
Roses, Explosions & Delusions

KisuraKasuda · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Chunibyo, Explosions & Some Other Delusion

Kazuma's POV:

For the past 3 years I had been living in another world. Before I got to this world I kinda lived the life of a shut in who didn't have many friends. When trying to save a girl I thought was gonna get hit by a truck I died of shock. Turns out it was a freaking tractor! Aqua, this useless goddess who I dragged to this stupid world, told me that I had to beat this dude called the Devil King, but what she didn't tell me is that it was gonna be crazy hard. I've been working my ass off ever since I got here, but I guess it paid off in the long run since I beat 3 of the Devil King's top generals. My party finally has the easy life so no more dangerous quests for me.

"But Kazuma you have to beat the Devil King!"

What the hell? Aqua Get out out of my monologue!

"But you're going to tell them lies."

Get the hell out of here!


Ya see what I have to put up with?

I was laying on the couch looking up at the ceiling thinking to myself how great life was now that I don't gotta do anything. I look over and see Megumin standing behind the couch looking at me. She was holding her staff and had the "I wanna go blow something up" look in her eyes, but I was to comfy to go with her.


"No." I said cutting her off right away.

"But I need to use my explosion magic once a day or I'll die!" She begged.

"Ask Aqua." I said with my eyes now closed.

"But Aqua is out and Darkness is asleep." Megumin said in a sad tone. I'm not gonna let this jailbait get to me!

"Go by yourself." I turned away from her.

"You know that I can't move when I Cady my beautiful explosion!" She's persistent I'll give her that.

"Fine but this is the last time." Megumin grew happy and threw her arms around me.

"Thank you Kazuma you won't regret it!"

The thing is I have to carry her back every time. Every damn time. I honestly don't know why I try to refuse anymore though, cause this had become a daily thing for Megumin and I. After walking quite away we had finally reached the destination where Megumin wanted to preform her explosion. Today's area seemed different that usual because normal she would prefer to blow up something big but for some reason we were in an open area.

"Uh Megumin where is the building?" I asked.

"I recently spend the rest of my points to power up my explosion magic to make it even more powerful." She looked at me. Her explosions have been getting really big lately so if she spent more points on it that means.

"Isn't this kinda dangerous then?" I concerned myself.

"Yes, very." She looked ahead and pointed her staff starting to chant that weird stuff she always does before and explosion. With the stuff she chants it depends on how big the impact of the spell will be, and today was the longest chant I ever heard her speak.

"EXPLOSION!" she exclaimed. In that moment everything went dark. I slowly started to open my eyes and sat up. Looking around I noticed something that I never thought would be possible, but it was true. I'm back in Japan!

As I went to stand up my legs shook a bit. I scoped the area a bit more realizing that I am back at the place I died, but how? Who cares I'm finally back! Before I was able to celebrate I looked at my feet and noticed Megumin laying down. This is a nightmare right? My chance at finally living in Japan again and she comes with me? Well I guess it could be worse. Wait if she's from a different world she doesn't speak or understand Japanese. This is bad. Megumin slowly looks up at me.

"Where are we?" She asked softly. When Megumin spoke it sounded like Japanese that means it might have been implanted into her brain like that other world's language was into my head. I reached out my hand to help her off the ground. Megumin took my hand and pulled herself up. After getting up she looked around then back at me.

"We are in my world." I said.

"A world full of perverts." How dare her say that about Japan.

"No you idiot the people here are normal!" I yelled.

"You don't have to be so mean." She said. If we really were back in Japan something must actually be wrong. I should probably find the only guy I can actually trust. Hopefully Togashi is home.

We stood out in front of the apartment complex noticing how big it is. It's way bigger than I remember. Before I walked up I remembered something about a girl Togashi told me about. Every day he would tell me about this girl named Rikka Takanashi and how she had Chunibyo hardcore. When I found out they were dating I thought it was only gonna be a matter of time till they split. Takanashi was so deep in her delusions that if they are still together, Togashi, would probably revert back to his Chunibyo faze. As I got closer to his apartment I prepared myself for what craziness would lie ahead. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After waiting a couple seconds the door opened and to my surprise Takanashi was behind the door.

"Um who are you?" She asked. Holy crap this Chunibyo talks normal now!?

