed by the second and the third.

As the three squads already knew what they were facing, the upcoming events were easy. They headed south from the main camp where the first squad met with a group of ape monsters that they led towards the second squad.

The second squad who used weapons slaughtered the stronger apes while the third squad was left to manage the weaker ones.

There was no casualties this time but the squads were slightly tired by the end. While the second and third squad rested, the first squad continued south and led another group of monsters to the place after half an hour.

Like this, on the first day, they cleared the monsters 1 km away in the south of the main camp.

If one went forward for another 4 km in the south direction, they would reach the 10 km line border of the Hell-Fire Forest. This last 4 km contained the stronger monsters as it lead to the inside of the forest, and the three squads planned on exterminating these stronger monsters first!

This way, they would face the strongest foes with their strongest force.

This was actually a very smart decision. After all, no matter how skilled the adventurers were, they would still face with causalities when fighting the monsters! Reducing the adventurers' strength by fighting the weaker monsters first, was a foolish decision. It was better to clear out the stronger monsters that posed a higher threat while their strength was still at its peak.

Actually, there was another simple tactic that was far more feasible and less resource consuming.

But this simple tactic involved Time!

With enough time it was easy for the adventurers to eradicate the monsters without casualties! But the problem was that they didn't have much time. They had to clear the monsters in the 10 km of the forest as soon as possible so that the higher ranked adventurers would be able to clear the monsters that presided in the 20 km to 30 km area of the forest.

The monsters in that area were more stronger, and more smarter than the monsters that the three squads were fighting against. If these monsters find themselves on the verge of death, they would start running towards the cities and wreak a havoc before they are put down. Not only that, but these stronger monsters could even rally the weaker monsters to follow them towards cities and the casualties that the kingdom had to bear would just increase.

Though this situation rarely happened, once it happened, the lives lost would be tremendous. Thus, they had clear these weaker monsters as soon as possible to avoid such possibilities.

Two days later, they were only 2 km away from the 10 km border and there were already casualties. Two of the weaker bronze adventurers of the third squad had fallen under the monster's hands.

The silver adventurers were gloomy, as they could feel that this year's monsters were stronger than the ones from last year.

They could only close their eyes in shame while other adventurers cremated their bodies and collected their ash into two small pots.

The bronze adventurer that advised Tower that Tower still had time to accumulate knowledge handed the two pots to him.

"Rewot," He said with a heavy heart. "We are low on supplies. It is time for you return to the main base and bring back another batch! Take these two pots back with you!"

Tower nodded and accepted the two pots.

"Oh, take another novice adventurer with you. Bring back as many as supplies as possible as we won't have time to return to the main camp in the next two days!" The bronze adventurer left these words before he left.


"Mint, we are under orders to return to the main camp for supplies! We should leave as soon as possible to avoid delay!" Tower walked to Mint, who was resting with his back to a tall tree and conveyed their orders.

"Oh!" Mint nodded his head. Every task done by the adventurers is noted down, and adventurer points were awarded for each task one would do during the mission.

Mint felt grateful towards Tower. He knew that Tower was trusted more by the bronze adventurers than him and the old guy. This was probably because Tower was able to remain completely unharmed during this mission.

The orders were probably to take another novice adventurer with him, but Tower chose him instead of the old guy! This meant that Tower was giving him the extra adventurer points that came with this task to him instead of the old guy. Mint was obviously thankful!

"Ok!" Mint nodded. "Let's set out now!"

The monsters on the way back were already cleared by their forward march, so the route back was safe.


"Mint, wait!" Tower suddenly called out.

"What?" Bewildered by Tower's sudden interruption, Mint stopped on the spot. They were still halfway till they could reach the main camp, so Mint looked curiously towards Tower.

Tower's face was covered with vigilance, his brows were pressed together as if he had sensed a great danger. After a short breath, he spoke solemnly. "Monsters, I sense monsters in this area!"

"Monsters?!" Mint too, suddenly became vigilant. "What do you sense?" He asked as he stealthily took a bracelet out of his hidden pockets.

"The mutated rabbits, those that we faced on our first day!" Tower replied, his face sweating.

"I feel the ground shaking there!" Suddenly, Tower pointed at another direction.

Mint hurriedly looked at the pointed location. But he did not sense any movement in the ground at that place. 'Was his sensitivity towards ground movements that weak? No! Tower's sensitivity was too strong!'

As Mint was convincing himself, he heard a loud shout behind him.

Turning towards the loud sound, he found a small earth-hole. Mint's face immediately turned sour.

'Wasn't that place where Rewot was at the previous moment? Was that him shouting just now? The hybrid monsters went for Rewot first?'

'Did they counter sense that Rewot could sense them? That's why they went for him first?' This ridiculous thought went through Mint's mind. Though he was vigilant, he didn't seem to be as scared as before. After all, except for their hiding abilities the rabbits weren't that strong!

Mint waited a minute for the monsters to attack him so that he could use his secret weapon to deal with them, but he was disappointed. The monsters did not attack him.

'Were they satisfied by Rewot's body? Was that enough for them?' Having his doubts, Mint moved towards the earth hole. He stopped a meter away from the hole and peaked inside. He did not find Rewot's dead body inside.

They took him along with them? After a brief examination and a silent prayer, Mint started moving towards the main camp. After all, he can't stay back and mourn for a guy who he barley knew for, could he?

But his movement was strained, indicating that he was still vigilant towards his surroundings! Only after crossing half of the remaining distance did he loosen up and start walking in a natural way.

And then, there was no then!

"Smack!" Before Mint could think, a rabbit jumped out of the ground at his back and gave Mint's back a rabbit footprint with it kick.

The kick was strong compared to normal rabbits, but it wasn't enough to damage Mint who had a strength that equalled 4 humans. He only lost his footing and started falling, with his face towards the ground.

As he fell, Mint took the chance to sneak his right hand into his pocket and retrieve the secret bangle that he hid inside.

He hurriedly brought the bangle between his two hands and rubbed it on opposite sides simultaneously. This activated something in the bracelet as an invisible wave permeated through the surroundings.

After doing this, Mint calmed down a little and turned around to see the rabbit that attacked him.

"Smack!" Too bad, as soon as he turned, a small rabbit paw hit his head with a strength of four humans. The hit was perfectly angled and timed, Mint's consciousness went into a pitch black world because of it.

"Hehe!" The mutated rabbit laughed creepily. A second later, the rabbit transformed into a human.

Tower bent down and picked the bracelet from Mint's hand.

'To think that this small bracelet could influence other's mind! If not for my round table that gave me extra minds, I would have probably lost!'

Tower shook his head and dispersed his thoughts. Black chains extended out the Round Table in his consciousness and dragged Mint into one of its free chairs.

Tower felt his strength increase suddenly.

He now had a strength of 9 humans, four of which came from Mint!

"Hehe!" Tower had a wide smile on his face as he moved towards the main camp. He had to complete his mission after all!

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