
ROSE BLACK - The Hard Core

What happens when the already small affection and love your family shows you suddenly wax cold? Cause of a misunderstanding that happened when she was young, her mother hated her with passion. Rose was tired of it all, tired of the constant corporatism between her and her older sister Gloria, tired of the way her own mother treats and abuse her. She was notorious, badass, and stubborn in every sense. Despite the maltreatment from her family and her past, Rose was a strong-willed girl and no matter what they do to her, no one will ever break or hurt her again. After spending three years in the Hellish doctoring Training Camp, A death sentenced ordered by her own mother, because of a misunderstanding that she no longer remembered. Maltreated, almost raped, almost killed, Rose has no choice but to become the death sentence of her mother. She is back for revenged. At the very sight of her, Vivian Black's heart leap to her throat in fear. 'How's she still life? Did the S.H not do their job?' she ponders on these thoughts. “I'll have to get the job done.' she mutters to herself. “Karma is a bitch, mother,” Rose mutters Despite her cold-blooded heart, Rose couldn't help but fall for the divorced, intruding, handsome bastard Doc Clay. You are in for an action pack family saga, taking a peek into Rose Past, you'll understand where her strength comes from.

ClaraStar · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 28 - The Real Monster

Chapter 28

The Real Monster

I got home late and found dad was already home. I walked over to him. "Hello, father, you seem tired. You should rest," I said to him.

Smiling "you look more tired than me." he replied

I smiled and sat close to him. Although he was holding a newspaper, he was hardly paying attention to it, "Have you eaten?" I asked, "Should I go prepare something for you?"

"No, it's okay. I ate something from the café earlier. But..." he said and reached for my hands. "but what I want you to tell me is about your time in Paris. I never got the chance to ask about your mother's health and all. So tell me, how was it?" he asked with a smile.

Sighing, why was he suddenly interested in my time spent in Paris? Even if I were to tell him about what really happened, he won't believe it, so why wonder? I thought and smiled "it was fine dad. I had all the fun in the world," I forced out a smile, gently removing my hands from his, "You have nothing to worry about."

"Is that so?" he asked, not convinced "it must have been hard for you there, I can't imagine." He said with a sad expression,

"Well, it was father, but like you always said, what can't kill you will only make you stronger,"

"Ah, that's true. I glad you have grown into a strong and wonderful woman. You'll do good." He forced out a smile.

Ah, therefore I love my father, a wonderful and a soft man, at heart. The only problem was that he married the wrong woman. He was so in love with her to the point of being blind to her fault. Father was always aware of all the problem, and pains mom had caused me but because he didn't want to choose between the both of us, he remained blind to her fault and protects me behind her back, I don't hate him, he was just a fool in-love, although I don't know how long I can kept up with his foolishness. I wonder why he is so suddenly interested in having kids. Sighing, I turned to him again "Dad, can I ask you something?" I asked him

"Sure, dear, go ahead."

"Since, when are you so interested in having more kids?"

He stared at me with a shock expression. "is it a crime to want more kids?" he asked instead of answering

"No father, it's not but don't you find it weird that, mother always loses the child, it either she miscarriages or they die after b..."

"That's not her fault," he raged out cutting me off

"What if it were?" I challenge him "have you not thought about that, Because I can't imagine a woman losing her child, over and over again, it doesn't make any sense," I said, I could see the anger in his eyes, of course, … he won't believe my words.

"I can't believe you would say such a thing about your own mother," father said "I'm disappointed in you," he spat out angrily and continued with the paper on his hands,

Sighing, I knew he was never going to take my word for it and that just annoyed me. He thinks I am being rude and vague because of the words I'm using on her? What about the entire ordeal she made me go through? I thought to myself "Suit your self-father, but if you really want to have more kids, I suggest you marry a second wife, scratch that, marry another woman, and make her the center of your world." I said to him

Shocked, "What?" He turned shocked eyes to me.

Smiling "Oh yes dad, you don't have to give me that look, it's a suggestion that only depend on your desperation for more kids." I moved away from him "If you keep waiting for Vivian, you are not going to be a father anytime soon, and you have my full support," I smiled at him "Just think it through" I said and left him, I don't need to see the look on his face to know that he was pissed. Father always hated it when I or anyone speaks about mother in a wrong manner, even if he knows it to be the truth.

I climb the stair case in a graceful manner with my thoughts still in the cloud, with each step I took, getting closer to my room, I had a nostalgic feeling, I just pushed it aside this was my home, a place where my very life was turned upside down, so it was normal that I would feel that way.

But, as I got closer to my room door, it suddenly flings open, I paused, coming out of it was a guard, not just anyone guard, but that of my mother. Ahh, now I know why I was having that ugly feelings, The moment he saw me, he frozen in place but quickly composed himself.

I walked closer to him calmly "What do think you are doing?" I asked gently

"Excuse me, what?" he asked pretending,

I moved closer to him, then turned to my room door, pushed it open, "this room...." I said without turning to him "Why were you in here?" I asked,

He click his tongue at me in annoyance, "I'm a guard madam, and my duties is to make sure, everything is in order," he said with a pissed off tone,

Irked, I stared dangerously at him "Did you just click your tongue at me?"

"Huh, No madam, you heard wrong," he said with a straight face

"Oh….Ahaha, I hope I did. I mean, I think it will be bad for your boss to return from the hospital and fin your tongue splashed on the ground, right?" I asked with an intimidating glare.

He flinched, and then strengthens his back "Of course ma! I apologies," he said with his head bent.

I stare at his bent head for a while, and then glance at my room, Ahh, the thoughts of someone else going into my room without my permission... it's a crappie feeling. "Its fine, you don't have to worry," I replied jadedly

"Okay…. Thank you ma!" he made a U-turn to leave

"Wait…." I smiled "can you go to the maid's quarters and get me two or three maids?" I asked,

"Maids?" he asked glancing at his watch "It kinda late ma! If there is anything you want to do or move… I can help you with it," he suggested,

Huh? "Really?" I asked grinning,

"Yes madam," he answered with a forced smile,

No doubt my mother, has placed him to be a watch dog "Then can you check my bath?" I asked

Hmmm, "What?"

"Can you help unbutton my gown? Take out my panties and bra from the drawer or…."

"Ahh, I'm sorry ma! I'll go get the maids right, away," he said with a flushed face and flee.

"Yeah, thought so,"

I stood at the entrance of my room, not going in, I waited for the maids for close to 30 minutes, and when they finally came, the guard was not with them and they were complaining, "You guys, sure took your sweet time," I blurted out pissed,

Shocked, the give each other a knowing glanced "Sorry, ma!" the one with the black hair said,

Sighing, never mind, I turned to my room…. This was the second floor of the mansion… the down floor consisted of the sitting room, kitchen and a bar, the first floor just had two rooms, the master bed room and one other, wish my mother use. But this floor has numerous rooms, and mine was among but right at the ending of the long corridor was a better and bigger room, filled with glasses, and has an unbelievable number of closets; not that I need that big of a space but, it does bother me. "That room…..that does it belongs to?" I asked, pointing at the white door,

"What? I don't know," the black hair said "I don't think it belong to anyone,"

"You shouldn't say what you don't know," the other maid with a brown hair scolded her, then turned to me "I heard from the head maid that…. The room in particular belonged to Mrs Vivian…. That's where she plans on making the babies' room," she answered.

Grinning "Well, too bad because tonight, I'm moving in there. It's open, right?" I asked

They gave each other a wired look, "Huh…. Yes, I believe so," they chorus,

"Good, then let's get to work,"

"Yes Ma!"