
Ronnet Connington SI

Here is the story of an SI in the shoes of a minor character well unknown in the books and completely unknown in the Ronnet Connington series, Jon Connington's nephew, let's see how this new Ronnet will overcome all the obstacles that will stand in his way.

Ghostrider0002 · TV
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55 Chs

-Chapter 7-

-Chapter 7-

-2 years later-

-3rd day, 7th moon, 298 AC-

Two years have passed slowly while I was making preparations for war from my fief.

I continued my trade with Renly Baratheon and Cortnay Penrose, my products were so demanded that we quadrupled production and thus naturally the turnover.

I did not want to go beyond because prices would drop and I did not want to fatten up those two pigs before they went to the slaughterhouse either.

Many have tried to spy on my trade secrets but each time I made an example of the persons in question, innovations were moving so fast in my territory that everyone was envious to know how I was making my products.

I must admit that I really went all out in the construction of my factories, I even automated the whole thing by creating a factory that operated using mechanical power as well as with a steam engine prototype, all they had to do was fill the central furnace with coal and turn cranks.

Another advantage I noticed from my cheating was that the improvement increases not only my physical my talent but also my intelligence and my understanding ability.

I have made numerous renovations and construction and all of this has of course increased the cost of production but on the other hand the fourfold increase in my profits had made me one of the richest men in all of Westeros.

4,400,000 golden dragons per year was a sum that allowed me to buy everything I wanted and all I needed to anticipate all the wars to come as well as prepare my territory to the maximum against all the wars to come.

With the support of the queen, I offered all the beggars of the capital a safe home in my territory, I welcomed several tens of thousands of refugees and I built 3 castles with 3 medium-sized towns outside their fiefs, the Griffin's Den, Griffin Rock, and Griffin Cave each now had a population of about 20,000 inhabitants.

I made Arion the Castellan of Griffin's Den, Sam the Castellan of Griffin Rock, and Rodrik the Castellan of Griffin Cave.

I placed a thousand men in garrison in each city to maintain order and I assigned 200 knights of the Order of the Red Griffin to each of them, they were all men trained and formed by me being part of my army for a long time and in whom I had complete trust.

I siphoned the capital of its inhabitants little by little but I did not do this only in the capital I did the same a bit everywhere else a bit everywhere on the continent but especially in the Reach by hiring workers at very generous rates so generous that in less than 6 moons 100,000 workers finished Griffin City or at least its prototype.

I planned to make this city the 'capital' of my lands, a port city, the largest city of all the Stormlands.

I tried to use all the knowledge I had to make a decent city plan that I submitted to architects who revised it.

After 6 moons there was enough room to house 50,000 people without any effort most of the houses were in brick in wood and in concrete, the streets were straight and I had even finished the construction of a port near the city in a bay that for now could only accommodate 20 ships and not one more.

After 2 years the construction of the city had advanced so much that even I was still shocked by the rapidity of this change, but along the way, I burned practically all the gold I had accumulated for 2 years.

More than 10,000,000 golden dragons in total a monstrous sum that testifies to the rapidity and quality of the infrastructures I have set up.

Although my primary activities were the sale of sugars of whiskey and of vodka I also decided to get into Brandy and grenadine for those who do not like to drink alcohol, I also made brown sugar and chocolate.

Yes, cocoa beans existed too but only in the summer islands.

I also tried to produce other things like paper, a printing press, a pen with a metal tip ink and colored pencils...but most of these things failed.

I was confident that with time I would finish...well, my maesters would manage to get there...Ah I said my maesters, it's simple actually I sent several men to the citadel as sleeper agents and once they learned enough they simply left the citadel to come work for me.

I wanted to break in a way the monopoly of knowledge and for that, I needed men who could think learn and teach in my place because I was a fucking lord and I had to enjoy life and the opportunities that were offered to me.

I was now 24 years old and I was still not married, not because I could not find a wife or that I was gay, no I fucked enough maids for everyone to know that was not true.

The only reason I refused to marry was that now as a landed knight my marriage opportunities were much too low and did not have enough future prospects.

'Whatever my wealth or my military power no one will respect me as long as I will be, SER Ronnet Connington.'

The more time passed, the more I wanted Robert to die faster, I now had a permanent army of 10,000 men and the order of the Bloody Griffin had extended to 2000 knights, all were ready to fight for me.

'And it looks like luck has just smiled on me' I thought as I finished the letter that Cersei had addressed to me

I had left that sublime woman far away from me, it was time I went to seize what I have been fighting for so long.


-POV Cersei-

The interior of my room was cool despite the flickering flames that lit the place, I caressed the lion's sigil engraved on my throne lost in thought when Ser Meryn Trant arrived, a sealed letter in hand, she instinctively straightened up.

