

I am tired ah! Tired of reading bullshit stories. Your husband treated you like shit for 5 years so you have your face slapping episode but now he wants you back because you're pregnant so you will come back ah? Nonsense. 

"Why is it nonsense? If it was you, even you wouldn't be able to resist the charm of the male lead. Zzzz"

Hah? Where's this noise coming from? Am I going schizo? FUCKING KNEW IT. I told my psychiatrist and he wouldn't believe me. Now who's right? Sometimes i think it should be me who gives the therapy and he who takes it. But then again if he wasn't so pretty i wouldn't bother going there every other week.

"You're not schizophrenic...zzzz....i mean...at least not yet. Hello host 69, i am bee 69 zzz. I will help you enter worlds and complete missions so you can gain enough life points to continue your life on earthzzz. If you have any questions please feel free to figure it out on your own. I believe in you 69! Jiayou!"

Wtf? Bee 69? Bzzz? Life points? What kind of system asks the host to figure shit out on their own ah? This is a fake system I don't believe in this. I need to call my hawt smexy psychiatrist at once! I think reading all these weird novels has finally caught up to me. 

I try reaching for my phone which is usually at my bedside table but find that i can't move my body at all. It only takes a second for the panic to fully set in. I try moving other parts of my body to realise that nothing works...well nothing besides my brain of course. Am i paralysed? But how? I didn't have any accidents. 

"Like i said beforezzz you need life points to continue your life on earth. Right now you're in a state similar to a coma," the voice that calls itself bee 69 drones on in my head. It's voice is kinda annoying. Also why 69? Like there were so many options but we just had to be the pair of 69 host and bee? I call bullshit. This is definitely some sick joke. And i do not appreciate it. I still have to eat so many things and read so many webnovels... I can't be dying just yet. 

I feel tears pricking at the corner of my eyes at the thought of not being able to eat instant noodles anymore.

Wait...tears? I can still feel? Come to think of it i can indeed still feel the fabric of the bedsheet on which i was last lying before this soul eating voice entered my head. Time for some questions i guess. 

"So you said if i wanna continue this life i need to complete some missions or something? That's all cool BUT what if I don't want to continue this life? I mean all things considered instant noodles just ain't worth the effort you know? No offense to instant noodles of course. But i am sure you understand my point."

The weird buzz in my head has quietened down and for a moment i wonder if all of this was just my imagination. I try moving my hand again. Nothing....bee 69 must be considering my words. Maybe the other hosts never refused going on missions? There must be other hosts if i am number 69, right?

"I talked to my superiors and it has been decided bzzz that if you refuse to cooperate with uszz then you will be left in this state of paralysis until you cooperate." 

Is it just me or does this bitchy ass bee sound smug as hell? Bet it wont sound so smug under my chancla huh? 

Anyways i am just gonna remain here then. I ain't about to slave away for some unknown power...and for what? To continue a shitty life i never wanted? Yeah, not happening. Let's see how long they can let me remain paralysed here. 






30 minutes later

I give up. They win. Fuck this i need to pee. I don't wanna pee my pants...yet A person needs to be dynamic to deal with weird situations like this. Of course it's not because I don't have self respect, but because I want to be the bigger person here. 

So to the buzzy bee that will soon be under my chancla i say, "can i exchange these life points for something other than continuing my original life on earth? Like in these webnovels i read they have a system shop where they can get stuff. You got something like that too? Or are you as useless as you seem?" A smirk blooms on my face as i get the satisfaction of annoying the system with my ever explosive words hehe.

As if to prove it's annoyance at my words, a cute bee with yellow and black stripes on it small belly appears inside my head. Rolling it's eyes, it says, "naturally there's a system shop where you can redeem items in exchange for points host, but it's not like you can get anything from there you broke ass (hoe)st." It's turn to smirk.

I wonder if the bee is gay...it's definitely got that natural gay sassiness going for it. 

"What will happen to my body on earth while i am on my missions? How will i eat? How will i poop and pee?" I ask in curiosity, now ready to get to business.

"The host does not have to worry zzz about the physiological needs of the host's body here on earth. It will be taken care of by me. It's one of my tasks along with transporting you to different worlds, informing you of your taskszzz in the said world, assigning you points among other things. It's not an easy job to be a system let me tell you ah. There's a lot of requirements to become a system like..."

"Like..?" The blabbering system was a little cute but i wonder why it stopped talking.

"Uhh anyways that's all classified info zzz. Host 69, are you ready to go to your first mission?" The bee asks me casually as if the earlier conversation never happened in the first place.

Classified? My need to pry more makes me ignore it's question and instead ask some of my own. "So can anyone become a system if the requirements are fulfilled? What benefits do you get if you become a system? Why was i chosen to do these missions? Is there a criteria that decides who can be a host? Who selects-"

"Then host let's proceed to our first mission. Fighting!" My voice is cut off by the high pitched and slightly panicked childish voice of the system. Next thing i know, i feel as if a hook is stuck in my throat and i am fish being pulled out of water, breathless, unco

mfortable and out of my world...quite literally.