
ROB System: Watch me get stronger

Follow a young woman as she visits various worlds and wrecks various harems. Harem full of handsome Male Leads? Please Protagonist leave some for other people as well. Harem full of beautiful Female Leads? Protagonist can't you see I am trying to help you spend time with your one true love. Me having a harem? People can't you see how hard it is for me to spend my time with even one person. Hush, hush go away.

TheGeniuses · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Meeting the Aides

After an exhausting day relieving her childhood, Chen Feng Mian slept like a stone that night. When she woke up in the morning, she felt refreshed. It was a stark contrast to her previous life where she would be woken up by the annoying sound of an alarm clock. She can't quite remember the last time she was able to wake up on her own.

Once again she has breakfast with her aunt and cousins before heading to the City Lord's Manor. She feels quite a bit excited as she is driven to the Manor. It is her very first project and gives her quite a bit of nostalgia from her previous life. As stressful as it was to lead and initiate such projects, it was satisfying to see everything come together and it gave her a sense of fulfillment.

And so the journey passed by like a dream as Chen Feng Mian was indulging herself in the bitter sweet nostalgia. When they arrived at the City Lord's Manor, she was greeted by an excited and nervous Ye Han. That boy didn't often show his true feelings and thought and though he was still young he was a master of disguise. However as Chen Feng Mian looked at him she saw him she felt that this excitement and nervousness he was displaying was real.

When he greeted her, he smiled gently as usual but still couldn't hide his excitement and nervousness from her. He walked in a more irregular pace than he did the previous day and his eyes weren't able to hide his feelings either.

Compared to how he behaved yesterday, Chen Feng Mian found his current attitude more genuine and comfortable. He looked very cute and behaved more like a child. It seems like his guard was temporary lowered due to his excitement and nervousness and that had to mean something. After all even when they were playing yesterday, it didn't feel like he was playing with them as another child but rather an adult playing with children.

With the comparison in mind, Chen Feng Mian couldn't help but want to see him like this more often. After all as his fiancee, she should be able to make him feel more comfortable. At least she didn't want him to be on guard the entire time. It isn't going to end well to be that guarded all the time especially as a kid. However she could understand why he was like that. It wasn't long ago that he was thrown into an entirely different environment from what he had previously known. From struggling on his own in poverty until his talent was recognized to being part of nobility where words were more deadly than poison. He truly never felt secure at least not enough to let his guard down. When he wasn't physically struggling to survive, he was engaged in the mental battles of the nobility.

Ye Zong not really having time for either of his children didn't really help either. This resulted in Chen Feng Mian having different feelings towards Ye Han. On the one hand as someone who has been an adult before, she pitied his situation in which he never lets his guard down. On the other hand as someone who is currently a child, she admired him for holding on so well even though it would result in his death in the future.

Both of the children being preoccupied with their own thoughts, steadily made their way to the office of the aides and there they were met with two stern looking men who greeted them with a bow. Though they were older than the two children, they were standing in front of the future City Lord and his fiancee. Although they were to entertain the children with a project, they would have to do on their own later on, they had to greet them with respect.

"Greeting to Young Master Ye and Young Miss Chen!" They greeted loudly at the same time.

In return Chen Feng Mian and Ye Han bowed as well though not as low. After the greeting was done, the two men continued by introducing themselves. The slightly taller one introduced himself as Ye Mu and the other as Ye Heng.

Now knowing their names, Chen Feng Mian said "Thank you Mr. Mu and Mr. Heng for helping us. I hope we can all work well together." Ye Han gave a nod in agreeance with what she said.

With the formalities out of the way, all four of them sat around a table as Ye Mu brought a sheet of paper and started briefing them in. They were given 300'000 Demon Spirit Coins as their capital funding for their project and should it be successful they would get more money and would be allowed to continue. They weren't given any land, stores or stalls, it would be their own responsibility to handle those problems. Additionally only Ye Heng and Ye Mu will be offering their services for them, if they need more help they will have hire those people.

With such conditions, it was no wonder that children failed to do anything. Even though the money seemed like a lot, they didn't have anything else to start with. They didn't have any land or manual labour. They would have to take care of everything on their own. The possibility of getting scammed multiple times before even being able to finish building a house or anything of the sort was high. This was very clear for Ye Han. Even he felt overwhelmed with everything, they would have to do before they could properly start.

And in that moment Chen Feng Mian asked a decisive question ever so innocently "Mr. Mu and Mr. Heng what will you be able to help us with?"

This stunned everyone else in the room. Ye Han was surprised as he hadn't considered their help in the first place. He believed after briefing them in, they would only observe them for the side, report about what they were doing and pick up the shambles they would leave behind. Ye Mu and Ye Heng were surprised as they weren't aware of any case in which the children wouldn't blindly dive into their work. Usually they wouldn't remember that they had their family's advisors by their sides until it is too late. It seemed like these two children were different.

"We are able to act as your hands. We can advise you, do the logistics and administrations and help you with anything that is within our usual service to the family."