"My name is Kazuma Sato and I'm looking for Yuuta Togashi." I said in confidence. Takanashi looked at me for a second then at Megumin.

"Kazuma?" Togashi walked up, "I heard you died."

"That's kind of a long story."

Remember how I brought up me dying a couple times? Well you wanna know exactly what happened right? To bad! I'm gonna skip the details so you don't have to-

"He died of shock and pissed himself."


"What I'm just telling the audience how it is."

Your not even supposed to be in this story!

"Well I'm a goddess so-"

Just get the hell out!

"You don't have to be so mean Kazuma."

Get. The. Hell. OUT!


Great now you all know, this freaking sucks. Just get the hell on with the story.

After explaining to Togashi about dying and being thrown into that other world by force, he told me that he experienced something similar which in my eyes is total bull. Togashi and his hottie of a girlfriend were both just teleported to a world and actually had powers. Yeah that's right they had powers upon entering the world and I had to freaking fight giant toads to get damn skill points so I could use powers, but even then they were useless (except stealing panties). I looked over at Megumin and she was intensely staring at Takanashi for no reason.

"Can I help you?" Takanashi says in a 'stop staring at me' tone.

"You are a mage." Megumin says in confidence.

"I guess you can say that." Takanashi smiles.

"A great mage like yourself must know explosion magic." She's really gonna ask a girl who only had mad up powers if she used explosions? If you were listening in the first place Megumin you would know she used dark magic and stuff.

"Yes I did." EXCUSE ME!

"Tell me more about your explosions Ms?"

"Just call me Rikka."

So the former Chunibyo and the pain in my ass are friends now??? Great!

"Rikka now's not the time to make friends." Said Togashi. Finally someone who actually makes sense.

"Sorry," Takanashi apologized, "it was nice meeting someone into the stuff I was into."

After talking for a bit we all finally decided to figure out how the hell I got here. Ya know I thought living in that other world sucked and let me tell you. I was right! Why the hell would I wanna go back when I can have a normal life again. I could meet s hottie like Takanashi and live the rest of my days praising Eris that I get another chance at life in Japan. Eris probably felt bad for me for having to put up with that useless goddess and that kinky crusader, but I'm here with Megumin which is weird but in Japan she's normal so maybe she's my future wife. Yep life is great again.

A few hours had passed. Togashi asked if I wanted to walk around with him while Megumin stayed with Takanashi. While walking with Togashi the memories of these streets started coming back to me. I stopped in my tracks and looked down. Togashi looked at me in confusion.

"This is where I died." I sighed.

"You mean where you wet your pants?" That bastard!

"Yeah I did. So what!" I exclaimed.

"Woah calm down I didn't mean anything by it." I took a deep breath. Togashi is the most down to Earth guy I know.

"Ya know," Togashi started, "you don't really seem in a rush to go back."

He's right I'm not in a rush. I missed Japan so much I'd do anything to stay. Really the only thing keeping me from staying is Megumin, and she's very persistent. Speaking of which I'm kind of curious how Megumin is handling Japan. Anyways, once Togashi and I started walking again something came to mind that kind of confused me. If Takanashi had powers in that other world would they have come with her or was that just part of the other world? Once that question came to mind I asked Togashi if she still had powers, but he said no.

"Did she ever test it?" I asked.

"I mean they did only form because of her Chunibyo," Togashi looked at me, "but she wants to take a break from that stuff."

"What if her Chunibyo is triggered?" My heart started to race.

"The only way that could happen is if another Chunibyo-" Togashi stopped, "we need to go back"

So if Takanashi still has powers, Megumin will push her buttons to do so. I'm starting to get really tired of that Crimson Dumbass always doing stupid crap!

As Togashi and I get back to his apartment I hear yelling on the inside. Togashi throws open the door only to see Takanashi bitching out Megumin. You go girl. As I walking in I see Megumin's staff laying on the floor next to a broken table. Dammit Megumin what the hell did you freaking do!

"Hey Rikka what happened?" Togashi asked in a concerned manner.

"This little brat tried to blow something up!" Really Megumin really?

"Rikka calm down." Togashi walked towards her.

"No!" She yelled, "it's only been an hour and I'm already tired of this little bitch doing what she wants!"

For Takanashi to be this pissed Megumin must've done more than just break a table. After Takanashi calls her a bitch Megumin stands up starting to cry.

