
Robotic abduction

Wolf_Black_9940 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Crashed landing

"Do you see that!?" "It's a falling star!"

"It's gonna land out side the village!" "It landed pretty hard to the North should we go investigate it?" "Hey there it is! Is that a space ship? It's not one I recognize." "Is the pilot ok?" "Can't tell there's no visible cockpit." "Lets get some tools and see if we can crack it open to see if the pilot is ok!"

I woking up to the ship's computer repeatedly saying "P-P-P-i-i-i-i-l-l-lot t-t-ti-m-m-e t-to-to w-wa-wake u-u-up the-re-ere a-a-are i-i-in-habitants a-a-at-te-te-m-mpt-ing-Ing t-t-to bre-bre-ak-ak th-th-through-ough th-th-the shhhh-sh-ship's hu-hu-hull."

With a few heavy gasps for air I look around in the darkness as the ai chip starts running its system sweeps and diagnostics. "Host?: stable, atmosphere?: breathable mainframe?: stable, exoskeleton?: right leg damaged, repairs required, ship?, damaged beyond repair, suggestion: find suitable location for transportation."

'Werrrrrrrrrr!' Came the sounds of a grinder on the hull and above the cockpit then the grinding pulled back as metal claws pride the cut slab of metal away, seeing the metal claws gave me a flash back of the alien ship and I fainted. "Who's that we have a pilot get a stretcher and the doctor! Your gonna be ok miss."

When I reawakened this time I was in a bed a cloth on my forehead and under a blanket. "Well good morning miss you gave us quite the scare. How are you feeling?" Came a woman's voice.

"Sore and a little stiff." The toonie eyes 'toonbot' were there as were all the life monitors, showing that I went through shock and that my body was stable enough to move, but I felt sore enough that I didn't want to move. "Ware am I?" Toonbot's eyes shift to there thinking state as the ai was running its complex systems to figure that out.

"Your in a clinic miss. We saw you crash land. We're amazed you survived it honestly. The frame you were in took the brunt of the damage by the looks of it. The mechanics are looking at it now." Says the women's voice, toonbot still running it programs.

"What planet?" I ask still trying to figure out things I close my eyes tho the hud still appears just less crowded and dimmer.

"your on Muwba, a outer colony planet. Do you not know about it?" She asked a little confused and worried. I look to Toonbot's eyes in the dim hud as it looks back, and the eyes change to a new location taking the new information and processes it then looks back and shakes 'no'.

With a sigh of relief and a smile, I open my eyes and look at ware the voice came from. To my surprise the women looked quite young with her hair in a ponytail to the side and long ears that pointed up as she looked at me. "Sorry I haven't, to be honest I thought humans were the only race a year ago."

"Humans? Year ago? It's only been one day, since we pulled you out of the wreck." She looks more confused then before. As toonbot brings up the flight time too. "Wait what I've been asleep for three thousands years!?"

The woman's face changes from confusion to absolute shock and confusion. "Who are you yelling at miss?"

"My ai chip... I was abducted apparently three thousand and one years ago. And this chip and that exoskeleton were part of it, I escaped from them apparently three thousand years ago and drifted in space till I crashed here." That's unbelievable how? Why? There's too much to think about and too many questions to ask.

The woman's eyes go wide as I tell her the unbelievable tail I can't even believe myself. "Well your safe here. You don't need to worry about being abducted again. The military in our area is pretty strong. As for that ai chip is it part of your unique clothes, spine and frame?" She seemed more confused but seemed to understand the just of it and held my hand.

With a nod, I squeeze her hand softly for comfort. She smiles and squeezes back. "if it's any possible could I get something to cover it? It's rather embarrassing. An I was forced to be this way for that long too."

She nod and smiles. "That's fine I can get you something. You try and rest. As for your ai friend you leave her alone now." She looks at me with a questioning eye, and a smile. I smile back and we both chuckle at it.

I close my eyes and look at toonbot, then open my eyes again to look at her. "Do you need to monitor me?"

She looks at me and shakes her head. "is that what it's doing?" I nod back at her and she smiles again. I don't need to monitor you for now so jut rest ok? If you need me ummm hmm I guess call me on my scroll." She holds it up and toonbot makes a note of its design and technology. "Hmm how should I give you my number?"

"The ai made a note and scanned it so I guess just say it?" She looks confused again but says the number and toonbot records it then implements its programming into itself then try's to call the woman.

The scroll lights up with a blue version of toonbot. "Is that the ai?" She asks a little spooked, but looks at me. I nod yes and close my eyes, Toonbot ends the call and goes into a sleep mode sending the monitored information to the woman. "Well that's helpful. Oh by the way miss pilot my name is lily."

With a soft yawn I open my eyes and smile, "nice to meet you lily I'm Alex." I close my eyes again as I drifted to sleep.

The next day I awoke to see a black lacy thong, and a black lacy bra, under that a black short dress and grey sweater. Two notes sat beside them. Reading the first one it said "hello miss I'm the mechanic that is fixing the frame you had on when you crashed. I was wondering ware you and it came from because the technician know how here is not as advanced. I managed to get by thus fur by swapping the legs of a older frame I have on hand but anything else and I don't know how to fix it. Jimmy" 'well he sounds nice and thanks' the second note read, "sorry for all the black, but that's what I had in your size and still clean. Breakfast will be on the table when you awake, Take you time when getting dressed. Lily" sitting up felt stif but I managed to get dressed. Normally I'd not wear a thong but it being the only underwear in so long I'm not gonna complain. Then came the dress it went to mid thigh but was cute with a little frilly bottom, it definitely exposed chest and my shoulders, but the sweater hid them nicely and looked good too.

With a slow walking speed I managed to get to the kitchen and sit at the table to eat hungrily, I hadn't had proper food in like forever. "Oh my gawd it's delicious!"

"Well good morning Alex" came Lily's voice, she sat beside me and sat a cup of orange liquid in front of me "here this well help you with Vietnam c. How do you feel?"

With a full month I answered "gerb marmbing thacks fur bribthisk" reaching for the keg I chug it down and swallow the food. "I'm sorry about that. Vary stiff, And thanks for the food." With a a soft blush I finish the breakfast more fitting of a lady.

"The repair men wanted to meet with you it was something about your frame. They said it disappeared along with the items on it." Lily looked down a little up set that they lost it.

"Toonie did it have a tracker on it?" Toon bot nods and brings up a compass that pointed to its direction, "bring up its cam display." With little lag and a choppy footage return, I could see it was in the repair shop with it's blades ready to kill a repair man. "Toonie have it stand down!" With a shocked expression the command went through and the blade disappeared, "now have it return to the repair shop and turn off the cloaking. In fact put it in stand by till a actual threat is here." Toon bot nods and the feed shows the exoskeleton return to the place it woke up and let its cloaking field turn off. As a repair boy walked by and dropped his work too scream. "Toonie open the coms" with the quick nod a little microphone and speaker appeared under him. "Sorry to scare you I didn't mean to." The boy fell as he watched terrified at this mystery of a machine.