
Ambrosia Tea

I woke up in the morning well rested. I always cherished a good sleep and this one was no exception. I stretched my arms and looked at my phone to check the time. I sat on my bed and suddenly I noticed papers that weren't there when I went to sleep. I took the papers and unfolded them. A few printed documents and a handwritten... letter? For me?

'Dear Rosalyn!

Please, forgive me. I can't live knowing that you are scared of me. I might be a monster, but I will not hurt you. I know, I said that I won't search for you, but I can't get you out of my head. Please, give me a chance to redeem myself.

The documents explain a few things about my work. Also it is a cruel way to fight them, but I know you will understand.


I looked over the documents and began reading them. It was about an organisation, 'Paitonix'. This name was familiar to me. I think one of them is a politician, Robert Baker. I believe he wanted to be the prime minister, but now he is in the opposition. This politician wanted to make our country great, to make the capital the centre of the world for business, culture, fashion and what not. I didn't vote for him, nor anybody that I know, just because he never proposed something for the young adults. Anyway, by the documents, this organisation was secretly collecting artefacts that held... great power? That can summon some kind of people from another dimension? How is that possible? And 'Paitonix' wanted to take over the government so they could fuse both of the dimensions, bringing some kind of chaos? To rule together with those people from another dimension?

My head was spinning from too much information. I couldn't believe it at all. It wasn't logical! I couldn't wrap my mind around it and I brushed it off as nonsense. Who in their right mind would make something like that up and claim it to be the truth? I put down the papers and went out of the room. I need to clear my mind from all of that unreliable information. I brewed myself some tea and sat down to drink it while reading a book. I heard a knock on the door.

"Who could have disturbed my tea time?" I thought to myself as I went to open the door.

"Well then, how was your sleep?" I felt at ease when I saw Sam. I let her in and she looked at the cup in my hands.

"Hmmm tea. You know I always liked your tea." I rolled my eyes at her and brewed her a cup of tea. We sat on the couch, drinking our tea, when suddenly Sam asked: "Do you think he will come again?"

"The chances are high on this one."

"Would you let him in?" This was a tough question. I was unsure wether I am willing to talk with him or not. A part of me wanted to believe that he won't harm me, but another part was cautious and alarmed. Logically, I should beware him and run away as fast as I could, but after reading the letter, I felt more at ease, a bit more trusting to be precise. After all, he somehow got into my room at night without waking me up and without killing me. Perhaps he didn't intend to hurt me.

"I think I would, no use to postpone something that will happen sooner or later." I tried to a sound as neutral as I could.

"Well, you are not wrong." Sam resonated her concerns. "I just... I don't want anything to happen to you. I won't be able to find a friend like you and I will miss your tea!"

"Don't tell me you are my friend just because of my tea?" I chuckled. Sam was truly a friend to treasure!

"Oh please, you know your tea is the best! Everyone knows it and I rub the fact that I get to enjoy your tea whenever I please in their faces!"

"I should stop brewing tea for you then."

"No! Don't punish this peasant like that! It's worse than an execution!" We laughed at the whole situation.

"I've got an idea!"

"What is it Sam? Is it about your punishment for your arrogance?"

"What? No! I thought, maybe you should give a cup of your ambrosia-tea to your man, if he pays a visit."

"He is not my man..."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. But think about it, you could bargain your life for the heavenly tea for him to enjoy! Of course if he likes the tea. It would be strange if he doesn't like your tea..."

"Are you saying that my life is as worthy as tea?"

"First of all, as worthy as tea that was poured from the heavens themselves. Second of all, anybody who doesn't drink tea and tries yours, will become a tea lover in an instant. Your tea is magical and you should be proud of it!" I rolled my eyes again. So annoying! Sam finished her drink and placed it in the sink.

"Well then, I will get going before you decide to behead me for whatever reason. I will look outside the window from time to time to see if he comes. I will send you an SMS if I see him."

"Alright, take care."

"You too! Don't forget the emergency phrase. I am glad for you that Lily is working in the hospital, so she won't be the third wheel for any kind of..."

"Goodbye Sam." I pushed her out of the flat and closed the door after her. Oh god she always thinks too much ahead.