"All I wanted was for you to like me!" Megumin exclaims and runs out the door as fast as she can. Ya know for someone who goes limp a lot she sure is fast.

"Rikka." Togashi puts his hand on her shoulder. She sighs.

"Okay I went overboard." She looks at me, "tell me how to get her back here please."

"Well she is a chunibyo." I said laughing inside.

"God dammit"

Rikka's POV:

It's been about a month now since Yuuta, Dekomori & I returned from Remnant, and honestly I'll miss it. I know I was almost killed multiple times by putting my life on the line, but I'll miss Ruby and her friends. Once we got home I decided that Wicked Lord Shingan needed a very long overdue break from the world. Nibutani and Kumin came over last night so we told them about everything that happened from worst to best. About an hour after they came over there was a knock on the door so I opened it and behind the door was a normal looking guy with a girl who looks like she belongs in a cult.

"Um who are you?" I ask in a confused manor.

"My name is Kazuma Sato and I'm looking for Yuuta Togashi." He looks a little to confident in declaring who he is. Yuuta walks up and starts talking to Kazuma. I look over and notice the girl just staring at me. I look over at her realizing what she's actually wearing. This girl is wearing a red dress thing with a witch hat and an eye patch, but my question is if she's wearing an eye patch does that mean she's a Chunibyo?

Apparently Kazuma used to live here in Japan but he died a few years ago. When he died he met this goddess named Aqua which told Kazuma that he could revive in a new world where he met a crusader named Darkness and a mage called Megumin which is the girl with him. The same thing that happened to me happened to him, being transported to another world. The more I think about it I believe I remember Yuuta talking about Kazuma a couple times before. When Yuuta told me about Kauma's passing he seemed pretty upset, but I did my best to comfort him. Now that Kazuma is back Yuuta decided he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to spend as much time with Kazuma before he goes back again. While Yuuta and Kazuma went out I was left behind with Megumin and honestly that's a good thing because I can find out what triggered her chunibyo.

I looked to Megumin smiling softly.

"Did you want some tea?" I asked.

"No thank you." She said. Weird normally Japanese people accept tea. I slowly stand up and make my way to the kitchen where I put on a pot for some tea. I peak my head around the corner noticing that Megumin is just looking at Chimera.

"You have a weird cat." She says with a serious look. I have a weird cat? She has a weird outfit! Calm down Rikka don't let her get on your nerves.

"How so?" I ask politely.

"Well my cat Chomusuke isn't as big also yours lacks personality." She's judging my cat? I can't make fun of it's name because I will admit Chimera is a strange name for a cat. I take a deep breathe while pouring myself some tea. After pouring the tea I walk out to the living room and sit on the couch across from Megumin. We started to talk for a bit until I realize something, she's not that interested and if I want her to listen to me I better pull out my eye patch.

"You know I am like you in a way." I say in a monotoned voice. She looks at me, "I to control a dangerous power."

I stand up and hold my hand to my chest.

"The Eye of the Wicked Lord stays strong within my soul for I, Wicked Lord Shingan, will show you true power." Megumin's eyes light up with excitement as I close my eyes.

"Reality rejected, and Synapsis shattered."

I hold my hand in front of me.

"Be banished from this."

I open my eyes with my right one starting to glow yellow.


A ball of darkness forms in my hand. Megumin looks at my hand overjoyed.

"Lass meine Kraft frei!" I flick my wrist to release the ball of dark power only to realize that what I thought was fake burnt a hole straight through my wall. My eyes widened once I noticed that I still have my powers, thank God I didn't summon to much power. I lowered my hand in shock, bit Megumin stood up and held up her staff.

"Impressive use of the dark arts but my explosion magic will greatly triumph over your little dark ball." Wait did she say explosion magic? Megumin starts chanting some strange ritual which scares me cause I think she said explosion magic.

"EXPLOSION!" Megumin shouts. Nothing happens. I look at her in confusion.

"Why is my beautiful explosion spell not working?" I must have energy left from Remnant so that must be why I have these powers.

"Megumin where do you come-" before I could finish my sentence Megumin smashed her staff into the legs of a coffee table and that's when I lost it. I started to tell at Megumin with so much built up anger I felt like I could go for days. Kazuma and Yuuta walked in.

