
Romance of Blind Billionaire

He has everything he wants and love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield....  This is a Love story of Vincent Lennon and Skylar Whitfield. The one you wouldn't want to miss!   To be blind isn't easy and to fight for love is another hard thing entirely but here Vincent Lennon fight it all.  He stood up to fame at the age of twenty years old. He owned the JB company, biggest Company in the city of Mexico despite being blind.  He has everything he wants but love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield.  Skylar whitfield, She will do anything for money to survive and save her sister and this is what brought her into Vincent Lennon's life. she is on a mission to tame his heart but she got her heart tamed instead.  She lit up his dark world and they both fell madly in love with each other but the fate wouldn't let them be together.  As they had to fight hard for their love and change the fate to be together.  Read this interesting Romance of the Blind billionaire 

Baby_Mediagirl · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

He is in love again.



I walked happily into the office, I can't wait to have her around me, I missed her already. Taking my seat, Ben spoke up.

"Sir, you have been smiling since we left home" Ben chuckled as we entered the office.

"Is Miss Skylar around yet?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Oh I think I know the reason now" He mumbled and I chuckled.

"She is around" He muttered and just like that the door creak opened and her sweet scent filled my nose.

"Good morning Mr Ben, Good Morning Mr Vincent '' I heard her voice and I smiled again.

"Miss Skylar" I called and I heard her chuckle.

"I will be in my office then," Ben said and walked away.

"Goodmorning Vincent" She mumbled close to my ear and I chuckled.

"Can you call that my name again? It sounded different hearing it from you" I said and she chuckled.

"Seriously Vincent" She called again and I smiled brightly.

"Morning My sunshine" I said stretching my hand forward and she placed her hand on it then I kissed it.

"I will get your coffee" She said and I nodded.

"I want the one made by you" I said and she chuckled.

"Sure" She replied and then shut off the door.

I knew it, I'm in love again! But hers is different, She is pure and what i'm feeling towards her is totally different.

Later, She came back with the Coffee and trust me, it tasted sweet because it's made by her.

"I will proofread these files and submit sir" She said politely and I nodded.

"We are going out after you are done with it" I told and she chuckled.

"Where? " She asked and I shook my head.

"It's a surprise" I told her and she chuckled before walking out.


The last time he said we are going out and I ended up waking up in his bed and now he is telling me it's a surprise.

"Hmmm" I looked up to see Evelyn winking at me adjusting her glasses before taking a seat in front of me.

"I'm not dumb, I know something is going on between you and Boss unless you wanna lie" She said and I chuckled.

"You won't rest, will you? " I asked and she shrugged.

"Okay, okay fine, No one should know about this okay? We are dating," I said and she gasped.

"OMG! I knew it, wow, lucky you" She exclaimed and I told her to keep it low which made her chuckle.

"I could tell he really likes you, I told you, I'm happy for you and trust me he is the coolest man I've ever seen if not for that daughter of bitch that left him, he is such a romantic boyfriend" She said and I scoffed.

She knew about Nina too.

"You knew about Nina too? " I asked and she nodded.

"Almost everyone knew they were lovebirds until she left him" She said and I breathed out.

"Anyways, I'm happy for you, gotta work" She said and walked out.

Poor him, His heart must be so fragile.

How am I going to do it without breaking him?


"Where are we going?" I asked but he only chuckled.

"We are gonna take hot air in San Angel" He said and I squealed, Wow

I heard it's the best place for couples to go on a date.

"Is it a date? " I asked and he chuckled.

"Maybe, You are my girlfriend, aren't you? " He asked and I chuckled.

"Of course I am," I replied.

Soon, we got to the plaza San Jacinto in San Angel and we hopped down. I looked around the open market,what a peaceful neighborhood that hosts an artsy atmosphere grounded in its impressive collection of art galleries and artisanal markets. I've heard alot about this place.

"I love it" I muttered and he chuckled.

"Come on, let's visit Parroquia San Jacinto, to make wishes" He said and We hopped back into the car. The car stopped in front of the church and we entered.

"Wow," I muttered at the wide church with lush green gardens and a stunning bright blue façade that's adorned with fragrant bougainvillea.

"You love it? " He asked and I chuckled.

"Damn Beautiful!" I exclaimed and he chuckled.

"Come on let's make wishes' ' He said and I helped him to one of the seats and he placed his walking stick down and we clasped our hands together and made the wishes.

I really wish all this doesn't end and I won't have to hurt him.

"Done" He mumbled and I smiled.

"Same here" I smiled and he chuckled.

"Tell me, what do you wish for? " He asked and I chuckled.

"For this to last longer" I whisper to him and he smiles widely.

"Tell me yours" I asked and he shook his head.

"It's a secret" He said and my face dropped.

"No, no that is unfair" I pouted and he chuckled.

"I will tell you later" He stood up picking up his walking stick and I chuckled while I followed.


The car parked in front of my apartment and I turned to him.

"See you tomorrow" I said and surprised him by placing a soft kiss on his cheek and that seemed to really surprise him.

"I didn't expect that" He mumbled and I chuckled.

"Sleep tight" I said and hopped down while his car zoomed away.

"Hmmmm" I jolted hearing someone clearing her throat behind me and I turned back to see Annie grinning from ear to ear.

"I knew it" She laughed widely and I knocked her head.


I got home happily and Ma'am Gina hugged me while I chuckled.

"Hmm You are happy? Is it Skylar? " She asked and I chuckled.

"How did you know? " I asked and she chuckled.

"Of course she is the reason why you smile lately. '' She said and I chuckled.

"Yes, I love her" I mumbled and I heard her chuckle.

"Happy for you, come on, I prepared Dinner already" She said and we walked inside.