
Rose Thorns (A Paradise Box Novel)

True love can never be kept apart, right? A freak accident stole the life of her best friend and almost half of Eden Pereira's memories. No money in the world can rectify that, not even her family's wealth. So what's the next move? A change of scenery, a new school, a new life rewritten by her. The past does have a way of catching up. Adonis Rosenvelt is her past. He's wealthy enough he could be a prince, but the similarities end there. He's the cruelest person she knows with a chip on his shoulder, and her showing up at his school might just be the greatest kink in her plan to start afresh. He hates her, so it should be simple: hate him back. But where her head is still so messed up, her heart is really clear about what it wants. This exasperating guy who's prickly as a thorn one minute, and tender the next. Now, priority number one is convincing herself that everything is as it seems. The past is what they tell her it is, his heart doesn't belong to her, she could never recover if she continues to hold on to him. But why does she feel like he would do anything just for her? Why does being around him make her feel more alive than ever, like that is what her life should be? True love should be enough. However, roses are forced to part with their thorns. Maybe a happily ever after is impossible for them.

Anne_Page · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter |7|

Weakly crawling out of bed the next morning, Eden got ready for school. A look in the mirror on her way to the bathroom showed huge bags beneath her eyes from lack of sleep, so she went heavier than usual on her Gothic makeup.

She got quite a few looks when she walked into school, but the alternative was looking like a recently escaped mental patient, so that was fine by her.

Sharpay, when she saw her by her locker, arched one brow. "Tone it down, Wednesday Addams. You almost violating the school's maximum makeup requirement policy."

Eden gaped as she put in her locker combination. "That's an actual policy?"

"Yup. Created by our very sadistic principal, Mistress Ellis."

Eden eyed her warily. "You're messing with me. There's no way. Otherwise, I might have to revisit my previous theory that they do want to make us into mindless robots."

"Eden, I think that everyday," Sharpay sighed, patting her on the shoulder. "So, how was cheerleading?"

She didn't remember telling Sharpay what sport she joined. She'd hardly seen her yesterday.

"Word travels fast," she answered Eden's invoiced question. "I'm dying to know how it went. I'm sure Bette was a bitch, I don't need gossip to tell me that."

"Wow, is she?" Eden dryly asked.

Sharpay let out a snort. "Typical Bette. She sees fresh meat, she gets all territorial. Don't take it personal, she's just really cutthroat about remaining the academy's number one." Eden gave her a puzzled look, so she explained further. "She has to remain the hottest, the most talented, the most revered. I think that's all she dreams about, people worshipping the ground she walks on. I also suspect that's what her posse is for; they're a secret cult who have pledged to spend the rest of their days in unwavering servitude to their one true queen, aka the devil's concubine."

Eden couldn't control the burst of laughter that escaped. "The heck?"

Sharpay smiled conspiratorially. "She wouldn't be the first. Rich folks are known for have nothing better to do with their time and money than waste it on foolish decisions."

"True," Eden agreed. Something occured to her. "You said most people here have known each other a long time. I take it you've known The Gems a while."


"How come you're not friends with them, or anyone? You seem to stay on your own a lot."

Sharpay smiled weakly. "You got me, huh? I don't care much for crowds, that's never been my thing. I hang out with The Gems sometimes. Matter of fact, Chester's folks and mine are longtime family friends. I just prefer to stick on my own, you know."

Eden did know, very much so. She also knew having that one friend who really got you and loved you for you was better. She guessed it was one of the lessons Ripley had taught her.

They separated and went to class afterward. Eden still had a tough time keeping up but that was overshadowed by the fact people weren't talking about her anymore. It seemed Sharpay's prediction had been right, something else had stolen everyone's attention. They kept whispering among themselves about The Gems and a party. She was curious enough that when she met with Sharpay for their class together, she asked about it.

"Apparently, something is going down with The Gems today. No one knows what and it's got everyone guessing."

After that anti-climatic response, Eden didn't care anymore. "Did I tell you? I met Adonis Rosenvelt yesterday," she announced as they entered their class and sat down.

"My imaginary baby daddy," Sharpay gasped and pretended to swoon.

Eden snorted. "Do you have a crush on him?"

"Objectively, no. But tell me what sane girl wouldn't want to bump uglies with a face like that? God, I bet nothing on him can even be called ugly."

Eden chuckled. "Okay, if you're done having a mini-orgasm for Mister Perfection, can I continue my story?"

Sharpay nodded, clearing her throat. "Sorry. Continue."

"Well, for some reason, I blurted out that he and I know each other, which I wouldn't have if you hadn't been so sure." She narrowed her eyes. "But he says we don't."

Sharpay frowned. "He explicitly said he didn't know you."

"I mean, no. But he didn't say he did either."

Sharpay tsked, shaking her head. "Typical Adonis. Can't help but keep you guessing."

"You sound like you know him."

