

Roseline also know as rose is a 19 year's old girl who lost her parents in an accident what happens when she meet Leo ,a massive billionaire He hates people or anything call love ,but what happens when he meets Rose will this two help each other from their fears and nightmares

Miebai_christabelX · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

chapter 3

When I finally got to the interview room ,I let out a sigh of relief seeing alot of people also waiting on their sits I walked towards the empty sit next to the window

"ROSELINE PARKER" I heard a voice called out making me jump alittle

why are they calling me next I literally just got here ,I thought quietly before standing up on my feet before walking towards the door

I opened the door softly praying in my head this wasn't a wrong room again

I sigh softly mentally patting my head for the good job

" Miss Rosa pls have a sit " an old man said smiling softly at me

he might be my boss I guess seeing how elderly he looks but why will people say he's rude

"yes sir " I said politely

" How was your day today?" he asked surprising me alittle was this a question or part of the interview

" I'm good sir" I said again titling my head

he nods his head before clearing his throat

" So "he started

" why do you want this job miss Rose? " he asked glaring at me softly

I took a deep breath before saying

" I have always wanted to be apart of the Leonard company,my dad was working here before he passed away and I wanted to follow his footsteps to be great in the future" I answered honestly

he looked at me in confusion before asking

" who's your father?" he asked

" KELVIN PARKER" I said softly while his eyes grew wide

" Kevin was your father" he said surprised while I nod softly

" wonderful" he said happily while smiling

" He has always talked about u in the office, saying how his daughter was going to be like him one day,I'm glad you are following his footsteps Rose" he said proudly putting a smile on my face

whispering a thank you I looked away feeling my eyes water up

he gave me a sad smile before holding his arms out while I placed mine softly on his

" Tell you what ,I have gone through your files and You are doing greats on your works " he said softly

" I'm going to assist you to my son ,Leo " he said

" He was named after the company" he said making me smile softly

" you are going to be his assistant,now Leo is not an easy man rose" he said looking at me

while I looked at him with confusing

" he has a hot head and he doesn't like been followed or told what to do ,so the job is not an easy one love " he said again

" I can try sir" I said proudly while my inside was screaming at me to shut up

he laughed softly before looking at me

" if you say so love " he said

" ok good work ROSELINE PARKER,you got the job " he said with a smile after seeing my happy face

" omg thank you so much sir " I said happily feeling like I was about to cry

with that I stood up carried my bag with a wave ,I was out of the office with a proud smile on my face