"Hey Rikka what happened?" Yuuta asked in a concerned tone. I started to tell Yuuta what she did but when Megumin tried to say something I said something I regretted immediately.

"It's only been an hour and I'm already tired of this little bitch doing what she wants!"

After I said that Megumin ran out the door crying. I can't believe I said that to her. I walked to Kazuma and told him that I wanted to help find Megumin. Time to go on a chuni hunt.

After Megumin ran off I fell to the ground starting to cry. Look I didn't mean to hurt her and now she's probably in danger since she doesn't have actual powers. Kazuma and Yuuta created a little search party with Nibutani and Kumin, while I teamed up with Dekomori and Shichimiya. Kazuma and I had decided on a time to meet back here. Dekomori put the little spikes on the little balls in her hair and held them up looking like she was ready to fight.

"You know we won't be fighting anyone right?" I said to Dekomori.

"Master why have you changed," Dekomori said in a angry tone, "what had Galzonionzous done to you!"

In Dekomori's eyes I stopped having powers because of Yuuta, but this time that wasn't the case.

"Look I think Wicked Lord Shingan wants to rest for a while." Shichimiya smiles lightly. I always knew I could count on you Satone.

"No! I refuse to accept!" Dekomori starts yelling.

"Dekomori you need to understand-"

"She's gotta have a break from all the fighting back in Remnant." That voice sounds so familiar. The girl walks out presenting herself before me.


When Yuuta, Dekomori, and I left Remnant no one followed behind us, so seeing Ruby was a big surprise. I had so many questions like, how did she get here and did the portal suck her in too? Maybe when Kazuma and Megumin were brought here somehow Ruby was as well, but that makes me wonder. Who else was brought here? I had so many questions for Ruby but I knew there would not be enough time. I explained to Ruby what we were doing and asked for her help. Thankfully she said yes. Now that Ruby is on my team we'll find Megumin with ease. We started to head off on a search for Megumin, I however did have to explain what she looks like to Ruby. Lucky for me Ruby still had her semblance. Ruby scoped through most of the city trying to find Megumin, but unfortunately she had no luck. I got a text from Yuuta asking if we found her. Just before I told him no there was a giant Explosion coming from the park.

"I thought your world lacked power?" Ruby asked in a uneasy tone.

"It does," I looked up at the mushroom cloud. The structure of the cloud was to clean to be man made. I figured that Yuuta, Kazuma and the others were already on their way to the area of where the explosion had come from, so I decided to take Shichimiya, Dekomori, and now Ruby to park which is where the explosion came the from.

Once we reached the park something happened. Megumin was standing in the center of the explosion she created. I have no reason to think this girl is sane. Kazuma ran up beside me with a look of shock on his face. Now seeing Kazuma's reaction I can assume that something like this has never happened before.

"Megumin!" Kazuma tried calling out to her, "what the hell is going on!?"

Right after Kazuma spoke, Megumin, looked up. Her eyes started to glow a bright red. She slammed her staff down brining forth a massive wave of energy throwing us all back.

"Ruby is there anything you can do?" I concerningly asked.

"Unfortunately Crescent Rose is back in Remnant." This isn't good. Kazuma started to walk toward the angry Megumin. What the hell is this idiot doing?

"Megumin you idiot!" He's really going to insult her? "You may be childish as hell but you know you're really cute!"

I uh..... What?

"Are you serious!" Nibutani yelled, "don't be an idiot you moron and do something that will actually calm her down!"

In that moment Kazuma did something that was very stupid but brave, I guess? Kazuma walked up to Megumin and kissed her. This isn't a love story! As Kazuma kissed Megumin her rage-splosion started to simmer down and thankfully no real harm was done. Their kiss must have went on for 10 minutes, which at first I thought he only did it to calm Megumin down but from what it seems it's what he really wanted to do.

"Are you guys done yet?" Nibutani shouted.

"I don't know how someone can suck face that long." I said. The thing is it was sweet but like you want it to stop. Megumin slowly pushed Kazuma away.

"We need to leave." She said in a stern tone.

"That's what we've been trying to do." Kazuma said as an obvious statement.

"No," Megumin got serious, "if we don't leave the city we might all be in extreme danger."


"What do you mean?" Asked Yuuta.

