
charm or curse

mirror love

An evil and morbid girl gets cursed by gypsies, her vanity turns on her, and now she is the most hideous and grotesque-looking girl at school, or so they think. As it turns out, she is more clever than they thought. She has a reversal mirror and a spell now to make herself the ugliest horrid thing to see. The more she does in the reverse mirror, the more beautiful they think she is. Oh, what a charm.

I had always been the prettiest one in our class, even when I was still in elementary school. Sometimes, my friends teased me about being too cute for them to be around me. It didn't bother me much because I knew this would eventually change once they grew up. But despite their teasing, I was glad my classmates treated me well, even if we weren't close. We just got along very well, and I was never bullied.

"You know, you're turning into a real beauty," my friend Aileen Burk said. She's a year older than me, but we've been friends since preschool. Her voice sounded like music to my ears. "Your skin is glowing, and your hair has grown so long."

I smiled at her and nodded. "Thank you! You look great yourself!"

Aileen Burk was tall and slender with long black hair tied up in two plaits and big brown eyes.

It's like they become jealous because I have a mature body. Even at 14, I'm attractive to men and women alike.

They feel threatened by my good-looking appearance, so they constantly tease me. They don't realize they are only hurting themselves by doing that, especially since I'd rather not be their friend.

Meanwhile, her friends gather to plan to go out at night to a gypsy camp. They call to invite her over to go out at night and do crazy things.

We arrive at the camp where the tents were set up, a small fireplace near a river, and hear singing and dancing inside the tent.

A woman opens the door and looks at us like we are intruders. "What do you want?" she asks coldly.

My friend Aileen Burk speaks up. "Hello? Are you, by any chance, a gypsy?"

The woman nods. "Yes, I am. What brings you here?"

"Well..." Aileen Burk pauses, then says, "We came to meet someone who might be able to help us."

She steps forward and looks at me. "And who would that be?"

I step forward and look back at her. "Me, of course!"

The woman laughs. "Of course. Come in, come in. We cannot keep guests outside unless there's an emergency."

She quickly offended the gypsy and her friends, and they all laughed.

We follow her inside, and she gives us a cup of wine each.

It tasted like apple juice mixed with water. I sniffed it and scrunched my nose.

She turns to me. "What's wrong? Is it bad?"

"No. It's just... not something I'm used to drinking."

"Oh, okay. Well, in that case, you should try some of this stew. The gypsy got angered at her preppy attitude on life, and her friend took her into the tent to change her mind.

When they entered the tent, they were greeted by a group of women dressed in white.

They all looked at me with hungry eyes and giggled like little girls.

One of them spoke up. "What are we supposed to do?"

Another one says, "Put her in front of the mirror."

They all look at me and whisper to each other.

"What mirror?" I ask.

"The magic mirror."

I nod. "Okay."

Suddenly, I feel a tingling sensation, open my eyes, and I am no longer myself. In front of me is the ugliest person I have ever seen.

"Who are you?" the woman asks.

I shake my head. "I don't know who I am."

All of the gypsies begin laughing.

"Come on. Don't be shy. Tell us who you are, girl. Who are you?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know who you are?"

"I don't know..."

The woman sighs. "Fine, fine. Maybe you're right. Let's give you some time to think about it."

As soon as she says that, I hear a loud noise followed by a scream.

I turn around and see that my friends are gone. Instead, I am surrounded by many people with very sharp teeth.

"Where did you come from?"

"I don't know."

While they stood there freaking out, she realized this was her inner self, a reflection of what she could not see now as the outer appearance.

This is a curse of the gypsies and a mirror of love.

A curse that will bring her misery as she is now. As the old saying goes, beauty is pain.

The mirror is a portal to another dimension, where the mirror loves life.

After many years of being tormented by her reflection, the gypsies decided to take action. They took her to the mirror and gave her a choice.

They told her she would face her true self and accept it or stay as she was forever.

To this day, she faces her reflection every single morning and accepts it.