"Nah." Sharpay shook her head again. "I know about him. I know his family and all their connections, I know what people say about him, I know how he spends his downtime. But I don't think anyone truly knows Adonis. Ripley might have. I stand on my word, those two definitely had something going."

"That reminds me. I'd like to see those videos you were talking about."

"Sure, I'll check IG. The Gems should have a few, they always post shit like that to brag about how our academy is the best at everything, even party games."


That ended their conversation as the teacher walked in.

When it was time for lunch, Eden had to go to the administration office so they got separated again. They had sent her an email last night for her to come in to discuss details of her tutoring.

Thankfully, Alicia kept the meeting short, handing Eden a new schedule with the time of her sessions. She would be meeting up with a Sami Osmow everyday in the library immediately after lunch. According to Alicia, Sami was one of the highest ranking students in their year so she was supposedly in good hands.

Eden thought about joining Sharpay in the cafeteria but decided she didn't have much of an appetite. She'd use the time to set up for her first lesson and browse a little. The library should have old plans of the school building from way back.

After checking in with the librarian, Eden chose a table close to the door to set up so she could see when her tutor arrived, not that she had ever seen him before. But she assumed with a name like Sami Osmow, it wouldn't be hard to recognize him.

While she waited, she got to exploring the library, strolling past heavily stacked shelves and never-ending aisles. Seriously, the place was enormous and probably half these books weren't used. Still, it provided an escape for Eden, she got caught up in the engineering section that she didn't realize how much time passed. When she glanced at her watch, she saw it had been over an hour, and her next class would be starting soon. She realized the bell didn't reach this side of the school, and also her tutor hadn't come looking for her. Just as well, she hadn't asked for a tutor.

She began to head back, but stopped when she realized she had no idea how to get back to the front. Shit. The librarian wasn't anywhere in sight and Eden had left her phone in her bag. Her only option was to keep roaming the large library and hope she ran into someone, but the entire library had been dead from the moment she walked in and it was still dead now.

After minutes of hopelessly wandering, Eden finally heard voices and walked in that direction. However, she quickly hid behind a tall shelf when she saw the group gathered in a carrel with several tables pushed together and chairs arranged around. For some reason that may have to do with her curiosity at coming across what she was sure was meant to be private, she didn't want them to see her. It was obviously private because The Gems had chosen a corner completely excluded from the rest of the library and so far away from the front. Made one wonder what they were up to, all ten of them.

At one head of the table was Adonis Rosenvelt, taking up more space than any human being had a right to—metaphorically, of course. His larger than life presence wasn't dependent on his sizeable shoulders; something about him just screamed he was in charge and he better be obeyed.

Next to him, on both sides were Chester and Janelle respectively. Eden recognized her because she was the only girl with the shortest hair in the group, somehow pulling off a pageboy haircut. Bette occupied the other end of the table, flanked on both sides by the other two in her posse. Next to them were the guys who sat together in a way that left the seats closest to Chester and Janelle vacant. Something about the distance gave the impression it was premeditated.

Though they all displayed a formidable presence, Eden found her attention pulled back to the bulky figure at the head of the table. He sat with his legs pulled over the table and arms resting on that of the chair as he pushed the seat back and forth. So at ease, so regal, like a king presiding over his court. Eden unconsciously bit down on her lip as she watched him. There was no doubt she found Adonis Rosenvelt hot. To some extent, of course.

As if feeling the weight of her stare, he looked up and light blue eyes scanned around. Eden held her breath as his eyes stopped then moved on almost immediately from the bookshelf where she hid. Luckily, he returned his full attention back to the court without spotting her. Eden was relaxed now to wonder what they were up to. Sharpay had said Adonis and Chester separated themselves from the group, but here they were having secret meetings in secluded corners. Wait, was this what Sharpay had been talking about when she warned Eden to avoid the library? It looked relatively harmless. If anything, Eden was worried for Bette. She looked ready to pop a vein.

"I guess that's a go on Jared's dare. Jared?" Bette called with a scowl.

Eden heard the shaggy-haired blonde guy speak for the first time. "Yeah, yeah. Fuck Miss Bishops, get it on camera. Got it."

Miss Lorraine Bishops, the quiet, conservative woman in her mid-twenties who taught them AP European History. What were they up to planning something so cruel against the lovely, British teacher?

"And why are we doing this again?" Chester asked, after which he let out a yawn.

Bette fixed him with a glare. "She stepped out of line. And besides, she doesn't belong here."

Eden doubted the young teacher could have done anything to warrant such retaliation. She was taken back to Sharpay's comment about the queen bee being territorial. Maybe Bette felt threatened, it wouldn't be far-fetched. Miss Bishops was young, stylish and pretty. Though it said a whole lot about Bette's self-esteem to target a woman merely doing her job. From the few classes Eden had where Miss Bishops taught, she knew the woman to be beyond sharp, helpful and strict. Yesterday, some boys had been making misogynistic remarks about her body and she had put them in their place instantly.

