
Rock birth : Golem Evolution

I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/309824 (30+ Chapters Available) What happens if the most mundane thing starts to evolve ? (If ordinary animals start to evolve what will happened ?) Follow the adventures of the pebble who awakened his consciousness thanks to the Evolution System given by a God. From Rock to the Strongest Golem follow to view the path our rock will take in order to get stronger.

Nekhrosia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


After his years of study (Let's call them that). The pebble in the abscense of organ cannot express itself verbally therefore the System being connected to its spirit can understand its intentions. In case the intentions are not enough the pebble can mentally integrate the system.

So by this process the Host asks a question to the system.

- Host, to answer your "Question". The System will allow you to evolve into forms that make you stronger and stronger. Allowing you to develop your strength.

For example, to protect you I can make you evolve to make your defense at a higher level. Depending on your needs, the System can act accordingly. Thus the Host can evolve into different forms.

The small pebble then began to think about the form it could take.

Could he fly and chirp like those creatures all day long?

Should it evolve to be small or to impose itself?

Should he just imitate an existing creature form or should he create a unique life form on his own?

Or should he keep his current form?

This is the choice facing the pebbles. A multitude of unanswered questions.

Can he move quickly and quietly like these hunting creatures?

(Yes, but you will have to meet certain criteria. You will then have to acquire different skills allowing you to better understand the body and how to meet certain criteria)

- Host - Now that you have mentally awakened

You can be categorized as a nonliving material-type creature.

Creatures of this type use magic to meet their needs.

Magic is a form of mystical energy that allows you to create phenomena that are impossible to create most of the time in a natural way.

Take the example of Living Armor.

They are creatures that use energy to see and move without outside help.

In order to accompany you during your evolution, I have noticed that certain skills have already been learned by the Host unconsciously. I will now incorporate them into your status.

The skills "Ecolocation", "Perception", "Detection", "Awareness" have been awakened.

Due to the presence of energy certain conditions have been met.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Nekhrosiacreators' thoughts