
Nothing Will Happen

I came back home ready to lash out on Sam. She is not going to dodge my anger! I opened the door, and Lily immediately jumped to hug me.

"Rosie! First time you do something like that! How was it? Did you enjoy it? I want to know everything!" I saw Sam grinning at me, lazing on the couch like a satisfied cat. That's gonna be fun! I freed myself from Lily's hug and came all the way to Sam. I looked at her from above, my eyes were burning from anger.

"Guess what happened." The smile on Sam's face was erased, and I continued. "You pretty much sent me to my death in the Devil's Underground. It's a miracle that I'm still alive."

Sam's eyes were wide open and the whole room was silent.

"The Devil's Underground?" I heard Lily's whisper behind me. The atmosphere of the room became tense.

"The man that you went with..?"

"A professional killer. Fought with 6 men and killed them all without batting an eye, or being injured." Sam stood up and hugged me. I felt her tears wetting my shoulder.

"I am so so sorry, Rosie! You were right about him and I was an idiot!" She was sobbing. She looked straight into my eyes and said: "If any man comes near you, I will make them regret it! They will regret going near you for wicked and bad reasons! And if that man finds you, I will kill him!"

"Calm down! We don't want you to be prosecuted for murder." Lily laughed at Sam.

"I swear to god I will kill him for putting your sister in a grave danger!" Sam looked at Lily, making the latter to purse her lips. "I just hope he didn't deceive you, or I might as well mutilate..."

"Let's say that his source of confidence is valid."

"Was he better than that bastard, Josh?" Lily asked, and I was ready to answer her, but Sam beat me to it.

"Even a tree would be better than the bastard." The three of us laughed loudly, but she was right. Anything would be better than Joshua. Thank god I opened my eyes and escaped this nightmare.

"Oh Lily, Do you want ice cream? I must treat you to one!" Lily's eyes sparkled with delight. She loved ice cream so badly, it could lighten her mood at any given time, no matter how bad her mood was.

"Ice cream? I thought you wouldn't want to go anywhere after such an adventure?" Sam asked, and her question was reasonable.

"Well, if not for the information that Lily gave me about the lethality of some spots if stabbed there, I would be dead."

"You killed a person?" They looked at me like they have seen a ghost.

"I had no other choice." Or that man would have shot my saviour and me!

"Fulfilled your dream, I see."

"You are salty that I make my dreams come true, don't you Lily?" I pinched her puffed cheeks. She was too cute! Lily slapped my hand away.

"So do you want an ice cream or not?"



"Thank you sis! You are the best!" Lily hopped around the house after our return from the ice cream shop.

"Damn, Lily, are you 18 or 8 years old?"

"Does it matter?" I shrugged my shoulder at her counter question. She is lovely the way she is and I hope she never changes. Sam was unusually quiet. I looked at her and saw that her face darkened.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I am not sure, but I think I saw him." I immediately understood who she referred to. He said he won't search for me. The happiness that my sister gave me with her mood changed into fear. What if he is going to kill me? I hope Sam imagined it, but what if she is right? I don't want to think about it. As much as I tried to distance myself from thinking about it, my anxiety took over me. I didn't sign to be part of this horror movie! I just want to live peacefully with no action and drama! I poured a glass of water and drank it all with one gulp. Am I going crazy because there is a chance that Sam is right? Think rationally, Rosalyn! If anything happens, someone will call the police! It is after all the dorm of the most prestigious college in the whole country!

"Rosalyn!" Sam was shaking me. "Everything will be alright, trust me!"

"I know, nothing will happen." Sam looked at me weirdly.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. Yes I am. What made you think otherwise?" Sam didn't believe me, but she let the matter go.

"Let us enjoy the weekend before Monday comes again." Lily whined. I should not let fear overtake my duty of taking care of my sister.

"Yeah, the exam season is coming soon!" Sam was panicking over the exams.

"Boo! It's the ghost of exams!" I'm used to laugh at her phobia of exams. The only way to relieve panic is by laughter.

We enjoyed the day, watching movies and taking a walk together around the nearby park. As the night came, Sam went back to her flat and Lily went to sleep.

I couldn't sleep all night, fearing every rustle as if it was him. I looked at the ceiling, sleepless and paralysed, waiting for my exhaustion to overshadow the fear and let me sleep at least a few hours. Tears rolled down, wetting the pillow that I rested my head upon.

What have I done?