"A letter from Ser Ronnet Connington, Your Grace," he said in a monotone voice.

I took it with a hand slightly trembling, not out of fear, but due to anticipation, Ronnet was one of the few who still dared to write to me without precautions or double meanings, my gaze fell on the words traced with brutal elegance.


My Queen,

Every day that passes strengthens my loyalty to you. I want to reassure you once again of my unwavering commitment to your service. In two weeks, I will be at King's Landing, ready to escort you and ensure your protection. The mere idea of seeing you again ignites my heart and warms my spirit.

Devoted and eternally yours,



I put the letter down my heart beating at a faster pace and I remembered the first time I met him.

In a world where flattery and lies dominated, he had been sharp, direct, no frills.

He had advised me honestly, without fearing my wrath or seeking to manipulate me.

I knew he could seek to gain power through me, but that thought did not terrify me in the least.

I have always been surrounded by men seeking to use me for their ambitions or simply for their personal pleasures whether it be the lords of the court, or even my own family, but with Ronnet, it was different.

Before I even realized it I needed him in my life, not just for his loyalty or his troops, but for that brutal honesty that forced me to question myself, to see me as I really am.

I appreciated him for that, even if I would never admit it openly, in the game of thrones, it was vital to have such an ally, someone capable of showing you your weaknesses before your enemies exploit them.


-POV 3rd-

A slight melancholy seized the queen as she thought back to all the so-called "friends" who had betrayed her in the past.

But with Ronnet, it was different, she considered him one of her only true friends, even though she knew he had his own ambitions, she could live with that, as long as he stayed by her side.

She got up, the letter clenched in her hand.

"Prepare my apartments for the arrival of Ser Ronnet," she ordered Ser Meryn. "And make sure everything is perfect"

She knew he would understand the importance of this visit. After all, in the dangerous world of Westeros, having a true friend was more precious than all the gold of the Lannisters.

While contemplating the seal on the letter, Cersei let her mind wander to the rumors that were whispered incessantly through the corridors of King's Landing.

Whispers that spoke of the strength and skill of Ser Ronnet Connington in battle, whispers that proclaimed his supremacy over all other fighters of the Seven Kingdoms.

The Mountain, her father's terrible creation, was certainly a beast of unmatched brute force, but it lacked finesse and intelligence.

Cersei had always known there was a stronger warrior, a fighter who combined both brute power and exceptional technical mastery.

And she was right. Ronnet had proven time and time again his superiority, the Mountain could crush a man with his mass, but Ronnet could defeat ten opponents with his strategy, speed, and dexterity.

She couldn't help but smile, a hint of pride prickling her features, she had the most powerful warrior of the Seven Kingdoms by her side, a man who, by his mere name, made his opponents tremble, it was she, Cersei Lannister, who had managed to win the allegiance of the formidable Ser Ronnet Connington.

While many lords would have given anything to have a warrior of his caliber by their side, it was she who enjoyed this precious allegiance.

And every time she heard of his exploits, an undeniable pride took hold of her. Not only because he was her ally, but because he symbolized her own strength and shrewdness in this ruthless game of thrones.

Ronnet was not just a pawn on her chessboard, he was the king who, alongside his queen, defended his kingdom with unmatched power.

In addition to his formidable strength, Ronnet also had a talent for business that few in Westeros possessed. Sure, the Lannisters were known for their wealth, a fortune amassed through their gold mines of Casterly Rock.

This wealth was such that the family motto had become a well-known assertion: "A Lannister always pays his debts"

But, recently, Ronnet Connington's fortune had begun to eclipse even that of the great houses of Westeros.

If the Lannisters possessed, according to estimates, a fortune in gold bullion close to 50 million golden dragons, Ronnet, with his varied enterprises and commerce talents, had quickly accumulated nearly 10 million dragons in a very short time.

The other great houses, such as the Starks or the Arryns, might have vast lands and many subjects, but their wealth could not be compared to that of the Lannisters or Connington. Even the Tyrells, with their control over the fertile region of the Reach, had a fortune estimated at only 30 million golden dragons.

Cersei knew that in the game of thrones, wealth was as powerful as swords. With his fortune, Ronnet not only had the capacity to raise a large army but also to manipulate Westeros politics through donations, bribes, and alliances.

While thinking back to Ronnet's letter, Cersei realized that their alliance was not just based on personal affinities or political aspirations but also on mutual interdependence.

Together, they had the power and wealth to dominate Westeros, she deeply respected his ability to carve such a slice of the cake in this world of wolves and dragons.

His presence at King's Landing would be an invaluable asset. And with him by her side, she felt even more invincible.

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