
Worse than a Donkey

Days went by, and my fears lessened. Neither Sam nor I noticed anything unusual, and finally I could calm down towards the first exam. I wrote the exam and went out of the hall. Shortly after, I heard a familiar voice calling me.

"Hey Rosie! Wait for me!" I stopped walking and waited for my classmate, Albert, to catch up with me.

"How was your exam?"

"I think it went good! Say, what was your answer on question 4? Mine was A."

"A? Was it 10?"

"Yes! The equation was so perfect!"

"I got C.."

"Oh no..." We both looked at each other. We walked in silence out of the building. I tried to remember the question itself, or to try and get the same answer as Albert.

"Did you include air resistance in the equation?" I asked him and he became silent. Realisation hit him as he buried his face in his hands.

"I think I forgot about it entirely in the whole exam..."

"Congrats, Albert. There is always a second chance."

"My parents will kill me." He cried out.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Albert calmed down.

"You are right. On a different note, I heard that you are back on the market."

"Rumours spread as fast as wild fire."

"So it isn't true? You are still with that dude?"

"I didn't say that the rumour wasn't true..."

"I knew it! Are you free this Thursday evening?"

"No, sorry. I haven't gotten over the breakup yet." I didn't want to date anyone, let alone be in a relationship. It wasn't because of the breakup, but I was afraid no one would be able to meet my standards. The standards that Vernon set as a man. Although I was afraid of him, he was still much better than anyone else, if not including the idea of him being a criminal.

"Oh man, what a bummer. Hope you will get over it soon!"


Albert and I kept on walking till I saw the girls' dorms on the right and the boys' dorms on the left.

"So here our paths split. I should get going."

"See you around, Rosalyn! If you ever change your mind, call me."

"Yeah, sure." He can only dream about it! "Goodbye, Albert."

"Goodbye, Rosie."

I walked all the way to the third building, the one where my flat is. I entered it and was about to go up the stairs when I heard a deep voice behind me.

"It's quite hard to catch you alone." I knew to whom the voice belonged, I didn't have to turn my head to make sure if I was right. I began running up the stairs. Who thought I could be as fast as a cheetah? Although I was sure he was slow on purpose, but I couldn't think at all at that moment. I had to get to my flat!

"I just want to talk with you!" I could hear him and his footsteps from behind. Not today, sir! I am not going to talk with you!

Finally, I almost reached my floor. Just a few more steps and I will be home. I held my keys, about to open the door, when Vernon grabbed my arm and turned me around. He wasn't angry, but rather playful. It seemed as he had fun chasing me.

"Leave me alone!" I gritted my teeth and kicked his crotch. Vernon almost lost balance, but he surely hasn't lost his jolly mood.

"Oh damn, your kicks are much more stronger than I thought."

Without losing a second, I took the opportunity of him being in pain to open the door, enter and lock immediately. Finally I could breathe again. Too much exercise for one day!

"Rosalyn! It's very important!" His knocks becoming more aggressive as I didn't open the door. I put a chair under the handle, so if he decides to pick the lock, he won't be able to open. He was one persistent pester!

"We have nothing to talk about!" I answered him.

"Yes we do, and it's very important! Please, just open the door!" He kept on knocking and repeating himself over and over again. Another door opened and a firm, female voice with a light accent was heard.

"You ear piercing trumpet! Lower your volume, people are trying to..." Sam! What a timing! Now I could rest assured that he won't disturb me for any longer. She continued: "Oh even better! What the hell are you doing here!? Why are you pestering my dearest friend!?"

"I just need to talk with Rosalyn!"

"The last thing you want to do with her is talk, I can bet ya that!"

"It's not true!"

"I could care less about what is true and what is not! Fact is, you, the one who endangered my best friend, came all the way here to do whatever you want to do with her, and I do not approve it! Get the hell out of here!"

"What if I don't?"

"Then I will mutilate your pretty petty face so no one will be able to recognise you!"

"Do you even know who I am?" This is my chance to shine and be a pain in the behinds!

"Oh my, so young and already has Alzheimer. God bless your soul!" Sam and I were truly a match made in heaven, or hell. Mocking and annoying people is our fun afternoon activity.

"Rosalyn!" Sam was laughing hysterically while he started to knock on the door again.

"Listen, if she doesn't want to talk with you, she won't talk with you. She is very stubborn, some would say even worse than a donkey. Don't waste your time and just leave."

"Fine, but I'm stubborn too! And I will come back!" Vernon finally left, and Sam asked to come in.