"I know you boys have a soft spot for her," Bette continued. "But unless Adonis is ready to let me have my fun, the conniving cougar is gone. How about it, A?" Bette asked, smiling too big to be considered sincere at Adonis. "Is your girlfriend's bestie fair game?"

Adonis never once looked Bette's way, which upset her judging by her clenched fists Eden saw beneath the table. "Don't you ever get tired of hearing your annoying ass voice, Elizabeth?"

Everyone at the table froze. A long moment passed before Bette unclenched her fists and flashed a smile, putting them at ease. "Don't you ever get tired of being such a hypocrite, Adonis?"

He turned to Chester on his left. "We're done here." Not waiting for agreement from anyone at the table, he rose to his feet to stand at his full height, stepped back, then walked away from the table in the opposite direction from Eden. She assumed that was the way back.

She waited first for the others to get up one by one and leave the same way. By the time they were all gone, Eden checked her watch to see she had five minutes to get to her next class.

As soon as she stepped out from behind the shelf, she heard a throat clear behind her and froze, inwardly groaning. So close.

Slowly, she turned around and standing behind her was the last person she wanted to run into. She cleared her throat as well and stood up straight, trying to look inconspicuous. "Adonis," she greeted with a nod.

"You shouldn't listen in on private conversations," he said.

Denial was her first option. "I don't know what you mean." At his silent scrutiny, she amended her statement. "It's not my fault your private conversation took place in a public place. Last I checked, anyone is allowed to be in the library and go anywhere they want." She crossed her arms across her chest, assuming a stance of blamelessness. "How did you even know?"

"Your hair," he told her. "I saw it peeking out behind the shelf."

Yet he acted like he hadn't seen her. He let her stay and listen in on their conversation. A conversation she had plenty to say about.

Adonis took a step to the right and walked past her, returning to the empty carrel.

Eden, after a moment of hesitation, followed. She expected him to take a seat at the head of the table again, but he pulled out a chair in the middle and nodded for her to take a seat. A little warily, she did and watched him go around to take the seat across her. Honestly, she watched because she couldn't stand to look anywhere else; not with such a handsome face staring back at her. It was almost daunting.

He surprised her again by speaking before she could ask any questions. "Unfortunately, what you heard isn't a one-time thing. That's what our meetings are about, sitting on our pretentious asses and arrogantly deciding the fate of others."

He should have sounded pretentious or arrogant. He didn't. He sounded resigned. "I heard you didn't affiliate with the group."

He leaned back against his chair, shrugging his shoulders. "Once in a while, I feel particularly pretentious and crave to make someone else's life miserable."

Eden held back a snort. "How narcissistic of you."

"Five minutes together and you already have me figured out." He tilted his head ever so slightly to the side. "Help me figure something out. Is it your guilt that keeps you up at night?"

Eden blinked, thrown. "What?"

"The bags under your eyes. Are you self-inflicting due to the guilt you feel for forgetting a quarter of the people you love?"

Eden's hands clenched over her thighs. "What sort of a question is that?" How did he notice through the makeup? And how would he know the number of people she loved?

"I'm curious is all. Humor me, Eden."

Eden's anger grew. "Eden. ED-en, not E-den." The heck? She was sure he knew how to call her name. Just yesterday she had told him.

"My apologies, Eden," he amended. "Insignificant information eludes me. I'm sure you know all about that."

Eden gaped at the dig directed at her memory loss. She was feeling attacked, which completely confounded her. Why was he behaving this way? Had he lured her into a false sense of security before he struck, critically analyzing her coping mechanisms?

Then it hit her. Ripley. God, she just knew this would be a big problem. He believed what those vilifying reporters wrote, he blamed her for Ripley's death and not having the decency to remember it.

Eden rose to her feet, stepping out of the chair. "I think it's best I go." A quick glance at her watch told her she was already late for her next class. She didn't even need the excuse to get away from him. "Thanks for not snitching on me."

But he wasn't looking at her any longer. He had already dismissed her, leaning his head back against his chair as he looked up at the ceiling with his eyes closed.

Eden was completely baffled. What had been the point of all this then? It didn't matter, she was leaving. "I'll see you... around." She hoped she didn't.

Not waiting around for his reply, she turned in the right direction and started to walk away. Only a few steps forward and she heard his voice calling out to her one last time.

"Your guilt is a useless emotion, Eden." There he went again, saying her name wrong. On purpose. "If you want to atone, fucking prove you care—or cared."

Frowning, she almost turned around to ask what he meant but had a feeling that was all he wanted to say. She continued to walk away, locating her way fairly easily to the front. Her things were as she'd left them. She hurriedly checked out, feeling a slight headache coming on, then made her way to the restroom where she spent the rest of the period in a stall wallowing in self-pity till she had to come out.