

The next day, as I woke up I felt my phone vibrating, meaning I was getting a call. As I could, I answered. "Hello?" I said in my sleepy voice. "Hey, it's Caleb, I know it's super early but I just wanted to say that I will move in. The house is much nicer then the one I live in now, and I think my current roommate could have some free space so... When can I start moving?"

He talked kinda fast, and me being still sleepy I only heard the last thing he said. "Well, I mean you could start packing right now if you'd like. You can move whenever you're ready"

"Maybe in a few days, I already started packing but I'll need more time. Is that okay?" I noticed with his tone that he was smiling, which made me smile too. "Yeah, it's okay, take your time" and with that, he said good-bye then hung up.

I passed a hand through my face and yawned. It was 8:20 in the morning, I usually don't get up until 10 or so.

I got up and did my usual routine; I went to the bathroom, took a shower, did my make-up and then went to the kitchen to do breakfast, then lastly clean the dishes.

I jumped on the couch in the living-room when I was finished, unlocking my phone. Was tiktok really good? I mean, I've only seen a few videos on YouTube and they were cringey. I started downloading the app, I might as well just see the cringey videos that roam around tiktok.

Well, sometimes when you plan something, you do something different. Like me, I just sat there in the living-room, all day, watching tiktok. It wasn't really as crigey as I thought.