But deep down inside, she knows this is not her true self, and someday, she will escape.


mirror love

The mirror reflected my reflection, which wasn't like my typical reflection. As I looked further into the mirror, I saw that the mirror showed me another side of me. It was the ugliness I felt at that moment.

I hated it. All those horrible things that people said to me suddenly made sense.

Now I understood why all my friends were avoiding me. I was an ugly freak.

I couldn't understand how these girls could be my friends when they looked at me and saw only that.

I started to cry. I wanted to go home. I didn't want to deal with this anymore.

I turned around and ran out of the bathroom. I walked straight back to my house and locked myself inside my room.

I just sat there, crying. I didn't want to see anyone. I didn't want to talk to anybody.

But I knew that I had to go to school. I needed to tell my parents what happened.

I wiped my tears and headed towards the bus stop. I waited for the bus to arrive. It came soon enough, and I boarded the bus.

I looked around. Everything seemed normal. I sat next to an old man, and he asked me how my weekend was.

I didn't respond.

He kept talking to me. He spoke about his granddaughter and how adorable she was. I responded to him briefly. I was just trying to keep myself calm.

Once the ride ended, I went to my usual spot behind the school building and waited for everyone.

When they arrived, they strangely ignored me. As I tried to talk to them,. They acted as if I didn't exist, or rather, maybe they made the wrong choice, as they didn't even know me or remember, so I tried reaching out to them about the gypsy and cursed to no effect.

Then an idea popped into my head to change my appearance, so I found a mirror and changed it to a reflection of me, but it wasn't like an ordinary mirror. So instead of seeing my review, it reflects what I am, so I looked like a monster.

So I walked up to my friends, and they stared at me in shock.

"What happened to you?"

"You look horrible."

"Who are you?"

"Are you alright?"

"Why did you do this to yourself?"

I just stood there in silence.

"Is that your real body?"

"do you even know what you've done?"

"where did you get that mirror?

"Did your parents know you were going to do this?"

"How could you do this to yourself?"

"What does your family think of this?

"When did you change?"

"This is all your fault!"

"If you were ugly, why would your family want to keep you?"

they began to yell at me, and I stood there silently.

"Look at you! What happened to you!?"

They all began speaking as if I had been missing for a long time. No matter how I tried to look pretty or cute and be like I was, I wasn't recognized until I acted horrible to others and made myself look hideous.

That night I went home and told my parents everything. My dad immediately went to the police station, asking questions and getting the truth out.

My mom and I visited the gypsy camp. We found a man wearing a dark cloak and hat when we arrived. He was sitting in the shadows but slowly rose to his feet when he saw us.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Elron Klint. I am the one who cursed you." He replied.

I was speechless. "What did you do to me?" I asked.

"You are a mirror, love. A reflection of your worst fears."

"How?" I asked.

"Because I did not want you to be happy. Because I wanted to see you suffer." He said.

I stared at him in disbelief. "Why?"

"You remind me of what I once was. And if you live long enough, you too may end up like me."

Selfish, greedy, and spoiled, your attitude will only go so far, and your education will have been in vain, using your looks to get everything you want and having no compassion for others.

I looked at him and sighed. "Why?"

"Because you are not like anyone else. You are different."

"You don't know me. You don't even know who I am."

You should learn to be more careful of what you say and how you act. Better yet, you should start working like a lady.

"I don't care what you think. I won't change."

"That's good to know. But if you don't start caring about your looks and manners, people will hate you for your appearance. That's what happened to me."

"You don't know anything."

"I know a lot about you. I know your secrets and what you are capable of."

"Fine," I said. "I'll change."

"Good. Now let me show you something." He said. "Follow me."

We walked through the forest until we reached a clearing. There was a fire burning in the middle of it.

"Sit down." He commanded.

I sat down in front of the fire. The flames licked my skin.

Elron Klint approached me. He reached into the fire and pulled out a golden ring.