
Rose: Pendant Lace

[STRONG CONTENT 18+ ADVISORY] (Though, maybe not. Dunno, maybe in the future if I want to take it that way but, I will most likely keep it PG-14 and only bring out R-18 at certian points for a more 'in-depth' setting or what not... *wink* what? I have a very fragile heart when it comes to difficult plot lines and downright torture on the MC's. I am not exactly an S but I ain't an M either. (GL) is a form of forbidden l-u-s-t that I can understand as pure and sweet. The setting and places as well as any and all characters is all fictitious.) [EXPLICIT LANGUAGE & WRITING] [EXPLICIT EXPLICITATION FOR EXPLICITING THE EXPLECITI-NI-NING!?!?!?] ~ (GL) rocks... Enough said.

Snow_Lux · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Lost Luck

"'Princess... Oh, Princess, the prince wants to marry you and you'll live a life in grand and comfort' --Blah! "

Slightly stomping her heel, Vera held an irritated expression on her face. 'Why? '

Vera had died, reincarnated, died again and this time, was reborn into another reincarnation of... A princess. 

'Let it be mentioned, Vera was initially a guy in his first life. '

"Stupid reincarnate god -- all of them who are doing this to me... I may not not who it is yet, but if I ever find him or her... I'm busting heads!! "Letting a slight flaire up in her mind, his new host body belonged to a Princess of a poor kingdom in a world that has yet to name their planet. "Now, I'm stuck here in this shitty castle with shitty food and even shittier toiletries... Ugh, this sucks worse than my first and second lives combined. "

Her name, Astral Yumi Lavina. Or Yumi for short. 

Her father was king but, his old age was already starting to fail him. Her mother, a twenty-something year old who belonged in his 'harem' or personal bridal group of beautiful women he had gathered. 

Out of all twenty women, only two ever managed to become pregnant and in part of the massive age differences, they didn't bother as they only wished for the benefits of wealth and status. Though, much time their surprise, the kingdom of Vise was failing and set for ruin. 

Out of the two women, three children were born around the same tine in the same year. Yumi, was the third and last born as the other two, were her half-siblings named Stefan and Liorna. They too held the same long name as the King yet, chose to keep it simple the same as Yumi. 

Turning, her head, Yumi had lived two lifetimes and a third just seemed to suck the exitment out of her spirit. At first, Vera was happy and stupefied by being blessed with a second chance. 

Although, in his previous life after having reincarnated unto his host body as a baby, he soon found his second life dull and normal. Even more so when all he could do to pass the time was either trained with the sword or read books in a foreign language hebhad to master in order to make a difference in reading. 

He lived a long and eventful life and as he was bearing his end, he felt at peace as he had lived and made up for his initial life and had no regrets... 

'That is, until he reincarnated yet again but, this time, as the opposite gender. In a failing kingdom. And worse of all, on a planet that still had existing wars raging every other weekend. '

Yumi drew out a long, dry breath as she couldn't help but rub her temples as she felt a migraine starting to form. Suddenly turning to the sound of a wooden door creak open, her emerald green eyes met those of her servants ash black irises. 

"What is it? "Yumi had reincarnated into another body, but what was different thus tine around, she had woken up in a cold sweat one night as she looked down and found a "freaking knife stuck till my chest?! ". 

It was indeed as it was, the previous host had been assassinated and worse, by inenof her own staff maids. Though, the new Yumi did not punish the young maid as Yumi felt it to be a waste of a perfectly beautiful young woman in her early twenties. 

Instead, Yumi pardoned her and sent her on her way with some gold coins, not many only two or three as her kingdom was still flat broke. Turning to analyze her new maid, Yumi's lips ddrew to a line as the woman was indeed young, but lacked any emotions that normal people would express. 

Her name was Hastella. Her family had sold her off as a servant and Yumi's mother took her into the family. She served under the household for a few months now but remained indifferent and cold towards anyone else. Yumi had half a mind to tease her and spoke out, "Your Majesty! "

Hastella's eyes widened yet, her cold, indifferent expression remained the same as she kept her upper body in an arc. Thus, Yumi learned something new about Hastella. 

'It was not that she dislikes people, she just can't help it as she was brought up that way. '

Hastella turned her slightly pink cheeks toward Yumi as she held a poised posture. 

"Your Highness wishes to see you in her chambers. "Yumi had been in her new hot body for three days since she woke up. Despite being stabbed in the chest, Yumi relaxed a breath as she saw the knife had miraculously broken at its edge and only managed to scratch her skin. The previous host must have woken up to such a ghastoy sight and her frail little heart gave out. 