"There have been a few anomalies happening here," Ruby started, "because Kazuma and Megumin arrived as well as me there are now ripples in your world meaning that if one of those ripples is triggered we could all be erased."

Erased from existence. That's something I never thought I would ever have to worry about. I let out a deep sigh. The fate of the world now rests in our hands. Looks like Wicked Lord Shingan won't be getting that break after all.

It's been about a week since Megumin had told us that the world is in danger as well as all of us being wiped from existence. Together Megumin, Ruby and I would be a powerful enough team to hopefully put a stop to this "end of the world" thing, but without Crescent Rose Ruby can't really help us. As I figured Megumin kept her distance from me and honestly I don't blame her. The ripples Ruby mentioned started to become visible and before long people from Remnant and Megumin's works started appearing on the streets. Ruby suggested to look for Crescent Rose every day, but unfortunately she had no luck. Ruby isn't the best at hand to hand combat so I decided to forge her a makeshift Crescent Rose until she can gain access to the real one. Hopefully we can beat this threat without any more casualties.


Yuuta's POV:

After receiving news that Megumin was in the park I decided to text Rikka, but something was wrong. Rikka was shot through the chest. I told Kazuma to go help Megumin and then rushed to the hospital. How could this happen? Who would do this? Well once I find out they are going to pay. Once I walked in the doors of the emergency room I noticed Dekomori, Shichimiya, Kumin, and Nibutani all crying.

I ran up to the desk and told the nurse I wanted to see Rikka, but they wouldn't let me back. Starting to cry I sat beside Shichimiya.

"How did this happen?" I asked Shichimiya.

"I-I don't know," Shichimiya was in tears, "we were searching for Megumin and out of no where Rikka fell on the sidewalk with a bullet wound through her chest."

After hearing this I knew I needed to find out who shot Rikka at all costs.

A few hours later a nurse came out and called out for my name. I quickly stood up and asked if Rikka was okay, but tears started to fill the nurses eyes as words that I was scared of started to form

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Ms. Takanashi is not going to make it." The nurse started, "she only has maybe a few hours left at most."

I fell to my knees as my eyes started filling with tears.

"No," I said starting to cry heavily, "you have to check again!"

"I'm sorry sir but there is nothing else we can do." The nurse said, "you can see her one last time if you'd like."

One at a time we took our time seeing Rikka I wanted to be last cause I had something I needed to say to her. After Nibutani got back she looked at me and nodded. I stood up and made my way to the hospital room. Seeing Rikka in a hospital bed was enough to make me tear up. Rikka looked over at me and smiled faintly saying "Yuuta" I shed a few tears.

"Y-Yuuta dont be s-sad p-please." He voice calming.

"Rikka please don't leave." I started to loose it.

"Yuuta I need t-to tell you s-something." She looked at me.

"You can tell me anything I promise." I gripped her hand tight.

"I love you." After she said those words the monitor beside her started to beep slower and slower until eventually a long unforgiving beep sounded. I fell to my knees starting to cry my eyes out.

"I love you too Rikka."

For the past 8 months I had kept to myself. Kumin, Nibutani, and Shichimiya tried their best to get me outside, but I refused to budge. We were unfortunately never able to get Megumin or Kazuma back to their world. Dekomori gave up her Chunibyo for good and tried making friends to get her mind off Rikka, but I couldn't do that no matter what. I slowly started to revert back to my Chunibyo which is good and bad at the same time. On one hand I would never talk to anyone outside of the people I knew, but on the other I felt Rikka's presence as I got deeper into my delusions.

There was a knock on my door, as I got up to answer it I looked at the time and to my surprise it was Kazuma.

"Do you have any idea what ti-"

"Rikka isn't dead." Kazuma cut me off. I looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Megumin walked up to me.

"She's in my world." This changes everything. No wait it can't be true. Can it?

"How do you know?" Kazuma put a grin on his face looking like he was waiting for me to ask.

"Aqua told me," he said, "guess that useless goddess is good for something after all."

If Rikka is in Megumin's world then I need to find a way to get there.

"Can Aqua come get us?" I asked Kazuma.

"Well ya see it's not that simple." Kazuma chuckled nervously, "we kinda gotta die first."

It's official I hate other worldly rules. I sighed.

"Let's go kill ourselves."