
Rouge Of The Magical World

A underworld lord reincarnated into a fantasy world with Round Table in his mind. He’s dead once, and he would do anything to become immortal this time. Was his golden finger, the Round Table strong enough to let him achieve his goal? Or would he have to use ‘the the’ useless stuff in his head? Tower had never been more fired up!!!

RedNight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


Tower felt energy, a lot of energy coursing through his body. He felt it trying to expand his muscles. His muscles seemed to be torn apart as he felt piercing pain all over the body.

"Gahhh!" He screamed out as if shouting was an outlet to the energy inside him.

The energy wrecked his body for a whole minute, but luckily, he managed to survive the ordeal.

Calming down, Tower mocked himself. In order to capture the hunter, the Round Table had absorbed a Henock and turned it into pure energy. But the energy was too much for a mortal body like his.

Once he calmed down, Tower hurriedly turned into a Henock and flew away. He knew the forest and its rules as he had researched it once before! Staying back would only make him a prey to other animals.

He flew for half an hour before selecting a tall tree and perching on it. He then surveyed the surroundings with his enhanced vision.

Only after he made sure that he was not under immediate threat did he relax and go through the hunter's memories.

A hunter's memories were more complex than Henock's and it took Tower a half a day to absorb them.

Tower sighed upon completing the task. The hunter's memories were more useful to him than the Henocks'.

From the hunter's memories Tower came to know that there was a small town nearby.

The town was known as Willow Town due to its huge supply of Willow Wood which was used to create high quality furniture.

Willow town came under the ruling of the southern province which came under the ruling of the Great Wood Country.

Tower also adopted the hunter's memories of the hunt and could be considered a novice hunter. But the most important memories Tower received from the hunter wasn't about hunting, but instead it was the memories of the first level of the Great Wood Physique Scripture.

This was a common body strengthening cultivation manual spread all around the Great Wood Country. In fact, the hunter had been strengthening his body as said in the manual and his strength was already reaching 2 humans. Tower had been lucky to take out the hunter in an instant. If not, the fight would have been a bitter struggle between both of them.

"Hehe, the most important resource for body strengthening cultivation is the energy drawn from meat and I happen to have the Round Table which could convert the muscle into energy directly. Hehe!" The Great Wood Physique Scripture mentioned that to cultivate the Body Strengthening, one needed the energy converted from muscle.

From the hunter's memories, Tower came to know that it was very difficult to convert the muscle into energy and in this process, most of the energy was lost.

In order to overcome this drawback, a special profession was created by the sages of the past. The new profession was called Master Nutritionist and they could convert muscle into energy at a higher conversion rate. Even then, some of the muscle would be wasted.

But Tower knew that he had lucked out by having the Round Table.

He immediately willed the Round Table to sacrifice a Hensling(actual name of Henock). The next moment energy coursed through his body, but unlike before, Tower used the method mentioned in the body strengthening manual to control and tame the energy. Once he tamed the energy, he followed the the manual and controlled his muscles to absorb this energy and in the process strengthening the body.

His muscles strengthened considerably with each passing minute of cultivation but at the end some unused energy still persisted. This let Tower come to a conclusion that the body strengthening manual had some defects.

The excess energy flowed freely through his body and brought some pain, but it was still bearable compared to before.

Tower sighed. Body strengthening was the most common cultivation technique in this world as it was fairly easier and less costly to cultivate. But according to the hunter's memories, there were many types of powerful cultivation techniques. Such as the Qi cultivation, Divine Cultivation, the Legendary Spirit cultivation that had been lost since ancient times and the rarely seen Blood Cultivation.


A man treaded through the outer skirts of the forest carefully. From the corner of his vision he could already see the huge walls of the Willow Town but he did not dare relax.

Only when he exited the forest completely and stepped on the barren land between the Town and the forest did he relax a little.

It took him half an hour to reach the tall walls of the Town. He stood behind the line that was entering the Town through the open gate without causing a commotion.

Soon it was his turn to enter the town. He pulled out two copper coins along with his identity as a resident of Willow Town.

The guard checked the identification partially and returned it back. He then raised the obstruction to let the man enter.

This man was in fact Tower who had transformed into the hunter. The Round Table not only pulled the hunter's body inside, but also his belongings. Thus Tower did not find himself unable to pay the entering fee of the Town.

"Hmm! The Round Table is so mysterious. I wonder what its limitations are?" Tower murmured as he entered the town.


Tower followed the familiar paths of the town to reach his house. The hunter had a wife. They married 2 years ago and were deeply infatuated with each other at that time. But as time passed the hunter's infatuation towards his wife reduced and recently he had been quite harsh towards her due to some circumstances, but he still loved her deep down.

His wife practiced widely spread Heart Cultivation which made it difficult for her emotions to fade away. She was a pious wife who took care of her husband's needs.

Seeing him open the iron gate, she ran up and hugged him. "My love, I was so worried about you!"

Tower chuckled and stroked her back. "You should know me by now Cynthia. I never take risks."

"I know my love." Cynthia nodded her head. Even though her husband had been treating her badly in recent times, she still had extreme confidence in her husband.

She moved away from his chest, caught his hand and pulled him towards their bath. Like a pious wife she cleaned his body with extreme care.

She then dried his body with a towel, dressed him and brought him to their dining table. She was a model housewife, never allowing her husband to do the house chores. This was one of the reason that Tower decided to come here. He would use his identity as the hunter to blend in.

Tower took the newspaper as Cynthia left to prepare their meal.

"Another Heart Cultivator Turned Into A Devil: The Devil Sects Welcome A New Comrade"

A title in bold letters appeared in Tower's eyes.