"I see. "Turning her slem gaze to look out the rugged, open wood window, Yumi turned and crossed her legs as she had subconsciously accepted her new mannerisms from her previous host. 'Vera had simply accepted it alo, what else could he do? '


"Mother, you called for me? "Yumi was seven years old at the moment and yet, her new mother had held the air of youth as if she were a teen attending High school. "... Mother? "

Her mothers name was Estra. She held vibrant brown hair and signature green eyes. Much like Yumi, which had slight black hair and green eyes, Estra possessed good genes that made her glow with youth. 

Seated on her bed, Estra was wearing a bright pearly white dress with a slender and sleek, simple design. Her hair hung beautifully down her shoulder and her gaze was soft as she stared down at a purple colored box made of wood. 

"Have I ever told you about your grandparents... Hm? "Yumi blinked un-enthusiasticly as she sighed and just went ahead to ask. 

"No, Mother... May you enlighten me? "Yumi walked over and took a seat beside Estra who spent the next hour talking about her parents and how they used to live in poverty. 

A while hour later, two maids arrived in the grand room and advised Estra along with Yumi that, 'it was time'. 

The two looked at one another as they already knew what they meant. The King of Vise was nearing his end. To many, it was a troubling sign. While for others, mainly the women in his harem, took it as a saving grace as he would announce his will and successor for the throne. 


Arriving at a comically massive bedroom, the frail, thin and old kind laid on the center of his bed as many maids and women from his harem laid beside him, tending to him like the most precious treasure in the world. For a few, he was their savior as he pulled them from poverty and gave then a new, above average life. 

Even Estra, Yumi's mother couldn't help but shed a tear or two in his direction. 

Many of the women in his harem were present and next, his most loyal maid tended to his lips as her ear firmly listened to his every breath. 

"'Regarding the new heir... I shall leave my title and kingdom... To... Stefan. '"

The news was not really shocking for Yumi as she hummed simply while her mother collapsed to her knees. She wept as those were the kings final words before he 'kicked the bucket'. 


'Lord and behold, the most 'bitch-mode' ever made in history as Trila, Stefan and Lirona's mother was one cold ass person. She wasted no time 'cleaning house' as she kicked out everyone she was annoyed with. Including Estra and of course, Yumi. '

What surprised Yumi was not her being kicked out of the castle, but Hastella's loyalty and devotion to her despite having been with her for those short few days. Yumi's lips curved as she now had another soul to take under her wing and protect along with her mother. 

Not even allowed to take their things, Estra, Yumi and Hastella stood outside at the bottom of the castle driveway with the other women who were thrown out. 

Exhausting a breath, Yumi knew that no one would treat these women right and some would even be sold to perverts and sadists alike. Gathering her sluggish ambition, Yumi climbed into a small, yet stubby rock and pulled everyone close as she could already see some concerning gazes from the men in town. 

"Ahem! As my fathers daughter, I already know some of you are aware of the dangers you will fave should you venture out alone. As heiress and princess, I refuse to abandon you lot as you are my family. Do not worry, I have already made arrangements and soon, we will be leaving this place. It is your choice, stay beside me, or take your chances out there in the cruel world alone and become some scum's plaything. I for one, can promise you that you will be taken care of if you stay by my side. "

Though blunt, many of the woman nodded with determined expressions as they all teared up as seeing their only princess promise to look after them. 

However, in Vera's mind. 'As if I'll let any other man lay a hand on these beauties. The old coot' is gone, so why not make my own harem. Hehe, at least in this life, I can have some fun. '

After a few minutes, Yumi held an indifferent expression on her face as Hastella had returned from her errand. Smirking, Yumi glared around the entrance of the village and soon, began walking toward the open land beyond the last few shabby buildings. 

Keeping a sharp eye as she kept all the women huddled and close, Yumi wasted no breath as she swiftly took to the nearby forest and hid her group while leading the many who saw them as meat brought to savages. 

Her hunting lessons from her second life came in handy as with the help of her maid Hastrella, Yumi managed to lead them off track and soon, the forest animals, most likely wolves came and found their afternoon meals brought on a plater. 

Turning back, the instant she appeared at the foot of a small cave, besides Estra, the dozen women leaped toward Yumi, hugging and kissing her cheeks uncontrollably with tears in their eyes. Although for many, thus scene would be bliss yet, Yumi could only grunt as her face was soon covered in slobber and sticky liquid as many if the beautiful women were terrified as being out in the real world terrified them. 

