
Roseliya and roselinda family

Nion_6596 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

My imaginary life

Chapter no 1

Hey my name is nion and i am a girl who lives in her imaginary world i am a real human but i have husband in my imaginary world i love my imaginary family so much in my imagination i am a queen of a country called roseliya and my royal family name is roselinda family.

I want to be a artist in my real life thats why i so much paintings and art supplies in my imaginary world. Oh! I forget to tell you that i have 5 kids too 4 twins 2 girls and two boys and 1 boy.

Chapter no 2

So let me tell you how this all started

One cold night i was sleeping so i had a drean wear i was a normal girl and i fall in love with a prince and after that prince also start falling in love with me so we tell that to the queen and queen also liked me and she tell us to get married and i get married and after that when my first twins born she disappeared and only i know that were is she and i give her money for herself and she was living a very good life as a queen after 5 years i had a baby boy and me and my sister in law was had twins at the same time and the coincidence was our kids fall in love with each other and they get married and after 5 years fir there marriage i had twins again but i give the baby girl to someone else so the girl will be successful on her own and now the queen was back and i am still the queen i control all if the country and all of the roselinda family.