
Paranoid Much?

"He left, but I would suggest you keep on putting the chair under the door handle. He is very determined to see you and I don't like it."

Sam was worried, and so was I. I didn't want to know what he wanted from me. Even if it is important, I would rather not know. The less I know the better I sleep! And I already have insomnia when I don't take any sleeping pills! Be damned, Vernon!

"At some point, I would have to open the door, you know? If not, he would probably find a way to get to me or enter the flat."

"That's true. You don't have an exam tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, and same for you."

"Great! Then we will wait for him to come. You let him in, but don't lock the door. If an emergency breaks, try to shout something like.... I don't know..."

"Look! An eagle!"

"Perfect! At that moment, I will call the police and try to knock him down. He won't see it coming!" Sam and I smiled slyly and we were ready for his comeback. He won't understand what hit him. "But only if it is an emergency." Sam added.

"Yes of course!" This backup plan eased my anxiety and filled my mind with determination. I have to face my fears, not run from them!

"You know, it's kinda funny." Sam looked at me seriously. "He didn't look murderous or angry at all. More dead set on getting to you. I don't like him, nor the idea that he tries to talk with you when you clearly don't want to, but I think he will not do anything bad to you." I wished Sam was laughing but she wasn't. "Don't worry," she continued, "I will be here to help you in case of an emergency."

Sam tried to calm and reassure me, but I won't be able to sleep tonight without the aid of sleeping pills.

After Sam left, I made sure that every door and window was closed. I'm not taking the risk that he will get in easily! I put chairs under the handles and closed every curtain. That will be perfect! Finally I could calm down.

"Heya, sis! What the hell? Let me in!" I forgot that Lily wasn't home! I'm such an idiot!

"Yeah sorry about that." I let Lily in, locked the door again and put the chair back in its place under the handle.

"Paranoid much?" I didn't want to hear her teasing! I was really horrified at the thought of him getting in easily.

"You never know what's going to happen, especially when you deal with a professional!"

"Don't you think he will still find a way in, if he is a pro?" Why do you have to do that to me, Lily!? Of course he is a pro! She underestimate his capabilities and it shows with her arrogant attitude. I would need to teach her a lesson but not now. I was tired and in need of some sleep. Arguing with Lily will take the whole night.

"I know it's not a 100% guarantee of him not getting in, but it's something."

"If it helps you with your hysteria, then yes. Go ahead and do that."

"Shut up" I had enough of my sister's bickering and arrogance.

"Well then, good night and sleep tight." Lily said it ironically. I really wanted to slap her.

"Good night."

I went back to my room and prepared for a good sleep. I closed the window and put one final chair, which I prepared earlier, under the door handle. The less ways in the better for my sanity. I took one pill and swallowed it with a glass of water. No one will interrupt my sleep when I take one sleeping pill! I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. I fell asleep shortly after and slept the whole night.


It was about 1:20 in the night. Vernon stood under her window, contemplating wether he should do it or not. Once he decided, he climbed the walls and stopped at the service balcony that was right next to her bedroom window. He quietly opened the window and climb into her bedroom without much effort. He looked at the sleeping girl, her tranquil face made him smile a little. He looked around and saw a chair under the door handle. He chuckled inwardly but he became serious instantly when he noticed a half empty box of sleeping pills with an empty glass on her nightstand.

"She is that scared of me..." He thought for himself. How could he make her trust him? He asked himself. He wanted to protect her, not being her source of fears! He approached her bed and sat on it. He gently caressed her face and stroke her hair. "I'm sorry." He whispered as he leaned in to kiss her forehead. He looked at her for a while longer.

Vernon liked her a lot. She was the only one who made him feel this way. She was truly special, to be able to get him worried over her protective of her. She tormented him and he couldn't get her out of his mind. She was like a plague. A beautiful, heavenly plague. He could watch her 24/7 and he won't get tired.

He stood up and put a letter on the nightstand. He looked at the sleeping woman again.

"Why am I so obsessed over her?" He asked himself. He climbed out of the window and made sure to close it the same way she did. He climbed down the wall and went back home.