Yumi then out a pin on his plans to lead his harem and instead, shook his head as he resolved himslef to personally train and turn these Nintendo beauties into cold, ruthless Valkryes that could reap the soul of any man, beast, or monsters. Though it would be a longshot, Yumi steeled her resolve and pushed forward as she then led the group further into the forest while avoiding the wild animals. 


After a whole day of traversing through the forest, Yumi returned to the campsite she marked, 'Asgard' with a stone and the worlds engraved in English characters. For Yumi, she felt pride while the others, only held sideway glaces.

After a successful hunt, Yumi skinned the animals she brought back with the moral aid of her trusty maid who tilted her head away, while many others couldn't help but throw up or cry, her mother included. 

Getting a raging campfire going, the many women watched in astonishment at the seven year old little girl breaking off tree branches, trying rocks to thick sticks to form tools, a even making a rotating grill that cooked the large slabs of meat from the animals she brought back. 

After a while, Yumi began carving out chunks with a sharp stone and passed then around the meat to the starving women. They immediately inhaled the sweet smell and ate with a rather restrained yet, wild manner. Yumi chewed on her slice as she was suddenly wrapped up in her mothers arms. Her back to Estra as she lowered her eyes. 

"... Thank you. My beautiful daughter. For accepting them into our family. "Though her voice was low and shaky, Yumi felt pure sentiment from her mothers words as she viewed the many women as her sisters. 

"You should eat, Mother. I don't want to see you like this. It's my responsibility to look after these women, of course, as a Lavina, it's also an honor to look after my fathers women as my own "Yumi felt nothing wrong with what she said yet, Estra's cheeks burned red as she suddenly saw a flash of a hardened hero in her daughters stoic and expressionless face as the breeze tussled her black hair. "Don't worry mother, I'll protect everyone who is dear to me.  I love you all, you are all my heart and anyone who lays a hand on my heart receive no mercy from me. "

Of course, in her mind, 'Whoever touches one of my goddesses is going to face my wrath! "


Three years later, Yumi had begun training lessons for the women. Growing close, Yumi commited their names to heart. 

Having set up two separate groups, one was led by her mother which was many foregers and gatherers who were otherwise to frail and weak for her training and decided to let the do what they could for the group. Although, Yumi was determined to train them regardless as a means to defend themselves at least. 

The second group, unsruprisingly, was led by Yumi along with her loyal maid, Haatella who had developed abs and a toned body. The other women had followed in Hastella's footsteps as she recived personal lessons from literary to martial arts from Yumi. 

In Yumi's two lifetimes, the concept of war and mortal combat were topics in which she disliked yet, learned nonetheless out of sheer boredom. Her memory was impeccable regardless of which body she inhabited. 

Thus, out of the 19 total women, 12 were proficient in weight training and combat. 7 Were peaceful gatherers whi cooked the meals and did what they could to support the group. 

Yumi was somewhat pleased that her efforts had begun paying off. Although, she was currently 10 years old now. Many of the women looked up and revered Yumi with great respect and an unfathomable love for her stern dedication when she announced to take them with her. 

In truth, many women who were now well versed in reading and writing thanks to each other's help, they stood proud and eternally greatful for their little princess who refused to abandon them. 

Although Yumi seemed indifferent over the years, when they first saw how reluctant Yumi was to share a bath down by the stream, they took her standoffish attitude as an adorable trait and saw her as a child who matured due to circumstance. 


"Are we really going, Princess? "Hastella strapped a hand-woven satchel around her waist with rations and a water jug made of an animal's gull-bladder. 

"..." For some reason, after a few months in the forest, Yumi lost her voice as she and Hastella spoke in a weird language without Yumi needing to utter a word. One of the girls in Estra's group claimed it was a blessing from a little-known god who granted her blessings onto Yumi. Further adding to the groups religious belief that Yumi was an angel sent from the heavens. 

"Princess... Please, take this charm. It was woven by all of us, it'll protect you. "Estra held a smile as Yumi took it into her wrist. 

Taking off, Hastrella and two others began trekking through the forest as Yumi had an errand in the kingdom she and her group had left behind. 

'Hope I can find 'it' in this world too. 'Yumi thought as she was closely guarded by her three hot, curvaceous and lethal, 'Valkyries' that surrounded her like precious cargo.  
