
Chill Life To The Top

War had enveloped the entire world,Many countries had faced total destruction. Rosé a Lieutenant Colonel was sent on a mission by one of his Superiors where he was ambushed by the enemy soldiers,In a bloody battle he lost his life,He was reincarnated in a new world. A world which had different races living together,A world where magic reigns supreme ,A world where all kinds of different Monsters and creatures exist ,A world that has a Strange and mysterious Tower full of mysteries,Follow Rosé’s relaxed journey in this new World . {I’m writing this for my satisfaction so do not expect much and please excuse my grammar as I do not read a lot of books or novel, so I have no clue on how to write one to begin with.} {In process of rewriting the chapters!}

Rosee_Iamm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs


As soon as he saw Rosé approaching he cut down two Rank S orcs next to him and pulled out thier Mana cores from Thier chests,He then devoured it and a few seconds later ranked up,Rosé had a huge Grin on his face ,He started by Firing a small ball of Arcane Flame Magic towards him, He countered it with a ball of Apocalyptic Flames ,The balls collided and Rosé's flames destroyed this but died out before reaching the orc ,Rosé smiled and then used Tier 5 spell to create a giant spear of [Cold Arcane Flames(2 star]The were pure white in colour ,The temperature of the flames were so low that everything around him started freezing rapidly ,He then threw spear towards the orc,The orc was barley able to dodge his attack by sacrificing his left arms ,His left arm fell to the floor ,While his left shoulder froze completely because of the Flames ,The orc let out a loud cry "Uggggghhh…..Ahhhhh",The orc enraged changes towards Rosé ,He swings his sword intent on cutting Rosé in half but it gets Blocked by Rosé who also summoned his sword ,Rosé pushed his sword away and Used Arcane Enhancement:Agility Increases on Himself ,Rosé the moved and sliced the kneepit of the Orc forcing him on his Knees ,Rosé the jumps Up the orcs Body slicing all his joints,The Orc cries in anguish,Two of the Orc who were free rushed towards Him,Rosé uses ,Tier 7 Arcane magic spell :[The Call of Judgment(2 star],The sky rumbles and Dark clouds from ,Arcane Vines that were 10 meters wide emerge from the ground and wrap themselves around the Two Orcs Holding them in place,2 Massive Pink Lightning Bolts descend from the sky and strike the two incapacitated Orcs Blowing Thier bodies along with the vines to smithereens,Rosé seeing says "Wow That was Astonishing,To be able fo destroy even the Arcane Viens which evolved after coming into contact with his Arcane mana ,Amazing".

Rosé flys towards the face of the Leader Orc who was on his keeling trying to support him self with his shoulder,He levitates infront of the eyes of the Leader and say "Hmm It seems like you cannot speak as yet,But I know you have sentences unlike the others who are mindless and only work on instinct,"Rosé then says "Well it doesn't matter anyway"and stabs the Orc in the head and Infuses his Sword with Arcane Lightning Magic completely frying the Orc inside out .

Rosé then touches his head and uses Arcane Necromancy,The Orc starts gaining green lines all over his body,His eyes regain thier light ,His white hair turn a slightly green,The shoulder which was frozen had been defrost,The Orc kneel on the floor,Rosé looks at him and says "Hmm Not bad,Go attach your arm back",The Orc does what he is told and after reattaching his arm he comes back an kneels down again,Rosé smiles and says "Your quite the smart one ,Hmm I'll call you 'Tim'",Rosé then sits on his head and watch The others fight .

While he was watching them fight ,Flex ,S1 and S2 come back they were now all at Rank A ,Rosé sends them back and continues watching,The first to finish was Diablo ,he had blown the Orc up with his destruction spell,After the group was finished they sat and absorbed the energy core they got ,while Rosé watches over them.

Rosé had two energy cores in his hand and asked "Omni can we artificial create these cores ?",Omni Replies "Yes master that will be easy ,But for that we would need a another dimension ,A construct that will help us constantly summon Monsters,A construct to kill and collect the cores",Rosé replies "Don't we already have Two of the things ,we can use the Underworld Dimension where Flex ,S1,S2 and Tim can hunt the monsters for us and collect the cores and on the plus side it will allow them to strengthen them self's,"Omni replies "yes master that is a brilliant idea but the problem is that the construct we build will use your Arcane energy to create and summon monsters,The core that these monsters will have will be Arcane mana core which will not be of any use to people below Metamorphosis Rank,Another problem is that ,about hunting these monsters,Since the monsters will be made by Arcane Mana they will be At least 100 times stronger that normal monsters and will be above the Metamorphosis Rank ."Rose replies "Hmm, they will need time to Reach Metamorphosis Rank ,Hmmm let's keep the idea on hold till we get more undead",Omni replies "Yes master till then I shall design the Construct",Rosé replies "Omni your the best,if you had a body I would have kissed you",Omni responds "Huh ,Really Master ,You would",Rosé replied "Yes",Omni in a excited tone says "Master I'm going to start working on the construct immediately",Rosé says "Okay".

Rosé then watches the group absorbing the the energy from the Core and forming thier 7 magic circle,After a while ,They had completed thier advancement safely,Rosé walks up to them and say "Ahhh congratulations guys",the group overjoyed says "Thank you Rosé",Rosé says "well let's head back to the town",The group nods in agreement .

In the town the ,Rosé and the others had entered a restaurant where the ordered for food,After eating the head back to the academy where they reported about the events to Emma,After Emma says "you'll have made progress too fast and I can confidently say you'll are the youngest Rank S,I don't think there is anything we can teach you'll anymore as so I will be awarding you'll with a early graduation",The group hearing this celebrated.The group head back to the dorm where they sat and had tea while playing chess.Rosé was sitting with Uriel and Diablo who were complaining about going not being able to stay with him anymore,Rosé says "You'll can join me in the Rose empire",Diablo said "see now you said it ,I'll join the empire after I deal with some work",Rosé smile and say "I'll be glad to have you",Diablo had a bright smile on his face after hearing his response.They then continue watch Lucifer lose in chess .