
Rookie Dreamer: Having a Wife as a Cheat

They say that in another world, you can't survive without a cheat ability. So what about me? What kind of cheating ability do I need? Should I become a peerless, cold-hearted hero with the power to overturn the world? Or should I have infinite reversing time to ensure a perfect ending every time? Maybe having countless skills and being a close-combat mage would be nice too. So, after struggling to survive, Lukas's dream came true. He finally got his cheat ability... A WIFE. "Invincible? Rebirth? System? That's right, none of those labels have anything to do with me. As for passion? Do you see this knife in my chest? Is that passionate enough for you??"

haytham_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 6: Newbie... Fantasized About Death

In the small living room.

The walkie-talkie on the sofa suddenly emitted a crackling sound.

Mia, who was resting with her eyes closed, opened them.

"Is anyone there? Is anyone still alive? Ron? Ott? Can you hear me? Please, answer me! Really, even one person is fine! Please, please, don't pretend you can't hear me!"

It was a slightly hoarse male voice.

"I don't want to be alone. Please, anyone, say something, say something, please. God, don't do this, don't do this to me. Wah, don't leave me alone."

Towards the end, he seemed unable to bear it and started crying.

The man's voice kept coming from the walkie-talkie, and his crying made Mia feel a bit irritated. She took out a handkerchief, covered the talk button on the walkie-talkie with it, and pressed it.

"A grown man, what are you crying for?"

"You, you, you! Which one? Where are you? Who are you? I, I... I'm here in the machine room. I'll come find you!"

The voice on the other end of the walkie-talkie was clearly filled with joy, even becoming a bit incoherent. For him, the sweet girl's voice coming from the walkie-talkie was simply a kind of salvation, the holy song of an angel!

Although Mia looked down on a man crying like this, she still softened and said, "I'm currently..."

Before she could finish.


"Ah! Ahhh! Don't come over! Ahhhhh! Don't come over! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!"


It was the sound of chewing and swallowing.

Mia's face instantly turned ashen, but the walkie-talkie hadn't hung up yet. Clearly, the man on the other end was pressing the talk button tightly, not letting go.

"Don't come, don't come... Machine room, don't come..."

Even if he was destined to die, he wanted to warn the girl not to come to the machine room. It was the last thing he could do.

"Splat! Crunch! Crack!"

The talk button was released, and the walkie-talkie suddenly hung up, but soon, it reconnected. However, this time, it was clearly not the man using the walkie-talkie.

"I... I don't, alone... Please... Say something... God... God... Left... Alone..."

"Machine... Where, find you..."

"Don't, machine room, come... Come... Machine room... Come..."

Intermittent words, voices overlapping from multiple segments, indistinguishable as male or female, sounding disgusting. Mia knew this wasn't the man from earlier talking.

"You've disgusted me." Mia pressed the talk button on the walkie-talkie, "So, you're dead."

After hanging up, Mia stood up, wrapped the walkie-talkie in the handkerchief before holding it in her hand, then used a seemingly ordinary hair tie to tie her golden hair into a ponytail. If the hair tie could be magnified tenfold, one would see a floral pattern outlined in extremely fine golden threads. No one knew that this hair tie alone was worth the price of ten Black Gold Corporation Sweepers.

Mia grabbed the walkie-talkie and walked to an iron door with a gear painted on it. Mia remembered that the wolf girl and the two boys had entered through here earlier.

Thinking of the screams coming from the walkie-talkie just now, Mia softly said, "I hope you're still alive."

Then, she pushed open the iron door and strode in.


On the other side.

Kasha tightly covered Roel's mouth, not letting him make a sound.

Just now, the two had witnessed an unknown monster devouring a man wearing a Black Gold Corporation guard uniform alive. The screams echoed in this small room, and the sounds the monster made while consuming the guard made their scalps go numb.

However, from what the soldier said using the walkie-talkie before his death, the two deduced that the place they were in was the machine room.

That's right, the guard Kasha and Roel encountered was the one who had communicated with Mia through the walkie-talkie earlier. Initially, when the two boys found the guard sitting on the ground in a state of collapse, they were wondering whether to go over and comfort him. Then they saw the monster and hurriedly found a place to hide, witnessing the bloody scene of the monster eating the man.

Fortunately, Kasha was quick-witted and hurriedly covered Roel's mouth when he wanted to scream. Otherwise, if the monster had discovered them, they would have been done for. Kasha didn't believe that she and Roel, who didn't even have a decent weapon on hand, could match that monster.

Soon, the monster had a full meal, not even sparing the remains on the ground, leaving only a pool of blood and blood splattered on the walls. Then, the monster turned around and crawled away.

At this moment, Kasha felt Roel struggling violently. She glanced at the monster that hadn't crawled far and was about to remind him to be quiet when, through Roel's azure eyes, Kasha saw a bloody mouth above her head. If it slightly closed, those teeth comparable to daggers would pierce her skull, and her scalp would bid farewell to her body!

At this critical juncture, Kasha's heart actually calmed down. She thought of when she first came to this world.


Five years ago, that moment of joy that lasted less than half a minute turned into despair. At that time, she quickly realized that she had become a frail ten-year-old child, realized that she had become an orphan, realized that if she didn't want to eat spoiled water, she would starve to death on the roadside.

Life in a different world was not as beautiful as she had once imagined.

Then came three years of struggling to survive. At that time, she naively believed that since God had brought her from that war-torn world to this brand new different world, there must be a place that needed her.

Perhaps she had some powerful talent that just hadn't been discovered yet, perhaps she had special abilities that just hadn't awakened yet, perhaps her outstanding aptitude would shine during the test.

What a beautiful fantasy...

With this fantasy, a rusty little knife she had picked up in her arms, and the money she had saved over the past three years, she went to the recruitment center. After a series of tests, looking at the values on the report and the two-word evaluation at the bottom—ordinary, she laughed like a madman and cried like a fool.

If God didn't need her, why bring her to this world?

A person's life is not long, but she didn't have the confidence that she could endure a few more years like this... The rusty little knife in her arms seemed to be mocking her naivety, waiting for the moment when this down-and-out girl would stab it into her throat.