
Roaming the Cultivation Realm

Ryuuku was your average Otaku but one-day misfortune fell on him while he was asleep and he died. But this wasn't the end of his story and he will rise above all others. Now his name is Xia Lin and he will travel all around the cultivation realm to be at the top of all of them. Guys if you are the owner of this picture then tell me so I can change it back.

JustACommonReader · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs



I smiled at the thought of having 3 or 4 wishes and thought over the things that I wanted. I wanted things that could help me in the long run. I wanted more time to think about this.

"Hey Samael, I need time to think about this," I said to him. He just smiled at me and nodded, he replied with a, "Sure, you can think over it. Take all the time that need." I thanked him and proceeded to think of a plan that can help me in the long run.

I'll need knowledge of everything about cultivation so that'll be one of my wishes. I need something that can guide me too like a system but doesn't have an AI more like the Library of Heaven's Path. I need something that can train me too and that will be with me everywhere, more like the time chamber in dragon ball but with energy in it so I can cultivate.

I've decided on what I want my wishes to be. I smiled and said to Samael, "Hey Sam, I've decided. I've thought of this and I'm sure of what I want them to be so don't persuade me to change them."

Samael just looked at me with a surprised look and said, "Oh? You thought of this so quickly, I thought it would be longer than that. So what will it be?" I just smiled at him and said, "I want a system that has no AI and it's used to be like the Library of Heaven's Path with the [Observe] Skill from the Gamer. That is wish 1."

Samael just smiled and said, "Oh so you really did think this through. I never thought that you would be a smart one. Well, give me the other 2 wishes so we can be done with it." I felt insulted with what he said and just gave a deadpan so he doesn't give me a tantrum if I throw a fit at him.

I just dryly said to him, "Ha ha ha, so funny Samael. I'll just give you the rest of the wishes so we'll be done here-" Before I could even finish what I wanted to say to him he interrupted me and said, "Awwwww you want to get rid of me this fast?"

I just couldn't help but give an unamused look at him and say, "Well with your charred face who would want to stay here and look at you? Let me just finish my wishes and let us be done here." As I finish saying that he gave me a look that looks like he was insulted.

I just shrugged it off and said, "Well my second wish is; I want all the knowledge about alchemy, body strengthening, inscriptions, arrays, books, and manuals that's related to cultivation in every world that I go to." He then gave me an impressed look and then waved his hand as if to say 'Go on'.

I smiled at him and said, "For my third wish, I want a training chamber that is like the one from dragon ball and I want it to have different energies and I want it to be attached to my soul or make it like it was my inner world. Make it that when I use it, it wouldn't have a two-time use only but an indefinite amount of uses."

His impressed look increased and his smile turned into a grin and then urged me to go on. Before I continued where I left off I asked him if I still have the fourth wish or not but he said that he'll give me this one.

This left me quite excited because I have an idea of what my fourth wish could be. I hurriedly said to him, "Really? Don't you dare take back your word! I want my fourth wish to be to have companions even while world jumping." He gave me an amused look and said, "So predictable."

I couldn't help but give a "Hey!" to him but he just completely ignored that. Just as I was complaining to him. I heard a-


Fuck! I hated that sound. I turned towards Samael who just gave an innocent look that looks weird with a charred face. I just gave him the middle finger and then listened to my system.

[Cultivation System is fusing with host's soul please wait]





[Ding! Cultivation System fusing with the host's soul is Complete]

I just can't help the feeling of getting excited. This is a system we're talking about. My very own system! I couldn't help but shout, "Status!"


Name: Ryuuku

Status: Healthy

Cultivation: None

Skills: None

Items: None

I couldn't stop staring at it due to it being different than the ones that I've read while I was still alive. I turned to Samael who was laughing, I couldn't help but ask what was funny and he just replied that I was just so weak.

I just sighed and said that he was being a dick about it and he just replied with a "So what?"

I tried to use the Library of Heaven's Path skill of the system and I was happy about it but when I went deeper into the library I noticed something was wrong with my library. I couldn't find my Golden Page! I couldn't help but scream, "System! Where's my Golden Page!?"


[The Golden Page of the Library was taken away by Samael. If the host wants to ask more about this, please ask Samael who is beside host]

I couldn't help but be shocked. I looked at Samael who was beside me and glared at him. I asked him in an angry tone, "Where's my Golden Page?"

He just smiled and replied to me, "Oh, I took it." And he just stopped there! I couldn't help but be angry at this asshole. I just tried to be calm and ask him why he did that but it wasn't even working. He just replied with a, "You might get too overpowered at the beginning with that so I took it but you can now use the Book of Heaven's Path as a navigator through all the books in the library."

This calmed me down but I was still angry and I couldn't help but try to get this over with. So I asked him, "So what world am I gonna go to first?"

He just created a portal and shoved me into while saying, "Against the Gods and good luck!"

I couldn't help but shout, "YOU BASSSSSSS--------------"

Guys, please leave any comments and add this to your library cause I'll be publishing chapters daily.

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